Bearded dragon active and pooping but not interested in eating…


Beardie name(s)
I have had Nova since 2017 and she was an adult when I got her…so idk how old she is! She used to be interested in food but it feels like forever now that she’s not interested in it! She will eat some super worms once in a while but she ignores the salads (arugula, with vitamins and calcium(flavored), carrots, cucumbers, watermelon, banana, blueberry, baby food)(these are just some things i have tried) I put in her enclosure! Her lighting has remained basically the same since I got her! When I take her out she’s active and moving and tries going to the bathroom whenever she can! I’m not sure what to do anymore! Any suggestions or criticisms would be appreciated!


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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
I have had Nova since 2017 and she was an adult when I got her…so idk how old she is! She used to be interested in food but it feels like forever now that she’s not interested in it! She will eat some super worms once in a while but she ignores the salads (arugula, with vitamins and calcium(flavored), carrots, cucumbers, watermelon, banana, blueberry, baby food)(these are just some things i have tried) I put in her enclosure! Her lighting has remained basically the same since I got her! When I take her out she’s active and moving and tries going to the bathroom whenever she can! I’m not sure what to do anymore! Any suggestions or criticisms would be appreciated!
They all go into a slow down period of eating very little in the winter - as long as her surface basking temps are good and on par and her UVB is good w/ correct placement distance as well and NOT expired she will be fine- keep her hydrated and watch her weight - if shes losing a lot of weight I would get a fecal into the vet for a parasite test NO enemas -

AHBD Sicko
Can you postt a few pics of her and her enclosure ? So she's at least 6 yrs. old, maybe more but it could be 9,10 or so. Try offering the arugula by holding it near her mouth, waving it a little . Try the same thing with other leafy greens if you can get them, kale, collards, dandelion.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Can you postt a few pics of her and her enclosure ? So she's at least 6 yrs. old, maybe more but it could be 9,10 or so. Try offering the arugula by holding it near her mouth, waving it a little . Try the same thing with other leafy greens if you can get them, kale, collards, dandelion.
I plan on getting her a 75 gallon because I know this one is too small! she always closes her eyes when i offer her food. i’ll add the picture to the post! :)

AHBD Sicko
Her body condition looks good. Offer her a little hydration dripped on the snout slowly or give her a 5 minute lukewarm soak if you haven't in a while. Other than that, has she ever brumated ? Her lethargy might be related to this time of year.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Her body condition looks good. Offer her a little hydration dripped on the snout slowly or give her a 5 minute lukewarm soak if you haven't in a while. Other than that, has she ever brumated ? Her lethargy might be related to this time of year.
I can’t really tell! she gets lazier in the winter but I feel she is still pretty active and moving around! Even in the summer she wasn’t that interested in food!

AHBD Sicko
Well she is older and if she's not losing weight then it may just be that whatever she is eating right now is sufficient for her.
If she starts losing weight then a vet check might be in order though.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

She looks lovely! As AHBD stated, if she isn't losing weight but just a bit lazy or slown down, it's very
likely that she is going through a normal winter phase that many of them go through.
In the years you have had her, has she ever laid any eggs?
Has she exhibited a black beard at all?



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

She looks lovely! As AHBD stated, if she isn't losing weight but just a bit lazy or slown down, it's very
likely that she is going through a normal winter phase that many of them go through.
In the years you have had her, has she ever laid any eggs?
Has she exhibited a black beard at all?

Hello! thank you! I believe she laid eggs once or twice for me! Is that normal? Yes, she will get a black beard when she’s annoyed or upset! But she’s usually just her normal color!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

They may not lay eggs at all, but many of them do. It can be normal for them not to lay many clutches of
eggs in a life time. How long has it been since she has laid eggs?
They definitely can turn their beards dark at times, trying to get their way.

Let us know how she is doing.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
It’s been a couple years now since she laid eggs! I made an appt for February…but if anything changes until then I will bring her in!

Thank you for your help! I really appreciate it! She ate some super worms yesterday!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Oh ok, well that probably isn't the issue then, eggs. She may not lay anymore eggs now. A lot of them
stop laying after a certain age, but some lay eggs for longer periods of time.
That's great she did eat some superworms then, hopefully her appetite will start to come back more.



Try lining the bottom layer of her feeding bowl with a staple insect like BFSL or you can try worms. Then add the salad leaves on top. The movement of the worms should be enough to stir Novas appetite. She’ll need to get through her salad to get to the worms! Hope it helps! She’s beautiful too!


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Try lining the bottom layer of her feeding bowl with a staple insect like BFSL or you can try worms. Then add the salad leaves on top. The movement of the worms should be enough to stir Novas appetite. She’ll need to get through her salad to get to the worms! Hope it helps! She’s beautiful too!
Hello! thank you so much! i really appreciate the help! i’ll definitely be trying this! :)

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Please keep us updated on your girl! She should be just fine. Have you tried bee pollen to help
with her appetite?


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