Broly the new super saiyan beardie


Gray-bearded Member

Don't feel bad if you need to take a break from for a while. I haven't been posting much of anything on here lately either, except messages to you. I've enjoyed our friendship but if you need to back off with this method of communication, I'll understand.

At least this isn't quite as slow as in the old days when we had snailmail pen pals. :wink:

I don't see an end in sight with the coronavirus thing either, but I don't think we can stay locked down forever, and yes there are a lot of people out there trying to cash in on the situation by selling fake vaccines and what have you. :banghead:

Social media of whatever sort can at least help us feel connected to our friends, but it sounds like you've got some better technology going with your friend in Germany compared to what we have here.

I just found out that my husband might be working from home starting sometime next week. It will be a new experience for us. I'll have to learn to leave him alone when he's on the clock. :|

Puff is doing well, weight still holding steady (we do try to check every week so we don't get blindsided by a huge weight loss like we did before), and he's out of his hide and basking today so far.

Meanwhile, have fun with the other stuff you're doing and stay safe from the "plague." :)

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

I don't come on much myself. I have friends on discord and that's where I am on top of taking care of others.

I have free time but sometimes I don't even see my friend till he fully wakes up. I don't mind staying up late I think he does though. I have too many thoughts going on my brain won't let me sleep unless I see him online. I been up all night the other night not because I didn't see him but because we both got afraid about his computer. To me, it's dying but he refuses to buy another till it dies. It's crazy I know I should worry about Tom. Tom's fine with it because he knows I get attached to friends.

I enjoy everyone's friendship. All I ever did was read on I don't have to now. I got friends and I remember snail mail. I'll still come on till my dragons dies, after that I'll buy another one but probably won't make a topic on him. Im sure it's another boy as I can't handle girls though I am now.

Yeah, corona very much still going on and lots of misfortune. I don't even know what to say to anyone anymore all anyone talks about is corona. I feel left out because Idk what to say in that topic.

My sister is laid off like my dad. So everyone is home but not mom she's working. Tom is working too. So yeah my dad and sister aren't happy..corona might ruin my bday in May we'll see.


Gray-bearded Member

Sorry it has taken me so long to reply -- been kind of depressed again lately.

Having a friend in a different time zone complicates things a bit.

Male beardies are easier than females because you don't have to worry about eggs. When I got Puff we had a 50/50 chance of getting a male or a female because we didn't specify a preference, but now I think we were lucky to get a male.

I don't know how much longer we're all going to have to stay home because of the coronavirus thing or how much longer my husband's employer is going to keep the skeleton crew working and not open to the public. He has some leave time saved up but may end up on LWOP if they shut completely down. As for me, I'm used to being home alone most of the time so it's not driving me crazy. It would have been nice if my husband could have worked at home but apparently that idea is not going to fly.

Puff is eating a lot less lately, sleeping a lot, and losing weight, so I'm getting a little worried about him. I still suspect that he's trying to brumate but he's not doing a very good job of it because they're not supposed to lose weight, so we're still going to try to keep him from brumating if we can possibly get away with it. If it isn't one thing it's another... :roll:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

My friend started a new server on discord! Of course it's too new so it's not busy yet. It will one day.

As for my german friend, I think he's sick he said his throat doesn't hurt but he sees stuff in it and red. Im waiting for him to wake up. I wanna make sure he's ok.

I had an ok Easter. My torso above my stomach was really hurting. My dad said Im sure gas. My mother had me on call for a while we waited for the pain to subside. It did after while but it was agonizing! It hurt bad!

I already fed the animals all of them. My sister got a new job because being laid off isn't a good look. It's close enough to being fired.

Idk how much longer either. Im hoping soon because my birthday next month so if it keeps up I can't go trail ride on a horse. Ahh! I really wanted to for a long time. I can't even get my hair trimmed. Essentials are the only ones open as of now. Doctors are for emergencies only sicknesses.

Hope Puff is ok.


Gray-bearded Member

I hope your German friend didn't catch the coronavirus. I understand that it's bad in Europe. But it sounds like he may have a bacterial infection instead. Hoping it doesn't get serious and that he can get medical care if needed.

