1 year old beardie not eating

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My beardie is a year old now and hasn’t eaten properly for the last couple of weeks. She loved worms and now won’t even look at them. Every now and then she may eat one locust. She won’t eat salad and never really has. We offer it everyday and change the variety. She has recently got a new tank as we got my dragons. I’m wondering if she is depressed? And if so how can I help her. She hasn’t lost any weight and is still healthy. The only way sometimes to get her to eat is to put it in her mouth which then she does eat. She has recently laid some eggs so I also wonder this could be part of it? looking at pictures her eggs are more jelly rather than individual eggs is this normal?
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BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
My beardie is a year old now and hasn’t eaten properly for the last couple of weeks. She loved worms and now won’t even look at them. Every now and then she may eat one locust. She won’t eat salad and never really has. We offer it everyday and change the variety. She has recently got a new tank as we got my dragons. I’m wondering if she is depressed? And if so how can I help her. She hasn’t lost any weight and is still healthy. The only way sometimes to get her to eat is to put it in her mouth which then she does eat. She has recently laid some eggs so I also wonder this could be part of it?
Do you have one or two dragons? Are they in the same tank? Its possible shes slowing down for brumation - but lighting and basking temps need to be ruled out for the behavior-- can you please tell us what your using for a UVB and how your taking basking temps -- No stick ons please and No coils for UVB
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