Adventures of (: *UPDATE - help? - pictures!*

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This is the thread about my two favorite little Beardie, Fiz :D And his brother KD
"Your hand is nice and cozy... I think I like you!"

He's giving me the stinkeye "Get that camera out of my face before I eat it AND you"

He's such a sweetheart! I love him a lot & I love Bearded Dragons now!


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Well at first, my mom said no. She said it was a waste to make one when I had my 40 gallon. But, I can't keep my 40 gal on my dresser forever, so I would have to pay to build a stand for it. Well, the stand would cost as much money as it would to build a custom melamine viv to fit in my wall. Then I told her I'd clean out my closet so I can store my 40 gallon breeder in there. I REFUSE to sell my 40 gal or give it away because I just know that I'm going to end up with another critter, most likely a BD. Knowing me, I'll come home with a BD rescue or something that I couldn't refuse, and I'll need a tank for it. So, it'll collect dust in my closet until I need to use it. :D

KD's viv is almost finished. I gave my parents a list of the lamps they needed, and the bulbs. My mom called me just a few minutes ago (she knows that it's important to me to have the Reptisun 10.0 linear tube in there for KD) and asked me if she could just buy a ReptiGlo 18 inch linear tube so that we wouldn't have to order a bulb online. I nearly just flipped out. I was like "NO! REPTIGLOS ARE HORRIBLE. OMG NO" haha. They're getting some linoleum today and hopefully KD can move into his new tank soon.

My Dad won't start building Fiz's viv until he's completely finished with KD's. KD's is finished, we just need to install the lamps and bulbs and linoleum and we're all good. We actually just bought him a new rock (I believe it's acrylic) today, so that he'll have something to play on in his new viv. I'm happy that energetic KD will be able to spread his legs out and run! Fiz will be happy to have his big 40 gal all to himself. It's going to be so cute to see him run around happily, free of KD, his enemy. LOL!

Here's what my viv will look like. It's going to be nearly the same as KD's viv. In both my room and my brother's room, there's a shelf built into the wall. That's where our TV's go. My brother got a TV you can mount on the wall, so his shelf is empty, therefore we built a viv to fit in there. I'm going to put my TV on my dresser (eventually I'll get a TV that can mount on the wall as well) so that we can put Fiz's new viv in the wall. My viv is going to have four white melamine sides (back wall, floor, and two side walls), an aluminum screened-top, and double hinged glass doors on the front. I can use everything in my 40 gallon for the new tank (all my bulbs & lamps, including my reptisun bulb & fixture), and Fiz's rock, ramp, and hammock. I'm going to get a pretty linoleum for the bottom, and then it'll be complete! Eventually I'll make some new grout & styrofoam rocks. But that won't be till summer. So in my brother's room, there's a custom viv. Soon, in my room, there will be one too!

Sorry if I wrote a lot. I'm just so excited that I'm going to have a new custom viv for Fiz!

I don't know any other girl my age that would be so excited to have a new cage for her lizard! LOL! I just love Fiz so much and I'm happy he'll be in a nicer living space! :D :D :D


Juvie Member
Congrats! I can't wait to see it, that's so nice your parents are helping :D

(You posted 2 pictures a bit ago of KD and Fiz, just thought I'd add that I have almost identical ones of my Felix sleeping vertically against the wall and another of when he managed to pull up the same style shelf liner- silly boys!)


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Aw! Its so funny, the things they do. They have little human personalities like cuddling up to sleep and having favorite foods.

Yeah im happy that Fiz will get a new custom viv. KD actually just moved into his new viv a few hours ago. He loves it! The linoleum stinks though because he slides like he's on ice, so we may replace that. Fiz has been going crazy in his 40gal. He never had it to himself before. He loves the extra space!

Since KD's viv is done my dad is going to start Fiz's later this week! Im paying for it and he will build it. Ill upload pics soon!


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Hi everybody! I'll just give a quick update on Fiz & KD...

Fiz is happy to have his 40 gal all to himself. I just know he'll be SUPER happy once he gets his newer viv (which is to be built soon) Oh yeah, small revision, I'm just going to get the sliding plexiglass that KD's viv has. I like it more than I did before :wink: But anyway, I'm reliving the same temperature issues as I did before when KD and Fiz were sharing the same living space. My temps are only getting to 92 F at the highest. The cool side is ranging from 75-80. This basking bulb isn't very good for heating a large space. I'll probably have to buy a new one for Fiz. :? I raised his hammock and put his ramp under it so he can get himself up and down easily, and that upped the basking spot temp a few degrees. He seems to be enjoying it. Since the ambient temp of the tank is a little lower than it should be, Fiz won't leave the hot side. Hopefully I'll be able to buy my hotter bulb tomorrow. But Fiz was chilling on my shoulder while I cleaned my room yesterday, and today he was sitting on me while we watched TV and then he pooped on my shirt. Of course. It was not very pleasant. So I put Fiz back in his viv and changed my shirt. Yuck! But overall he's doing good.

