
  1. LarryTheLizard

    Help! What are these in my male western fence lizard’s tank??

    I’ve had Larry for more than a year, he is a western fence lizard and I caught him near a lake. He has a heat lamp, he has plenty of beetles and mealworms, plenty of place to hide and dig, and he’s been acting weird. he randomly digs into the corner of the tank, he tried to dig under the side...
  2. neelaluoma

    Bearded dragon active and pooping but not interested in eating…

    I have had Nova since 2017 and she was an adult when I got her…so idk how old she is! She used to be interested in food but it feels like forever now that she’s not interested in it! She will eat some super worms once in a while but she ignores the salads (arugula, with vitamins and...
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