Search results

  1. saraho

    Sneaky little weasel!

    Charlie has been more active lately, as spring pretends to show up here in South Dakota. We have managed to go outside twice in the last month because the temperatures made it up over 70. Sadly, that never lasts around here. So yesterday after a nice superworm breakfast and bask, I took him...
  2. saraho

    Birthday Wishes for Charlie

    Charlie will be turning 3 in June, and he is definitely the star of the library. So many patrons adore him and make a specific stop to "chat" with him while they are here to get books or movies. We wanted to celebrate his birthday but with my summer programming starting on June 2nd, I didn't...
  3. saraho

    Smart little guy!

    Today when I got to work, I went out to check on Charlie. I didn't grab the keys for his enclosure because I figured I'd let him keep warming up or sleep, since it was early. When I stopped in front of the tank and said "Good morning," he turned his head to look at me. Then I noticed he kept...
  4. saraho

    Almost no appetite

    Charlie "brumated" for maybe 48 hours. He then was back to his old self for awhile, wanting to play and explore, eating decently. But in the last two weeks I've noticed that his appetite has seriously dropped off. He's never been much of a vegetable eater, but he's even turning his nose up at...
  5. saraho

    Beardies are the new trend in school library pets

    Hi everyone! I am excited to share an article from School Library Journal about bearded dragons becoming the trending pets in school libraries. I was asked for information on Charlie's role in our public library, and I'm dorky enough to brag I was quoted in the article...
  6. saraho

    Random observation

    Since Charlie is at my work, and we are a public building, I often have to wear a mask when I go out to check on him. I've discovered he seem unsettled when I'm wearing one of my black or darker colored masks. I think he thinks I'm blackbearding at him.
  7. saraho

    Brumation question

    I’m pretty sure Charlie is trying to brumate. He’s sleeping a lot, prefers the cool side of the tank, has decreased appetite and pooping, and isn’t playing when I get him out of the tank. His lighting is good, the mods helped me get it right back in July. My question is how to facilitate his...
  8. saraho

    Parasite questions

    I've had Charlie since April. I've used this site to educate myself about beardies since I'm his primary caregiver, but I'm still unclear on parasites. Where do they get the parasites? What kind of warning signs am I watching for? I ask because Charlie's appetite & pooping has decreased in...
  9. saraho

    Are real bones safe in the terrarium?

    I'm planning to empty out Charlie's tank, deep clean and then try a few new elements. A friend gave me a coyote skull that was left outside for 2 or 3 years to let nature clean it. It's never been bleached. I thought it might look cool in the terrarium, but I don't want to introduce a harmful...
  10. saraho

    Black coloring

    Charlie is normally a pale yellowish-brown with darker brown markings on his back. Sometimes though, he is completely black -- or as close to it as he can get. His temps seem right, he's basking at 101 F and his cool side is 75. He's 6 inches under a T8 bulb that is only a couple months old...
  11. saraho

    Time for a walk about?

    I recycled an old banner at work and made Charlie a background for his terrarium. I used supplies I had on hand so it's a mix of watercolor crayons and acrylic paint. I like it a lot, but I tried to make the reddish soil by mixing paint and it's too brown and too dark. Uluru looks pretty...
  12. saraho

    King of the Castle?

    We were rearranging the Children's section the other day at the library and one of the things I had to do was clear out the Lego display case. I had nowhere else to go with this castle, but the good news is that Charlie wasn't afraid to guard it with his awesome dragon-ness and I might have...
  13. saraho

    Keeps one eye closed

    Charlie seems to have a preference for keeping his left eye closed. It isn't bulging, or draining. He opens it from time to time and seems to see out of it, but I wonder if there is a reason for this behavior. The eye isn't cloudy, but I do know he had a red heat light for almost 2 years...
  14. saraho

    He pooped on a kid!

    As many of you know, Charlie is my education animal at the library where I'm the Children's Librarian. Today some of my story time kids came in and we were visiting (since I haven't had story time sessions since March) and they wanted to pet Charlie. Of course I said okay and got him out. The...
  15. saraho

    Rainbow Dragon

    So Charlie lives at the library where I'm Children's Librarian. I've been making small changes to the kids' area, in anticipation of fully reopening (on the day after never). One of the few things I can put out right now is a really cool light refracting film that goes on the windows and casts...
  16. saraho

    Extending the fridge life of greens?

    I was given a large quantity of carrot greens for Charlie. He absolutely adores them, but I don't know if I can feed them to him fast enough to use them before they go bad. I hate to waste these greens in particular because they are only available for a short time. I can't find them in grocery...
  17. saraho

    Video ideas?

    With social distancing the library where I work (and Charlie lives) does a lot of online social media content. We have added a video segment that we call "Chillin' with Charlie" to our line up, but we haven't made any recently. So far, I've tried to cover introducing him to the community (we...
  18. saraho

    My heart melted!

    Yesterday it was in the low 50s outside so Charlie and I couldn't go on our regular outdoor adventure. I got him out of his tank and brought him to the work/office area and sat down on the floor with him. He usually enjoys tootling around the desks and checking all the cracks and crevices for...
  19. saraho


    I've been gifted some eggplants from a friend's garden. I plan to eat most of it myself, but I was wondering if anyone has ever tried giving it to their beardie? Charlie tries most of the vegetables I have, as long as they are on the safe lists. I don't see eggplant at all, either safe or...
  20. saraho

    DIY hide out

    I've been wanting to get Charlie a hide but they can be expensive! So, I followed the lead of so many others on the forum and made my own. Since there is no budget line for Charlie at the library, I needed to make the hide as inexpensively as possible, with items I had on hand. I started with...
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