Adventures of (: *UPDATE - help? - pictures!*

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This is the thread about my two favorite little Beardie, Fiz :D And his brother KD
"Your hand is nice and cozy... I think I like you!"

He's giving me the stinkeye "Get that camera out of my face before I eat it AND you"

He's such a sweetheart! I love him a lot & I love Bearded Dragons now!


Sub-Adult Member
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well, it was yesterday but I didn't have time to tell you guys :D 10/10/11 was when I got Fizzy and KD, so they're around a year old I'd say. they grow up so fast! :lol: They're both doing well, believe it or not I still haven't gotten my DIY rocks installed yet (sad I know) it's because I haven't gotten a chance to get some tile and basically I'm so busy right now. they're finished but I just need tile.

I can't believe my little buddies are a year old now :D

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FIZ & KD. You must be so glad they're doing well, that's such good news. You'll have to post the new stuff when you get the tile & rocks in their tanks.


Happy birthday you to little crazies, they do grow up fast don't they. I am glad to here they are doing well, Nibbler is over his funk and i will have some pics up soon. I would love to see new ones of Fiz and KD?


Sub-Adult Member
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Hey guys! long time no update! Need to get back to updating more often! Anyway...

For once, Fiz is doing great! His back is currently in shed (he sheds in patches now). And he's happy! Still haven't gotten his rocks in, trying to get my dad to help me put them in tomorrow! Fiz eats everything, even though he's still small. I want to give him super worms, but he's only 14 inches BUT he's over a year old now. Should I try them? What do you think?

As for KD... I can't say the same. He hasn't pooped and won't touch any food unless its a cricket (which I only get a 100 a week to split between the both of them). I've tried everything. He also hasn't pooped and I feel really bad because I think he's unhappy because he just lays there under his light with his eyes closed. he hasn't gone for about a week and a half. I have him a bath yesterday and some veggie oil but he won't let me give him water in his mouth like Fiz does so he's dehydrated a bit (the back of his head is sunken In a bit) Any tips? Also, he's 16 inches so can he have super worms? On the bright side he is absolutely massive, and I think once he gets back on track he's gonna grow a lot more.

well as you can see I'm always having problems with either one of them. Trying my best to keep them both happy but it's hard!

please help me guys I need answers and tips anything can help!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Sounds like KD is going through the winter slow down & yes, it will drive you nuts. As for the poop, try canned pumpkin without any spices. I use it on Rubio, as he's another non-pooper & besides the fact that he loves the stuff, the next day, guaranteed, there is a poop waiting for you. Everytime I've given any of them pumpkin because they're bound up, results the next day. I recommend it highly, more than oil or applesauce. Once you've fed him (use an oral syringe) freeze the rest in an ice cube tray, once frozen put the cubes in a freezer bag, then if you want to treat them or use as a poop treatment, you have it available. Pumpkin is really good for them, too, it's a squash. So give that a try.

I have 4 who are doing the slow down, won't eat protein, won't eat greens/veggies unless I persuade them it's a good idea. Rubio is out cold, he'll sleep for 3-4 months. I drop water on his mouth once a week to make sure he doesn't get dehydrated & it works, but then they all drink water from a syringe. The only thing you can do to prevent dehydration is to give him a 20 min bath every day, if he won't drink. You can try apple juice, too, mixed with water, he might like that. All of mine have lost weight. Didi & Leo were asleep for a week, now they're up again. Lonzo's now allowed to brumate because he has a bad lung that's not functioning (his right lung, because he kept flipping over onto his back in the spring) and Gabriel has the slow down but hasn't figured out brumation. They're all different & now that KD's a year old & a big dragon, it's not surprising. There is a great article on brumation at the top of the site that you should read, explains it all really well. And yes, they can both eat supers now, even though Fritz is under 16" long, he's a grownup. The problem with supers when they're younger is because younger beardies have a kink in their digestive system that straightens out as they get older, so they're both safe for them now.

Hope all this helps, I know how it can just bother you to not have a dragon be himself. Take care, thanks for the updates & the pics are all great!


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
wow thanks so much! :D I will definitely try the canned pumpkin! Hopefully that'll get him to go! I'm really happy to know that they both can eat super worms now. But can he still be slowing down for winter if he's not sleeping fully? He's awake most of the day



Juvie Member
Sounds like you're having the same problem as me Pumpkin, I've got Lia out cold, and Cyrus is around 14-15 months, and has slowed down much like yours, doesn't move around all day, just sits there awake. He's just slowed down and hasn't grasped brumation yet haha. He's fine though!


Gray-bearded Member
For me Zeus was slowing down I thought he was done for the winter after about 3 weeks of 6 days sleeping 1-2 days up he stayed up for a few days and he hasn't slept for like almost 2-3 weeks now it's kinda weird but I don't think he's a fan of super worms when he first started he would chow them down now he hates them but he loves Crix lol


Sub-Adult Member
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I really don't know if its him slowing down or it's because he hasn't used the bathroom. I have him pumpkin yesterday and he didn't poop today. I actually gave Fiz some too and even he didn't go. So I don't know what's up with KD. Hopefully he'll go tomorrow !

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Just give him more pumpkin tomorrow if he doesn't poop again. I always give my boys tons of the stuff right off, at least 5 to 8 ml at one go. They eat it all! So good luck, hope he poops soon.


There slow down is such a weird time hey? You just feel so bad for them, hopefully there ok and just hang in there! It would be nice if they were just crazy all year but i guess they need some down time to, :wink:
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