Sounds like KD is going through the winter slow down & yes, it will drive you nuts. As for the poop, try canned pumpkin without any spices. I use it on Rubio, as he's another non-pooper & besides the fact that he loves the stuff, the next day, guaranteed, there is a poop waiting for you. Everytime I've given any of them pumpkin because they're bound up, results the next day. I recommend it highly, more than oil or applesauce. Once you've fed him (use an oral syringe) freeze the rest in an ice cube tray, once frozen put the cubes in a freezer bag, then if you want to treat them or use as a poop treatment, you have it available. Pumpkin is really good for them, too, it's a squash. So give that a try.
I have 4 who are doing the slow down, won't eat protein, won't eat greens/veggies unless I persuade them it's a good idea. Rubio is out cold, he'll sleep for 3-4 months. I drop water on his mouth once a week to make sure he doesn't get dehydrated & it works, but then they all drink water from a syringe. The only thing you can do to prevent dehydration is to give him a 20 min
bath every day, if he won't drink. You can try apple juice, too, mixed with water, he might like that. All of mine have lost weight. Didi & Leo were asleep for a week, now they're up again. Lonzo's now allowed to brumate because he has a bad lung that's not functioning (his right lung, because he kept flipping over onto his back in the spring) and Gabriel has the slow down but hasn't figured out brumation. They're all different & now that KD's a year old & a big dragon, it's not surprising. There is a great article on brumation at the top of the site that you should read, explains it all really well. And yes, they can both eat supers now, even though Fritz is under 16" long, he's a grownup. The problem with supers when they're younger is because younger beardies have a kink in their digestive system that straightens out as they get older, so they're both safe for them now.
Hope all this helps, I know how it can just bother you to not have a dragon be himself. Take care, thanks for the updates & the pics are all great!