Broly the new super saiyan beardie


Gray-bearded Member

So we had a quiet Thanksgiving at home. I managed to make some pancakes for breakfast but we did Costco pasta pop-it-in-the-microwave for dinner. I usually have some energy in the morning and not so much later in the day. Usually -- can't ever count on it. My husband splurged and got some more hornworms for Puff's thanksgiving dinner, so our beardie probably enjoyed Thanksgiving as much as we did. :wink:

My husband's church planned a little post Thanksgiving get-rid-of-your-leftovers potluck this last Saturday night but the weather turned nasty so we chickened out and stayed home. I was barely up to it anyway and besides, we didn't have any leftovers to share. Oh well. They're planning a Christmas party in a couple of weeks so maybe we'll make it to that.

Anyway, I'm glad to hear that you had a reasonably good Thanksgiving with your family if not with your online friends. :)

Good for you not to let getting "unfriended" bother you, especially when you don't know why. You never know when someone is going to take offense and what for (maybe for nothing), especially if they're into "drama." :roll:

Funny how bearded dragons seem to go through phases. One minute they like something and then when you try to feed it to them again, they don't want anything to do with it. My husband got some leeks and since they're ok for beardies to eat occasionally (although not all the time), we let Puff try some. He didn't seem to like them at first (too oniony, I figured) but then he ate some. Go figure.

We're getting snowed on again (it's really about time this far into the season). Big fat flakes yesterday and little ones this morning. Temperatures right around freezing so it will probably get sloppy if it gets any "warmer."

We fed Puff every day last week except for one evening when my husband got home too late because he stopped for groceries after work, and his weight was back up to just over 500 grams this last Saturday, so I guess we're just going to have to feed him bugs more often, at least for a while. My husband also figures that one middle-sized hornworm is probably equivalent to about half a dozen middle-sized crickets or roaches, and he's had a lot of hornworms lately. He loOOoves hornworms. :blob8: They've got lots of moisture in them too, so they're good for hydration. Too bad they're so expensive. :|

Puff is spending less time in his hide now that we're about 3 weeks away from the winter solstice and I'm sure he can see through the window that it's dark outside more often than not, although we still try to keep his heat lamps on for at least 12 hours a day -- still appears to have his biological clock set for the southern hemisphere. :?

Yes, it sounds like Broly's tendency to get MBD so quickly and easily is genetic. I can understand why inbreeding happens -- it's cheaper and easier, but I really wish breeders would be more responsible. :banghead:

Puff looks like he has a piece of scotch tape on his back, but it's just a shed. And he's giving me "The Look" -- time for his "good morning" cuddle, and this post is getting too TLDR anyway. :wave:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Two dragons down, one slown down. We still have geckos, gerbils, hamster and hedgehog awake.

The arctic blast has left us and now nighttime temps are in the 40s. My outdoor plants have managed to sleep finally with all the ups and downs.

Broly didn't like apples when he was younger. He's crazy for em. He slept on the cooler side of his tank. I was surprised he went to his basking spot. He hasn't really slept yet and it's December now. Next month on the 14th he's turning 5 years old. I don't remember him growing up! Everyone says enjoy the baby stage. Lots of meat involved with the baby stage and it was a bit stressful he ate more than the colony of crix/roaches. He's grown now it doesn't matter.

We don't usually give hornworms. It's a treat here and Broly only gets one. More bsfl here.

We're going Christmas shopping sometime Idk when. I do have to order some stuff...may do that on the 10th. Idk yet really.

Leftovers are back to cooking. I like it it's therapeutic.

This is getting too long hope I replied somewhat to you. I don't always remember even if I read your post 100 times.

Tom says if they don't wanna be friends anymore then they're not worth your time. I stand by that.

I talked to Tracie (Drache613) and we agreed it's best to give him supplements through syringe. We don't want worse. We don't get snow yet probably next month.


Gray-bearded Member

(I spaced somehow and I thought my last TLDR had gone to never-never land :? , and I was going to try to rewrite it, but now I see it’s here – apparently went on the next page and I somehow forgot to look for that. I’m getting a little ditzy. Ok, a lot ditzy. :roll: )

So with all the critters you have, you’re probably always going to have somebody awake, even if some of them hibernate or brumate at various times. And even if you only have a few bearded dragons, you’re likely to have at least one of those awake at any given time too, since they’re all different. The same probably goes for your plants, especially when we have weird weather.