We had a quiet Easter at home and watched a few videos of sermons to a room full of empty chairs. Weird. I hope that pain you had doesn't come back.

No walking or horseback riding around here these days. The trails are a sloppy mess from melting snow and rain. We call it "breakup" and it's really ugly for a few weeks, but it will get better soon enough.

Puff lost a few more grams this last week but he did eat yesterday and the day before, so we're hoping he won't lose any more. We had to get mostly crickets for him because they were almost out of roaches, so maybe he needs something that jumps around a lot these days. He's liked roaches better in the past, so go figure. :? I hope all your beardies and other critters are doing well. :)

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Been awhile! Broly still dropping but not much. Jamie and Kane are up and down.

We're back to cold and rain. We had one nice day 74 deg so everyone went outside for fresh air and uvb. It was great! I got 15 mins in the sun then under a tarp.

My dad just celebrated his 51st bday on April 18. I wasn't able to attend. Yknow covid19.

However, Oreo is now 3 years old and that's longer than any hamster I had lived.

My german friend is just fine recovered without medical treatment. Weird it sounded bacterial. Hm ok. I guess it was nothing. Glad he's better though. Anyways, it's really late 3:31am, I better sleep off this depression. Weird being offline didn't help at all. I guess minimal interaction from friends online help a bit as they're not really here.


Gray-bearded Member

So Puff is pretty much in the same boat as Broly and Jamie and Kane weightwise. He's still managing to stay a little below 500 grams but his appetite has been better and he's eating a little more this week than he did last week, so that's good. Daddy stuffed him with hornworms this last Saturday as a belated Easter treat, and Puff cooperated with much enthusiasm, but of course he wasn't hungry for anything on Sunday. I had to remind my husband why so he wouldn't worry about the beardie not eating. :roll:

No fresh warm air and UVB outside around here lately. We've had a few gray drizzly days, but the temperatures are rising into the mid 40s and low 50s in the daytime and usually just above freezing at night, so the snow is melting off the ground pretty fast. We're gaining over 5 minutes of daylight a day and there will be various degrees of twilight with no total darkness from now until sometime in August, but around the city lights you still can't tell the difference between "astronomical twilight" and total darkness. The twilight will continue to get lighter until the solstice in late June.

Lots of people are doing virtual parties with their families and friends. Did you get to talk to or see your father over the iphone or whatever electronic device?

I did the math -- your dad must have been around 18 when you were born? My father was about 41. I was the last little accident in the family that wasn't supposed to happen, but I'm here now, for better or worse. :wink:

Does Oreo appear to be feeling her age? Maybe she'll break a record. (Am I right about the "she"? I don't remember for sure.) :?

I've been a little hypomanic these past few days but depression is always just around the corner. Yes it makes it worse for just about anybody if you don't get enough sleep. But maybe online friends are helpful for depression because they're about all we've got for right now.

My husband had one of his allergic sneezing and coughing fits at work and scared people, so they sent him home and wouldn't let him come back until he got a note from his doctor that he probably didn't have the "plague." Fortunately he was only off on sick leave for a couple of days. He's still working otherwise but they're still shut down as far as letting the public in to their offices. I'm having a heck of a time getting him to wear a mask when he goes for groceries and stuff. This thing scares me but we're actually doing fairly well with it here in Anchorage. They're talking about very carefully opening things back up.

Glad to hear that your German friend is ok. I think we forget that just because covid is floating around out there doesn't mean that there aren't still the other run-of-the-mill cold and flu viruses as well.

Oops -- another TLDR. :oops: Anyway, enjoy the spring and stay safe. :)


Gray-bearded Member
Yikes! :shock: Some kind of spam got on your thread in the middle of my last message. I'm sorry if I inadvertently put some words in there that may have activated some spambot.

:?: Which one of the mods to you contact nowadays to fix it?

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Im on with my friend right now.

Everyone is doing fine, dropping and gaining.
I have to clean cages and water changing. Idk, Im just really not interested with anything anymore and it's getting unhealthy. I gotta get up and do stuff not just feed and clean cages. I do feed them and they get cleaned up.

