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  1. ChinelleKitten

    Chewy is purple on one side and is acting funny? (pic)

    It does look like she's starting to shed. They shed in patches and you should see it getting more dull or white-ish over the next few days. It gets pretty dry and itchy for them so you can give her a good soak in a bath if she seems super sensitive. Don't pick at it tho if pieces start to come...
  2. ChinelleKitten

    Burmination STINKS!!!

    lol it does Stink! Both my boys have been sleeping for about a month now off and on. I think my older boy, Captain Jack, is going to become paranoid about falling asleep for the winter tho because last winter I brought home a new baby beardie, Zod. Lol when Jack woke up there was baby Zod...
  3. ChinelleKitten

    Ideas Anyone for Adult

    Any lakes around you? I went to the beach and got big chunks of driftwood for my adults. Free and any size you'd like :)
  4. ChinelleKitten

    Getting a new baby- she's home

    such a cutie! :D
  5. ChinelleKitten

    Bonding time after Beardie is asleep?

    Yes for sure cuddle your beardie when he's sleepy or just after he's fallen asleep if he's too rambunctious lol. our boys have gotten used to falling asleep with us every night while we watch tv. if we don't take Zod out he'll run over to the end of his tank closest to us and stare haha. Babies...
  6. ChinelleKitten

    Do Beardies get mad?

    Lol yupp sounds like Mojo was annoyed that you put her back lol I can make my one boy, Captain Jack, mad by picking him up and putting him in a new spot. If I move him even a couple inches he stares at me and head bobs (no black bearding or anything tho). lol she was probably sassing you just...
  7. ChinelleKitten

    Pudgy on the cover and in a magazine! :) :)

    Wow what an awsome story of you guys :) and I love Pudgy's Outfit!
  8. ChinelleKitten


    LOL A forum full of bad advice givers makes me think of a room full of people running around bumping into each other not knowing what to do while their beardies exchange skeptical glances. But you're right the people on here are Very knowledgeable. I've gotten good advice on how to take good...
  9. ChinelleKitten

    New baby dragon NOT EATTING

    Even two females should not be housed together. One can dominate the other and the weaker beardie could stop eating, not grow, etc. They could even fight and that would be terrible. Beardies are more solitary critters. If you're thinking of getting another beardie then plan on having separate...
  10. ChinelleKitten

    Black beard

    Yah they puff up and get black when they're upset at something. My boys puff up if they see eachother or if they're outside and there are birds or planes around. If your beardie's tail goes black just when his beard is black then that's part of his stress reaction. But if it's black all the time...
  11. ChinelleKitten

    Wanted to give heads up about water crystals and the bugs..

    One of my dragons ate a piece of a water gel when he was a baby :S It bounced out of the cricket bucket and he snapped it up before I could grab it. It took him 4 days to poop it out and it came out whole. Poor little guy had a heck of a few days :(. He's in good health now, but I wish I'd...
  12. ChinelleKitten

    So vicious!

    that's great that you were able to pick her up and she finally calmed down. :D now she'll know who's boss lol
  13. ChinelleKitten

    Please inedd help ASAP

    I am not sure what to do if your dragon inhaled some water other than to get her warmed back up and keep an eye on her... but I can tell you one of my dragons always dives under the water when he's swimming. It makes me very nervous tho so I usually only put bairly and inch of water for him in...
  14. ChinelleKitten

    So vicious!

    Yah try and see if you can pick her up and night when she's ready for bed and just sit with her for awhile. She may be more calm. We put a face cloth (blankie) over our dragons and sit with them on the couch watching tv every night. The face cloth makes it dark for them and they just fall...
  15. ChinelleKitten

    HELP! Bearded Dragon Bleeding

    you can try a bank/credit card to gently wiggle between her lips to get her to open up so you can check in her mouth.
  16. ChinelleKitten

    She bit me!!

    Yah i've been bit a couple times by my younger dragon. Once when he was trying to eat a silver christmas ball. I picked him up as he was going for another bite at it and he got me instead and once he thought my red toenail polish was food lol. But my older boy bit me a few weeks ago. He was head...
  17. ChinelleKitten

    Beardie with trust issues.

    Was she whipping her tail or sort of spinning it when you picked her up? One of my boys spins/whips his tail around when I pick him up if his feet aren't all on my hands and he feels off balance at all. If she felt insecure about being picked up that could have made her nervous for next time...
  18. ChinelleKitten

    Roaming Around The House

    We let our dragons out in the living room (one at a time cuz they're both males) when we're watching TV. but they will also try to run under the couch or tv etc. I block off the tv stand so they can't get under it (lol with dvd cases) and just keep pushing them away when they try to get under...
  19. ChinelleKitten

    My beardie um... expanded.. in the bath

    Haha yay Calgary! lol we need this snow to stop so the dragons can go outside. lol
  20. ChinelleKitten

    My beardie um... expanded.. in the bath

    Yes its totally normal. ziggy23 is right, they fill up with air so they float. lol it looked alot like this eh? :)
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