We’re having a cold snap with temperatures in the teens and single digits, more like what it’s supposed to be this time of year. Puff is still wide awake, although he does sometimes take a nap in his hide when we go somewhere for a few hours, maybe because there are no humans around to entertain him. :wink:

I guess little beardies grow up really fast when you’re not looking. I’ve never raised one from a baby, but I understand it’s a lot of work feeding them massive quantities of little bugs so they can grow – although we had a similar experience when we had to feed Puff back up to his healthy weight after he lost all that weight and turned anemic. Fortunately he cooperated – he was mortally hungry. Now we weigh him weekly – not going to get blindsided by that again. He’s eaten lots of bugs this week, so we’re hoping his weight will continue to go back up closer to where it’s supposed to be. Daddy made a mid-week run to the pet store and brought home some more roaches and enough crickets for one meal, so Puff ate all the crickets and we don’t have to clean up after them until the next time we have to get crickets because they’re out of roaches. We get roaches for him whenever they’re available because they’re so much easier to take care of and clean up after. Hornworms are sold 4 to a package and Puff usually eats them all in one or two meals if they’re reasonably small. Can’t keep them around too long because they grow really big really fast, and then pupate to turn into whatever kind of moth, and at that point they’re no longer fit for beardie consumption. But as much as Puff loves them, they fill him up fast. My husband has learned to recognize The Look that means, “I’m full!” :mrgreen:

I gave up on Christmas shopping a long time ago. :oops: Too stressful and too expensive even if it can be fun. My family has learned not to give me gifts and not to expect them from me. I’d be happy if we could just get together with at least some of them to hang out and talk for a while – wouldn’t have to do anything fancy. The holidays are a good excuse for that but we have a hard time managing it. My sisters have grandkids so I suppose they do the Christmas gift thing for them.

I’m not much for cooking these days either. My poor husband eats out of cans and out of the freezer most of the time. :oops: The best I usually ever do is to get something ready made at Costco and pop it in the microwave. At least we’re not starving. :|

I agree with Tom too. No good to waste your time worrying about someone who doesn’t want to be friends anymore.

Tracie is also probably right about the supplements and the syringe if you want to make sure he's getting a certain amount. We dust Puff’s bugs with calcium powder daily and vitamin powder weekly, but you really can’t control the dose that way. Fortunately Puff doesn’t seem to be the least bit prone to MBD the way Broly is. He’s had a couple of X-rays and his little skeleton is in good shape, except for a few fingers where he had an infection once, and one of them that ended up dislocated.

I guess that’s enough TLDR for now – happy weekend and enjoy getting ready for Christmas. :D

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Yes the meat part of a growing baby is the hardest part unless people start on a colony with enough male/female ratio. Im lucky to have started with Vash which carried to Alucard but didn't last long as I didn't have enough. Broly we're much better around.

Im not stuck on that person, I just found it odd that we had a good time to goodnight to goodbye for no reason. Idk I like closure I guess.

Christmas is set and tomorrow we're going to the mall for some stuff. I already ordered for my parents (Seattle Seahawk fans so they'll love it), Tom, Paul and his girlfriend, nephew and kid cousins and Tom's parents. Tom did some ordering too. He knows what I like.
We do have a tree and Broly only guy awake (aside from geckos and mammal animals) likes to hide in it. Other than that, we don't have anything else.

I cook most days. Tom cooks on weekends as he gets the weekend off. He does stay late sometimes depending and we don't eat till 9-9:30pm. It does seem late but hey it happens and we're ok with it.


Gray-bearded Member
Hiya --

Can't believe winter solstice is this Saturday and Christmas is next week -- this is as short as the days are going to get, but we won't notice them getting any longer for a while. Getting colder now and then but still not a lot of snow. Weird season.

