My little dragon has been eating voraciously for almost 3 weeks now, but he suddenly stopped eating.
It has been around 3 days since he stopped, and I've periodically kept him hydrated just in case.
I had a bearded dragon before that unfortunately passed away cause i realized she was sick too...
He's 3months old. I've had him for 3 weeks and he went from 7+ small crickets a day to only water for the last week. Should I be worried? I had given him leafy greens every few days too. He'd take a few bites. But last time i noticed he was only licking the water off them. So I held a bowl of...
I created a form yesterday to question about my new baby beardie not pooping. I heard that it is just relocation stress. Yesterday my breadie was eating properly, but last night and this morning they are refusing food. It is also just stress and because they have not pooped yet, or it is...
Hi! I am a new beardie mama to a nearly 3 month old hatchling. She has been eating anywhere from 16-25 crickets daily which i dont know if is even good or bad for her age as all websites seem to differ on this. Today she has not eaten at all aside from a small piece of bell pepper .
We have a 14 ish weeks old baby beardie named Jim. We got him 6 weeks ago and he has never liked us. Any time we'd come to pick him up he'd run away and when he did let us pick him up he'd run away after a few minutes. Other than that he was fine until a week ago when he started refusing to eat...
Hello everyone
Me and my boyfriend just got our first baby bearded dragon about 3 days ago! So we have some questions I’ve called petco and PetSmart so many times to ask questions but I’m still freaking out wanting to know more
We haven’t picked a name yet we still do not know the gender his...
Hi everyone! I got my first baby bearded dragon 4 days ago, and she has barely eaten. Within the first 24 hours, she ate maybe 5 crickets. She became really lethargic after 24 hours. I noticed her temps were off, so I got a better basking light, and her temps are good now. 95-105 in the hot...
Hello, I am a new baby beardie owner. We brought Axew home on Sept 15th and have spent the last few days adjusting to having a new beardie. Axew appears to be a citrus leatherback, but we chose this one because my daughter liked it. Axew came in a 10 gal tank and it maybe 6 or 7 inches. I know...
Apologies in advance for the lengthy post—I'm hoping someone here has had a similar experience and can advise me on what to do. We've had our baby Brea for a little over three weeks. I've posted pictures of her enclosure below; specs are included in my profile but the basics are as follows: Zoo...