Ava Update

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BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Honestly I'm really hoping for the hornworms or silks or butters to do the trick. I can live with spending the extra cash on those feeders if it means she'll eat.

My only concern is that she's an insectivore not eating insects. Granted the mango will get calcium and vitamins into her, but it is not a part of her diet at all.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Hope you can get her to eat something so at least you can get some supplements into her. Good luck.


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Thanks, Diane. She used to like the hornworms so maybe she will love them again tomorrow.

Thanks, Jolene, and I know you speak from personal experiences. My worst fault is that I'm pessimistic and everyone on my end is saying you'll probably have to make the tough choice and put her down and I'm scared that it might come to that. I don't want her living off a syringe food that's not even part of her diet. I want what's best for her and I'm hoping I can do it for her.


Gray-bearded Member
Don't be any sort of negative emotion until you know what's going on on Thursday. For now you need to focus on getting something into her, Horns, Silks, Butters or baby food. Don't focus on anything else but that until Thursday and the tests happen to determine what is really going on.


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Easier said then done. I've been a pessimist for a very long time and it is neither something I am proud of nor is it easy for me to break - I've tried.


Gray-bearded Member
I'm the same. :) I know it's hard, but you need to really try for Ava and just dedicate yourself to getting her to eat something.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
What about Repashy, Liz, I know it's a complete protein/fruit for crested geckos, I'll check to see if they have it for leos, too. You can make it thick and dab it on her nose. I'll check & get back to you.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator

So that's the one for leos & other geckos that eat insects. It might help to give it to her when she doesn't want to eat anything else. I've been told that geckos shouldn't get anything fruit-wise, especially babyfood as it's all suger. So maybe this will help. It's a powder you mix with water, but you can make it very thick & put it on her nose to lick off. Maybe it's a solution for Ava for now.

Poor girl, hope the bugs that come in help her, too. Good luck on Thursday, keep us all updated.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Make it really thick so you can put it on her nose. It seems to have everything a leo needs. I have the crested gecko repashy, could never get Bunny to eat it, so I put it on the crickets instead for both of them. One time calcium, the rest Repashy. Seems to work, they seem very healthy.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I don't see why not, the carnivore care especially has 20% protein and I'm sure the bee pollen would be good for any animal. You're seeing the vet tomorrow night to pass it by her, too.
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