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  1. M

    Bearded Dragon Constipation?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Ok, remember how I said that I thought my bearded dragon had mouth rot?!?! Well that's not it. I think He might be constapated or impacted! K, my bearded dragon pooped on me so I ran him to the sink. But then he just pooped again but it wasn't a normal poop it was like a redish brown colour, but...
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    Bearded Dragon Mouth Rot???

    Ok, when I came yesterday I noticed that my bearded dragon's mouth was constantly open, his beard was black, and he wasn't eating. But, earlier on in this week i noticed that he smells like his food. I don't know if that's me smelling the mouth rot because, he has never smelt like that before...
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    Solar Glo???

    Ok, so i was going out to buy a MVB bulb and i couldn't find any, except for this one bulb. It didn't say it was MVB but it was 160 watt, really big, it's brand was called solar glo and the company that made it was exo-terra. Just wondering if this is a MVB bulb because a cannot find any mega...
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    Building a Huge enclosure!

    I have decided that my bearded dragon deserves a bigger tank then he's in. Right now he is in a 4 x 1.5 x 1.5 I want this cage to be as big as i could fit and that was 5 x 2.5 x 2.5 My question is, how much would just the wood cost for this cage? And, would i need to get more heat equipment...
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    Roaches In Canada

    Hi, I've been browsing the Canadian forums for roach sellers. All I've found was a couple of people of sell roaches, but the topic was posted 2 years ago and none of the contacts are repyling to my emails. I would like to know if anyone knows someone in Onatrio or near Ontario that sells...
  6. M

    What I want to know is if ships to canada. I sent them an email but they arn't replying. If someone knows if they ship to canada could they tell me! Thanks, Mitch
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    Whats the best Roach?

    K, I am absolutly sick of crickets and I knew of an alternative. But.... my mom isn't to fond of roaches, but I caught her in a good mode when I asked here and she said yes! :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: Now here's my question, whats the best feeder roach for me? My bearded dragon is a...
  8. M

    Question about the Roach Guy

    Does anyone know if he ships to Canada? Because I really want to start a dubia colony because im sick of crickets! :roll: If he doesn't does anyone know an online supplier that will ship to Canada? Thanks, Mitch
  9. M

    Are dubia roaches a better feeder then crickets?

    Hi, I have a year old bearded dragon named Nick. Lately he hasn't really been so interested in crickets. So I began to look up other feeders for him. I have been reading about the dubia roache, and it seems like a dream come true! :) No smell, easy to breed and no noise. I just want to...
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    So, I'm hearing around this forum that roaches are a pretty good feeder for bearded dragons. So i want to know everything about these roaches! What species is the best? Where can I get them? How do I keep them? How many do I feed a year old bearded dragon? How do I convince my mom to let me...
  11. M

    Online crickets suppliers

    Ok, so when I go to petsmart to buy my crickets they cost about 11$ for 100 of them. Now from what I've been seeing from these online crickets stores they are tons cheaper. Only one problem I havent found any of them that will ship to canada! I want to get in on this cheap crickets market! :P...
  12. M

    Not very aware while eating

    Ok, so when I feed my bearded dragon crickets, which is in a seperate container from his cage. He doesn't seem to be, umm....aware while eating. He always eats all of them but I usually have to give him or the cricket a nudge for him to respond. I'm just wondering if something is wrong with his...
  13. M

    How many of those worms!?!

    K, so I just went out and bought a bunch of superworms and im going to breed them to feed to my year old bearded dragon nick. He loves eating them, im just wondering how many i should give him a day or every other day. As I said he's a year old and he's about 17 inchs from head to tail. Thanks...
  14. M

    New to this forum and need help

    Hey, im obviously new to this forum as the topic says and I need a bit of help. Ok, so when i got Nick (my bearded dragon) he was 2 months old. Now i was very very interested in him in the first few weeks and could stop holding him. But sadly my interest in him soon weakend and i held him less...
  15. M

    How many?

    I've been reading some of the topics in this forum and I think that im under feeding my bearded dragon. Nick (my bearded dragon) is 1 year old and is 17 inches from head to tail (pretty small, another reason why I think im under feeding him) and he weights about 450 grams. I feed him about 10...
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