My husband is only getting the one day off in the middle of the week for Christmas, so we don't have any major plans. We'll probably talk on the phone with some family members, and I'll try to figure out something special for dinner, but otherwise Santa doesn't come to our house. I'm probably on his "naughty" list. :wink: Except that Daddy is planning a Christmas present for Puff -- hornworms. Puff will enjoy it. :blob8:

We played around with the idea of starting a roach colony but we never got around to trying it, although I understand that it's not really difficult. We still buy our roaches at the pet store. And I wouldn't even dream of trying to raise my own crickets. :roll:

We have a little fake Charlie Brown Christmas tree out in the shed somewhere, if it hasn't been stolen. Our shed has been broken into several times and the last time they took several of my husband's power tools, so that police report got upgraded from vandalism to burglary once he went out there in the light of day and discovered them missing. We don't plan to dig up the tree this year but I may have a few lights I could decorate with if the mood strikes me, although it's getting pretty late for that. Besides, the living room already looks like a Christmas tree at night year round with all the blinking red and green and blue lights on my husband's computer gadgets.

Puff's weight seems to be holding fairly steady at around 500 grams, a little lower than I'd like it to be but not in the danger zone yet, especially since he's eating and pooping as usual and staying awake most of the time now. He only goes in his hide for a short nap now and then. :) :sleepy2: :)


Gray-bearded Member
Welcome April&Zena. Yes, BlueDragon9 has a beardie Christmas ornament on her tree and I've got a beardie that sometimes comes out from under his little towel when I turn the lights on and gives me The Look ("Where's my Good Morning cuddle?") :blob5: if I'm late with it, and other times he couldn't care less and sleeps in by staying under the towel until around noonish or even later. :roll:

Seems to manage to get enough UV for all that. :)

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Yes,welcome to our conversation.

We're in Tennessee right now so we're not with any dragons at the moment. We have a friend taking care of them. We took a plane so that's why they're not here.
She said things are going well and she's having Christmas dinner with her family at our house. Broly still awake and she said he went crazy for food like he hasn't eaten. I have a feeling he's gonna have "spring fever" before spring helps.

Nothing going on...just...baking some pies and a fruitcake. We know two days early. We're going out to eat tonight and then tomorrow we're opening one present. I really don't have much to say till we get home.

We have lights on our tree and some around the house.


Gray-bearded Member
White Christmas here in Anchorage. We got snow on Christmas eve. We talked with some family and friends over the phone but otherwise having a quiet Christmas at home with husband and beardie. Puff got his Christmas hornworms last weekend, and just roaches today. Did some major shedding in the last couple of days (got mad at me for trying to help :oops: ) and now he's zoned out under the heat lamps.

Do you suppose that Broly is trying to take advantage of the substitute caretaker and get an extra meal by making like he's starving? :lol:

I hope you're all having a nice Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! :blob5:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

No, Broly's back to being slow.

In 2 weeks he will be 5 years old! January 14 is his bday. Who knows he's probably 5 now and don't know it. He's getting Repashy veggie burger (can't have much meat, he's an adult) with blueberries in the shape of a five...too much blueberry I know. He'll eat some of the blueberries and Tom and I eat the rest...after washing off Repashy. He didn't brumate at all during the time he is 4 years old. His weight holding steady 608g.

We're back from Tennessee early. It was fun but we couldn't spend new years with his parents. Christmas was a blast my whole family came to Tennessee to meet up with Toms parents. The school needs their vet back so Tom goes in tomorrow.

Our sitter did well. Broly and Kane got xmas hornworms. Kane woke up early, Jamie still down. We hadn't woken her at all for baths or weighing. I know some people wake their dragons for weighing and to keep off dehydration. She's a heavy sleeper she wouldn't wake up but she's not dead. Im kinda tired of telling everyone she's not dead...she's breathing. Geez, some people can't leave the situation alone.

Anyway...I been playing my switch lite (yeah I know...didn't know the difference between to two but whatever) I got Pokémon Sword and Let's Go Pikachu. My sister surprised me with a digimon game for switch.

