I think its a great idea! I'd be up for it. Any location would be good!
SugaReina":8818d said:NEW YORK CITY!!!
ajkry2":49f3b said::mrgreen: I'm in saint louis and I'm down to roadtrip with sahara to wherever!
daydreamer4186":68e78 said:I think this is an awesome idea! I would like to put in my vote for California for the west coast! Preferably close to the bay area but anywhere in Cali could be doable for me and my boyfriend and, of course, our beardies!
SugaReina":eee53 said:I LOVE this idea! We can all wear name tags with our usernames on them! Count me in!
Cute! I love the shirt idea!VEGASLIZARD":fd665 said:Well, I vote for California for West coast. We drove out for the NARBC and that was so worth it. I wouldn't vote for Vegas because I wouldn't want my friends to loose their beardie's college savings at the tables. LOL I think having it coordinate with a reptile show is a very good idea. Then we can all wear t-shirts to the reptile show and show our beardie spirit!