Best Place To Buy Feeder Insects? AUS


Juvie Member
Okay, so the insects arrived one day after ordering (this is within the Sydney metro area, so other areas may differ in time) and the insects were within a zip-locked, canvas bag. Inside was an egg-crate with shredded carrot and what I assume to be dry pellets of some kind, along with hundreds upon hundreds of crickets! I thusly highly recommend Cricket King ^_^


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Okay thank you! I did manage to find a website on my own it is cheap and has Woodies. It's called Biosupplies I bought off them and they came in egg crates in a sack and are doing very well!


Juvie Member
TheBeardedSaint":1no0vfyu said:
Okay thank you! I did manage to find a website on my own it is cheap and has Woodies. It's called Biosupplies I bought off them and they came in egg crates in a sack and are doing very well!

Do you know if they use that gelled water at any stage in the insect's growth?

My opinion of LiveFoods is that they aren't too bad, though they are pretty damn expensive with all their handling fees. Plus they only post on Tuesdays. I think I'll start only using Cricket King and BioSupplies from now on...


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
No, I'm not sure whether they used Gelled Water. They are pretty cheap though got 1200 woodies for $99.94 which was a lot cheaper then what I was buying 250 for $60 (not sure how to reply still new here)


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
phobosdthorga":3r1ynn9v said:
TheBeardedSaint":3r1ynn9v said:
Okay thank you! I did manage to find a website on my own it is cheap and has Woodies. It's called Biosupplies I bought off them and they came in egg crates in a sack and are doing very well!

Do you know if they use that gelled water at any stage in the insect's growth?

My opinion of LiveFoods is that they aren't too bad, though they are pretty damn expensive with all their handling fees. Plus they only post on Tuesdays. I think I'll start only using Cricket King and BioSupplies from now on...

I do not know whether or not they used gelled water. I do find them a lot cheaper though used to pay around $60 for 250 bought 1200 of them for $99.94


Juvie Member
I go to petbarm and get packet of about 30 small crickets for about $5, a tub of about 150 meal worms for $22 and small tub of about 60 woodies at $7 :) so with left over woodies you can put them in a small mouse cage and rebreed them, or can let them grow and they than turn into woodies eventually :) because the meal worm cycle goes ----> meal worms into woodies into crickets

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