annual meeting/ convention

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Juvie Member
Count me in for the west coast one! Anywhere in California will work for us. Would love to put faces to all the names!!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
lol thank you so much for the ideas keep them coming im in talks with the mods so hopefully we can make this happen but it cant get to that point without all of you so thank you for the support and ideas but please keep them coming thanks
that would be fun if there was one or two up in canada. Problem is that I'm really far northern alberta, and would hope they would have one on the west coast or something like that in canada. Long drive to the biggest city, so if there is one on the west end of canada, then i'm in for sure.

gulfbrzdawn Addict
HYPO... where in south FL are you?

I actually like the Pensacola, FL meeting place(only because I live 15 miles from Pensacola :lol: )


Juvie Member
AH! This is such an amazing idea!! :love5:
I vote for Chicago! Anywhere in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri or Mighigan would be awesome for the midwest I think :mrgreen: (Maybe St. Louis? Indianapolis? Or Louisville also?)

It would be so incredibly epic to have everyone together! Plus, we can recruit other beardie owners to join our forum, and spread the goodness of beardies to those who don't have them (yet)!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

beardie Sicko
Staff member
Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
Hehehe. That would be a pretty neat idea. :) I'm not sure if we quite have THAT many members visitors (especially being all so spread out)... but it would certainly be a really fun thing! :)


Gray-bearded Member
It's kind of hard not to suggest your own home town.... especially when you live somewhere that everyone wants to go to anyway :mrgreen: San Diego is awesome, the weather never really gets crappy, but I think I would have to vote for somewhere that I have never been to.

So my picks are:

California (doesn't matter where)
Kansas City... you can't go wrong with a city that is right smach dab in the middle of the country. Besides I have family there so I could kill two birds in one stone. And I can drive there in 26 hours, so it's all good :D


Sub-Adult Member
I think if it was organized around a reptile show so that people could go the the show and then we could have some activities for members in the evening. Like a planned mixer at a club like they do for high school reunions. Depending on the time of year activities could be something as simple as a park picnic or planned lunch near the convention hall. I think the less formal the better, that way it wouldn't have too much additional cost besides the travel expense.

beardie Sicko
Staff member
Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
VEGASLIZARD: Now THAT is a great idea. I agree that if it were scheduled to be around the same time as a major reptile convention, it would be more appealing to people who don't live in the local area to come out for it.

I do think a single central one is not likely to succeed very well, though. I think most people would be willing to travel a short distance (i.e. driving), but paying for a flight and/or hotel... even I might have hesitation for a convention just for this site (no offense). But if it were timed with something else, that is related... I think more people might be willing to do put in a little more effort/expense.

So, does anyone know of the still active largest reptile expos? I know that IRBA used to have one of the largest in San Diego every year, but I don't think they're around (couldn't find anything current and their old website is no longer online).


Juvie Member
Original Poster
wow that is a good idea i do shows all over any way maybe we could set up and apoint certin people in a state to set up a table or both at a show in they"re state and then arrange the after show event i for one would love to do that i go all over florida to every show here so for instance i could set up a table next to ours with the bearded dragon .org banner and flyers promoting the site and any members could come to the booth hang out and meet other members sign there names to let us know who made it and find out about the after show events like dinners or whatever it is we decide that way every state could have a get to gether of members and this would also pull in new members i kinda did that at the west palm show but i just had a piece of paper with the web site name on it above our dragon bin justr so local people would know where to find me lol but this would be on a way bigger scale
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