Is a 100 watt bulb a good wattage for a basking spot around 20 inches away?

KD is doing pretty good. He's happier now that he can run around and stretch his legs in his new viv. The temperatures a really great in there. 103 F basking spot / 83 F cool side. He's enjoying it a lot. We got him a new cave and it's really big and roomy both inside and on the top. He loves to play and hide and eat his green beans inside of the cave. And when he gets a little cool he goes on top of the rock and basks. I ordered KD's new Reptisun 10.0 yesterday. I ordered an 18 inch one and we got an 18 inch fixture. He won't be more than 5 days without UVB. I think the delivery date for the bulb is Wednesday. I ordered from


Extreme Poster
I just got a new 40g breeder for Ginger, and her basking lamp is a 100 watt but I have it on a dimmer. I got a $10 dimmer from Lowes and I have it dimming the 100 watt just a little bit until it went down to 105 degrees directly under it. What watt bulb do you have?

Our Chief has a 4x2x2 viv and it has the sliding plexi doors as well. Because we are in Florida and we are very humid here, we have to crack both sides about 1/2" to keep the humidity under 40%. The sliding doors are not that easy to open and Chief hasn't gotten out, so that is cool.

Hope you get your viv soon. HAHA about the poop. My leopard gecko got me last night. :angry5: :lol:


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Well i dont have a dimmer and i have so many wires and cords and outlets that i get so confused with, that i couldnt hook up a dimmer even if i tried. Now my timers programs got messed up so now i have to go and reprogram that thing so its going to be a challenge.

I may just buy 75 watt and see how that goes. Or the next wattage under 100. Any suggestions as to what brand i should buy? I have a Zilla now and im unhappy with it. I like Zillas products except for their bulbs. I may just buy the generic basking bulb brand because i dont need anything special just heat and light and id rather not spend a bunch of money.


Sub-Adult Member
I like the ZooMed basking bulbs, I have tried regular household bulbs and none get hot enough for Tyrus' tank. Hoodoo likes a cooler basking temp so I use a 100w regular household bulb.

As for the flooring I really love the "smooth top" non adhesive shelf liner. Easy to clean and replace and really affordable! Both my juvie Tyrus and my senior Hoodoo have no trouble with slippage on it. If I remember correctly you have used it before.



Hatchling Member
Hey pumpkin I thought I would give my two cents worth on the lights. My babies all have different lights. Like willow has a 55 watt spot light that works great. And I got it at Walmart. And Taggert and Alani have a 65 watt flood that for there viv works great. And they were both like between 5 and 7 dollars. The one I had that is a heat light I think zoomed, never seemed to work for the 40 gal breeder tank I got. So for all ten of my kids they have different lights bought at Walmart. Lol so there's my two cents worth. :)


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I got a 100 watt Zoo Med Basking Spot bulb today but it's too hot so my mom is going to return it tomorrow for me and buy a 75 watt instead. I like the bulb it's just a bit too hot. I think the 75 will work better, though. So wish me luck on that!

Today I bought the Zoo Med bulb (which is being returned), a Zilla thermometer with probe, and crickets. The bulb was for Fiz, the probe is for KD, and the crickets were for both of them.

Here's a story today that I'm not very happy to share :?. Well my Zoo Med bulb (identical to the one I bought today) was WAY hotter than I thought it was. I took temps yesterday throughout the day and they were steady and at the right degree. But then today I took a temp check with the new Zilla probe and it was 117 DEGREES!!! That's crazy! Poor KD was under his rock, probably trying to escape from the heat. I immediately shut off the light and put a much lower bulb in there for him. KD was much more active and happy in his new viv when the temps weren't soaring like that. Poor buddy. At least his temps are at 90 F for a little while before I can get the appropriate temperatures going.

Fiz's face is shedding now (yay! happy colors!) and I helped him buy pulling out his nose plugs a little while ago (he HATES those so much, so I always pull them out when they're ready) and then left him to get the rest off himself (I dripped a little water on his head to try and loosen the shed a bit. Head sheds are always hard to get off for Fiz).

Tomorrow my dad is going to get some supplies for Fiz's viv! I'm really super duper excited! I'm going to pick out some nice linoleum tiles for Fiz's viv. It's going to be awesome!