Im doing really horrible with house work but Im getting there. My depression is getting bad really bad. Im going in for therapy and Tom doesn't have time to clean and neither does our housemate. We all pitch in and clean one room a day. So I gotta stop this and do something. My anxiety helped me clean and now it's not helping anymore. I don't have anxiety and don't feel the need to clean. I help them to clean.

My dad was 18 but he's my stepfather. I didn't meet him till I was 1 yr according to my mom. I was watched by grandma a lot when I was younger. I then met my stepfather. My real dad was not interested and Im not interested in tracking him down. Druggie anyway, always did drugs.

I did do facetime and stuff but couldn't stay long. Wished him happy bday and now mine is coming. Im gonna get back to cleaning and stuff. I don't have time to sit around anymore.


Gray-bearded Member

So Puff is doing about the same thing as your guys, with his weight hovering just below 500 grams. I'd like it to be a little higher but since he's not losing a huge amount of weight in a short time, I'll take it. :)

His appetite has been very good for the past couple of weeks so I'm surprised he didn't gain any more weight than he did. "Daddy" splurged on Saturday and brought home a bonus package of hornworms that had 6 of them in it instead of 4, so he got a good deal. Puff ate all 6 of them at one sitting, plus some crickets. I told my husband not to be surprised if Puff wasn't hungry yesterday, but he still ate some more bugs. Maybe he knows it's spring after all. :?

Sorry to hear that you've been struggling with depression again -- I hope the therapy will help. But it sounds like you get more housework done when you're depressed than I do when I'm in one of my best moods. At least I managed to get a couple of loads of laundry done this morning.

My husband had 4 days off this last weekend but I was depressed and not very good company for the first two of them (Thursday and Friday). Fortunately I felt better on Saturday and we got a lot done, so the weekend wasn't a total loss. I was more or less marginal on Sunday. :|

We can probably both agree that this depression thing is what my husband calls "a big vacuum cleaner." In other words, it sucks. :( I hope you feel better soon, and me too.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Today isn't the best but it's been a while since I updated.

Today, on May 21, 2004, I got my first beardie, Vash who died in 2014. Extra depressed because I don't have him and it's been 6 years since his death. Old age took him, 10 years old is pretty old. I hugged Vash's old bee pillow pet.

Lighter news, Broly gained grams so he's at 581. One day he'll hit 612g again. Im gonna be 33 on May 25. Im waiting for stuff to be shipped.
Jamie gained and so did Kane. I don't remember exactly what.

Therapy is helping but it's gonna be a while to work. I don't really have much so Im gonna go talk to some friends online. There really isn't much to report.


Gray-bearded Member

Nice to hear from you. I was wondering how you were coping with the depression...

I'm sure you took good care of Vash and gave him 10 good years. I hope you have some sweet memories of him. Old age takes us all, sooner or later, but that doesn't mean we don't miss them when they're gone.

Puff is my first and last beardie, because it won't be fair for my husband to get stuck with all the hard work again if we get another one. So we plan to cherish Puff and take as good care of him as possible for whatever time he has left. He's around 8 years old now and also gained some weight. He's up above 500 grams again and eating well. Still napping in his hide about every other day, and there he goes right now. It's cloudy and rainy today so he has an excuse.

They're predicting rain for the holiday, but my husband is off at noon today and on "staycation" next week. "We" are going to try and get some things done around the house, but it's going to be mostly him because I'm crippled up with my left knee, which suddenly decided to go on strike, apparently because of an old injury from a fall -- you probably know that you sometimes don't realize that you got hurt until sometime later. I'm limping around a 625 square foot house which has suddenly gotten larger -- it's a long way from the bedroom to the computer. I'm hoping that it will heal up on it's own without having to do anything more drastic than rest and NSAIDs, but it's not looking too good, although X-rays didn't show anything too serious. I went to the doctor in a wheelchair because I couldn't do the long walk down the hall to his office.

I'm only 63. I was hoping that my body wouldn't start falling apart quite this early. Either way, getting old sucks.