I didn't notice but our frog, Echo has a bump on his chin by his lip. Tom looked at it after taking samples on a q tip he concluded it's not fungal or bacterial and it isn't growing since we saw it. So now we don't know what it is...looks like what Thor had. Great...cancer...hes two years old so I guess it's an after 2 thing. It could be injury, abscess or harmless cyst. Oh well..he's happy enough to swim and eat, overall active. He was lying around the other day as what our sitter said. She thought she done something wrong as she fed them and found him like that. Mystery solved of why he was doing that. His lip hurt or mouth whatever. Today he's feeling better it's still there and god knows how long it had been there. He bothers it occasionally but I'd feel the same if a bump on my face. No other issues with the three frogs. It's not fuzzy or growing so we'll watch him, he stops eating we know what will happen. But he'll live out comfortable in the tank when he stops eating. Thor lived a year with cancer on his lip, so we're optimistic that Echo can do the same. It may not be cancer but we're not sure what else it is besides the other things I mentioned. It's really small it was easily overlooked if you didn't look close.

Hope you had a good new year! Hoping 2020 will be a good year!


Gray-bearded Member

Happy Birthday Broly! :blob5:

Puff will be approximately 8 years old this coming spring.

We haven’t been feeding him Repashy Grub Pie lately. We still have some made up for him in the freezer but it’s probably getting freezer burned by now. He’s been eating mostly roaches and crickets these days, and sometimes squash and greens when we can coax him into it. Juvenile diet, but that seems to be what it takes to keep him from losing weight. He’s still holding at around 500 grams lately.

Washing Repashy off blueberries and eating them? :shock: Now I guess I’ll have to give my husband a pass when he eats Puff’s leftover squash and greens. At the end of the day, I put them in the compost if I can sneak them away before my husband gets them. I guess they’re probably safe to eat – it’s just the idea. :puke:

Sounds like you had fun in Tennessee even if you had to get Tom back to work early. :)

Yeah, I understand that most people like to take their brumating beardies out of their hides about once a week and bathe them to keep them hydrated and weigh them to make sure they’re not losing weight, but it sounds like Jamie would probably sleep through the whole thing if you did. And obviously she’s not dead if she’s still breathing. She and Puff are almost exact opposites – Puff does “brumation lite” – takes extra naps but still wakes up for baths and meals and still eats. They’re all different.

I’m completely out of touch with the modern game scene, although I do know a little bit about what Pokemon and Pikachu are. The last video game system I owned and played often was the Atari 2600 – little bouncing dots on the screen and we thought that was so cool. They’re museum pieces now, and all this 21st century stuff is way beyond me. :?

Echo’s situation with the lump on his face sounds very similar to Puff and the lump on his wrist. We had a cancer scare with that one too, but it turned out to be benign, possibly due to an old injury that got inflamed. We had it drained again recently because it was getting bigger again – it never really goes away. This time it had mostly blood in it, so now the vet is thinking that the problem may be vascular, like maybe a little bitty aneurysm – not big enough for him to bleed out, but enough to bleed into this little lump. We discussed a few surgical options, but we agreed that all of them would be too drastic at this point. At least we know it’s not cancer. I hope Echo’s lump will also turn out to be benign.

Happy 2020 to you too! :blob8: I can’t believe we’re two decades into the new millennium... :shock:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

It's completely safe to wash off the Repashy. Nobody will get ill.

Broly has red on the tip of his snout. He does eat and I don't see anything in that area in his mouth. He had carrots, apple and squash..nothing red or mushed. I guess when he eats he bounces his face against his bowl and got trauma must've bled a little bit. I didn't even notice the "blood" it's so tiny. Much like Echo, I had to look close. He does eat fairly well and healthy. No infected wound.

Jamie is now awake! We gave her a bath and she drank a fair amount of water. She ate too. She lost 7g so not bad.

Echo will be fine. He eats, swims and sings. The lump is a cyst, harmless.

Tennessee was fun but we're home and everything is good.

Im really tired...lately just been sleeping on and off. Either depression or some wacky illness Idk about yet. Everyone is taken care of so don't worry.

Congrats to your team! My team is out...not everyone was healthy anyway. Better luck next year. Your team is having a good time. Congrats to your Packers and good luck.