I'm still sad because of that craigslist beardie boy. He looked so sad in his tiny tank, with sand, and little light bulb. I want to take him in so bad, but the only way I'd be able to do that is if I had 27597302501 bins full of crickets like rchick. Oh well, I can't save every animal even though I'd love to. :( At least I have Fiz and KD, that's enough :D


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Today I exchanged my 100watt for a 75watt. I'm pretty happy with it. The highest temperature at the moment 95, but I think that's alright because I can always have the night light bulb on when it gets chilly. There's no wattage between 75 and 100 so I guess the 75 will have to do, especially since I prefer 95 F over 117 F any day! Fiz is back to using his Zilla Blue Day bulb, since the 75 watt can hardly heat his 40 breeder to 85 F. He's fairing pretty well with it.

KD has been a little concerning lately. He's been going in the very back of his large and roomy cave and he's just been sitting in there, not basking. I measured the temps in there and they were in the 80's. He can so easily go to the other side of the tank if it's too warm for him, but 95 F is pretty low for a basking temp so he really shouldn't be overheating or anything. Did the 117 F affect him at all from the other day, could that possibly be the problem? He's long since cooled down. We have a towel underneath the rock to give him some comfort but other than that he's a cave-potato! He comes out as soon as cricket walks by the opening of the cave, but then he'll eat a bite or two of salad and then return to his "lair". Any ideas to what's wrong with him? Oh, he doesn't have UVB by the way, could that be the problem? The bulb is scheduled to come on Friday, but I can hold him under Fiz's UVB for a little while if you think that will be okay. Opinions??

My dad began building my viv! Yay! I was just outside and he was cutting the melamine! I'm super excited! Fiz should be able to move in this weekened! I'm going to the hardware store tomorrow with my mom to pick out some linoleum tiles for the new viv!

My dad is giving me the option of buying a basking rock, or for him to make a platform in the back corner of the viv. The platform will be permanent, whereas the rock wouldn't. Which should I do? Quick replies, please! I need to know by tomorrow because if I choose the platform he has to put it in there before it's finished! :D

Oh yeah, and Fiz is done shedding. He's shedded everything! I'm so happy. He's bursting with color!


Extreme Poster
Maybe one day you can get a dimmer and put the 100 watt and dim it down to the exact temp you want. We dim ours to the exact degree. Pretty cool.

EPIC about the viv parts. You are super lucky your Dad can build that for you! One day you could be building them yourself.... :wink: I know if my Dad could do stuff like that I would just have to learn I could have even MORE beardies. HAHAHAHA



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Well I just returned the 100 watt today and got a 75 watt :? Can a dimmer be placed on my current clamp lamp? Is my Zoo Med Basking Spot Bulb a dimmable bulb or do I have to buy a different kind? Any idea of how much a dimmer would cost?


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ShannyBeard, never mind the questions above about the dimmer. The 75 watt is perfect! I had the probe in the wrong spot and it was reading 93, but then I moved it to the center beam of the light and it was 100.2! Yay!

Anyways, my viv is looking great! My dad has the floor and three walls built. He's going to make the plexiglass door today and hopefully attatch the screen. I'm going to the hardware store today to get some nice linoleum tiles so that we can make them "grippable" in advance. The linoleum is slippery and KD had NO traction at all when hunting crickets. It was actually funny because he slipped around so much as if he were on ice. His legs were a blur! I mix mod podge with this paint grit stuff and then paint it over the surface of the linoleum. It looks exactly like the unpainted one because the stuff dries clear and the gritty stuff is clear. It gives them a really nice grip and it's easy to clean, too.

The 75 watt is PERFECT! I measured KD's temps today. 83 on the cool side, 100-103 on the hot side. I learned that the melamine holds heat amazingly. It stayed a toasty in there all night. It doesn't heat my 40 gallon too well (only 89 degrees) because the glass doesn't hold heat as well as the melamine. So i just used a 75 watt night glo bulb and that boosted it to 97.


Extreme Poster
Oh, yeah that makes sense about the Melamine. I hadn't thought about it holding heat differently than glass. Interesting - I will keep that in mind. We only have one custom melamine viv so far and the rest are in glass 40g and 30g breeders. I am dreaming of the day we will have bigger vivs for these guys and I want to put geckos in their old vivs. :D


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The melamine is awesome! It holds heat SUPER well, and by that, I mean all night too! That means you can buy lower wattage bulbs, and lower wattage bulbs are cheaper so you're saving some money there. I also LOVE the white of the melamine. It reflects the light a little and makes it bright in there (not like hurt-your-eyes bright, but you won't have to worry about one side of the viv being dark like a glass tank). I'm going to put tiles on the bottom, and on the very back wall to make it look prettier (but I'll probably put the wall tiles on next week or sometime later). But I think melamine is the best thing you can use for a viv. It's very nice!

What kind of geckos were you planning to put in the tanks if you were to move your Beardies to other vivs one day? I think leopard geckos are pretty cute. And I've always liked those green Day Geckos. I love that they can climb glass. I think they're really cute too! So one day I plan on getting a green Day Gecko. But gecko-wise, I've never had one.
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