So because of all these mobility issues and the fear of another fall, I no longer take Puff out of his tank unless my husband is home, just in case. Neither Puff nor my husband seem to mind much. My husband likes cuddles with both Puff and me, but if I'm totally honest with myself, Puff probably tolerates cuddles but can take it or leave it, so maybe I shouldn't feel so bad that he's getting a little neglected when Daddy's not home. Puff doesn't seem to mind much -- he's mellow to the point of being almost listless, probably because he's getting older, and God only knows what role the adenovirus is playing in all of this. At least he seems reasonably healthy, other than slowing down a bit.

Ooooh -- TLDR. :oops:

Happy Birthday. :D I hope you feel better soon.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

It's been 10 days. Still not much. Broly still doesn't like cuddling, tried yesterday. I still don't understand, I did bonding correctly and snuggling him as a young beardie. He's 5 years old now and still doesn't care that I want beardie snuggles like everyone else on here. Oh well, at least he is handled correctly because he doesn't bite anyone when trying to pick him up.
Kane cuddles, not as much but he does at least for 15 minutes.
Jamie can care less these days. She rather sit next to you than on you so I take what I can get.

It's been warm here, but not much to go outside. It's still under 65. June 1 is tomorrow and that's about 19 days till summer. Then it's 3 months of sun, warm days. I don't think we can still do anything in summer considering this corona is still a thing.

I got leo gecko, iguana and beardie sheets. All three lizards on the same sheet. I didn't get three different types.

I also got some good presents too.

Thanks for the happy birthday.


Gray-bearded Member

Bearded dragons all seem to have different personalities and preferences when it comes to cuddling, never mind what their human slaves want. They own us, not the other way around. :wink: If I'm completely honest with myself, Puff probably tolerates it, but I'm not sure if he really likes it. If it's in the middle of the day he hold still for it for a little while, then he gets wiggly, especially after his bath when he probably knows that the next thing coming is that he's going to get fed buggies. I'm sure he'd rather eat than cuddle. At night when the room is dark he'll sometimes do his snuggle up and dig in thing and then fall asleep. :love5: :sleepy2:

Low 60s is warm enough for Alaskan humans to have a lot of fun outside, but not for beardies. And being outside is still ok during the Covid thing as long as you stay far enough away from other people. Still, it takes the fun out of seriously getting together with family or friends. They're slowly opening up things here in Anchorage -- the Department of Health seems to have a good handle on it. If they see a spike in Covid cases, they'll shut back down. The object is to prevent the spread of the virus without totally destroying the economy. :(

Puff has had an injury but we don't know how it happened. He started bleeding from his little pinkie finger in his bath yesterday, and it looks like he's lost the claw. Must have snagged it on something when we weren't looking. The bleeding stopped fairly quickly and I dabbed it with betadine and put him on white paper towels so I can see if it bleeds any more. I called the vet's office this morning and left a message. I hope we can treat this at home because they are still doing curbside drop off and not letting any humans into the building, although I understand that dogs can carry the virus but so far they don't appear to be able to transmit it to humans.

Glad to hear that you got some good stuff for your birthday. At least folks can still shop for stuff online and have it shipped. :)

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Well Im waiting around for my friend. He has a crappy laptop.

Eh, I gave up. I don't much to say. Idc if they don't wanna cuddle anymore. I just do my own thing.

Hamster is getting older. Everyone eats and uses the bathroom. Our crested died a week back. We have a new one, Jason, male. Total sweetheart and we can't play with him yet. He needs to get used to us first.

My parents are thinking about a puppy. I can't wait to meet her (confirmed they want a girl). So that'll be 6 weeks from now. Anyway...everyone is fine and tried and tldr but Im severely not well. Im feeling something not good but I won't do anything stupid so no worries there. I am taking coping methods instead of the stupid stuff. I need to go breathe.

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Mirage came out of brumation on April 26. He was doing great. On May 2 he started acting funny. We just redid his tank, and he keeps going into one of his hides. He just lays there. He shows no intrest in food. HELP!
is tape safe for fixing something in my leopard geckos hide?
Day 3 of brumation. It's a struggle. I really miss my little guy. 😔
Mirage entered brumation yesterday, I'm gonna miss hanging out with my little guy.
Getting ready for another day. Feeling sleepy. 😴

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