Gray-bearded Member

Sounds like Broly just got a little boo-boo on his nose, maybe from bumping it on his food bowl like you say. Puff never eats veggies out of his bowl these days (has to be hand fed) so we don’t have to worry. I suppose he could bump his nose on the glass but that’s about the only way he could get hurt. We have him surrounded by soft things now – towels and crocheted stuff. The vet approves. He’s such a klutz that we can’t do driftwood and rocks like a normal bearded dragon. :roll:

Not too likely that Puff would bump his nose on the glass either. We’re not sure what he makes of his reflection. He seems to know it’s there but not aggressive toward it or afraid of it, just maybe a little curious. :?

Happy wakeup, Jamie. Sounds like she got through her brumation just fine. :blob5:

Good to know that Echo’s lump is benign. :)

I get tired all of a sudden and can’t make myself do anything, so I just go to bed. Sometimes I get a second wind later in the day and sometimes not. My episodes of depression are unpredictable. :( Luckily my husband is willing and able to do almost all of the critter care when I’m not up to it, which is most of the time. I feel really useless but he doesn’t seem to mind and he appreciates the very little that I am able to do. I’m so lucky to have him, and so is Puff. :love5:

Hopefully your being tired will turn out to be nothing worse than just being tired -- like maybe you had too much fun in Tennessee. :wink:

I’ve been out of touch with the football scene lately – no other fans to watch it with, so I had to google it. I see that my Packers are having a pretty good year, but your Eagles were still at the top in the NFC East standings because they’d won 2 more games then they lost and no one else in their division had done that well, although I’m no expert on how all this works and who plays who. Packers are playing against the Seahawks in their next game – I’d think it would be the 49ers but then what do I know. Maybe it’s because the Seahawks beat the Eagles in their last game? It all gets very confusing. Anyway, I hope no hard feelings and like you say, better luck next year.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Nope, no hard feelings. I didn't care if we won or lost. It is what it is.

Jamie didn't gain her 7g yet but she's happily gorging herself on food and water. Might wanna get her checked on kidney function she drinks a lot and not even dehydrated. I hadn't seen her do that in a while. I hope she's ok. Jamie sitting at 610 she was 617. Maybe because she hadn't been up in about 4 months she's so dog gone thirsty. She'll be 7 yrs old Sep 12.

Kane, however our 25 inch long dragon is almost 700g. Kane is at 688g. Kane will be 4 July 11. We have three dragons now.

Broly doesn't care for sleeping maybe this winter...he'll be 5 next Tuesday. I got a breakfast of just fruit (apple, grape and one blueberry). It won't be much. It sounds a lot of sugar but it's one day. He'll get a snack of some supers (he doesn't eat them a lot they're for our eagles mostly) and a horn. Dinner will be squash. He eats a little right now while Kane and Jamie are wolfing food down when they're done being groggy. He's fine..turns out wasn't blood at all. It was food that was on the bowl that was stuck on. I need to clean it. I blame blueberries.

I gotta get back to bed... my brain is fried from all the critter care and it includes bug bins.


Gray-bearded Member

A whole week and then some just slipped by... :oops:

Puff's weight is hovering just below 500 grams, so we're trying to make sure he doesn't skip a meal. He's cooperating, for the most part, except for his usual reluctance to eat greens. It sounds like Jamie and Kane are both at nice healthy weights for their size.

I wouldn't think that there's any problem with Jamie's kidneys at this point. As you say, she's probably just thirsty after her long nap.

Sounds like Broly got nice treats for his birthday. :D

Puff is a very messy eater when it comes to squash. If I don't wipe it off his face after a meal, then it gets dried and stuck on there the next day. At least it's not red like blood, but it is the same color as some of his markings, especially around his eyes, so it makes it hard to tell the squash from the rest of his coloring. He is mostly "normal" colored but I think he may also have a little "citrus" in him. I know nothing about his pedigree except that he probably never had one, or he probably wouldn't have ended up being a rescue. But you never know. :?

Puff is still taking the occasional afternoon nap, but thankfully still not appearing to be too serious about brumating -- I'd be worried about him if he made a serious attempt. All's well here otherwise, except that we're having a real Alaskan cold snap. Paying the piper for all that nice mild weather we had in the fall. :roll:

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