Broly the new super saiyan beardie

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

I've been busy. Between animals and housework. Tomorrow the 25th is my bday. Im gonna be lazy af tomorrow. I clean up a lot of the time. I got my gift early so tomorrow I just turn 31. Tom will get up and feed the lizards before he goes to work. I will get up and clean up any stools. My parents and sister work anyway so can't really do anything.

Speaking of losing weight, Broly's in spring fever. He puffed up, black bearded and head bobbed at my cat. My cat is male...Idk what the heck was with that. I haven't seen the infamous "mating with objects" yet. I don't think he will do that. I had Broly for 3 yrs not once has he mated with anything.

Sorry for Puff I will read it later.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Dealt with some hectic days that were hellish! I had thrips and aphids on some plants! Tried to take over my cobra lily...unfortunately the main plant has died...but I have duplicates of the cobra. If all goes well I will be selling them locally next spring when I get more duplicates from my first gen duplicates. Already sold a venus duplicate to someone. As far as I heard it was a birthday gift for her son. The boy is 12 years old and interested in carnivorous plants. He has correct water and soil his pot is ready to receive it. It's a small plant but it should grow up into a wonderful red dragon venus. I have red dragon venus three of them to be exact. I repotted everyone in clean soil no risk of nasty bugs hanging out in the soil ready to attack. Several rounds of neem oil and sulphur base miticides/fungicides and all better. I always did water to flush any eggs and bugs who didn't die. Stupid bugs gah!!
I do have two red cobra lily duplicates that I am keeping! Im sure it'll make more for next year. They have thrip damage anyway but nothing major it should be ok as the mfers are gone.

The geckos,skink and dragons have not be neglected at all during this time. It's been raining so nobody's gone out lately. Broly gained 2g this week, Kane gained 5g and Jamie gained 6g. The geckos are fine. My cats are just hanging out in my room which isn't the lizard room. As I am so tired of explaining to everyone that my lizards are not in danger. They're not in my room. Idk what cats can do...of course I know Im not 3 years old!
Got enough people stressing me in people still messing with my service dog when I go out, still people lashing out at me as if I bought an ordinary dog. I swear...if hitting people was legal I would have punched them in the mouth. I know it's not legal...because people would call the cops and I don't need cops right now.

Anyway..TLDR...things are better not as stressed and tomorrow breakfast at my parents house so four hour drive to the coast...Im gonna sleep.


Gray-bearded Member
Sorry I haven't been doing much more than "lurking" around here for the past couple of weeks. This is the last week of my husband's vacation so I hope to catch up next week when he goes back to work... :lurk:

Didn't realize your carnivorous plants could be a "cash crop," but it sounds like you vet their new homes very carefully. :)

Unfortunately, aphids are a thing here in Alaska too, and it's really hard to get rid of them without killing the plant itself. My sister has a tree that's infested with them, and has tried just about everything. Haven't ever had to deal with thrips... You'll probably tell me I'm not missing anything that I would ever want to experience. :wink:

At least you don't have to explain to me that you're not putting your lizards in danger from your cats. I know you're careful, although I also know there are some people on this website who hate cats because of what they can do to beardies. I love both, and I'd probably have at least one cat or maybe more if my husband wasn't allergic to them.

I hope you can manage not to let the "bozos" who hassle you and your service dog bother you too much. My mother used to say, "Consider the source." And BTW, "Bozo" is my husband's polite, non-profanity way of referring to such people (instead of a lot of other descriptive terms that probably wouldn't be allowed on here). :roll:

And that wasn't such a bad TLDR on your part -- my last one was worse. :oops:

Puff is managing to hold his own -- still eating like a trooper and pooping all over the place every time I even come close to getting caught up with the laundry. Vet appointment tomorrow, and hopefully I'll be able to post some more updates next week. :wave:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Thrips are nothing more than like aphids. They do the same thing instead of sitting on a stem they're under leaves and attack. They make their way to the stem unfortunately.

Well after a usual weekend, we discovered Broly limping Monday morning...we didn't think much of it. Left him alone. Yesterday still limping. Today still limping so day 3 now. Tom took him out and it looks like his front left leg. He doesn't like putting much weight on it. Research leads to MBD...weird because I use liquid calcium dosed for his weight and a four month old Arcadia tube. We noticed no black beard or tail, he's not wincing or taking it away when pressing it gently and applied a bit more pressure still no reaction. He still eats and uses the bathroom. He's not moving much but we thought since he was ok all weekend and this just suddenly happened out of the blue. Maybe he got hurt. Snagged his nail on something or banged it (not hard obviously) on something like his log or windowsill from wrong footing by climbing up there. He's pretty happy and he's not sleeping all day. He is taking naps..cold and rainy today so not unusual. He hid on Sunday afternoon which was odd and there was no window so not spooked. He lied there and slept. Im thinking he did something on Sunday that hurt his leg. There's no swelling and no reaction. Tom will give him a week before a vet visit just in case he only hurt himself. I know most people would go but this just happened out of nowhere and yes he has MBD but it's not severe. Broly doesn't even act in pain, Im hoping. We think it's either an injury or arthritis (from MBD). It's not broken he uses it and not even black bearding or lethargic. He still has an attitude and fights us on things he doesn't like to do so obviously his leg isn't bothering him too much. Took out all the high up branches and lowered uvb and basking bulb to 10" away. Ok, he knocked his elbow on the floor of his tank still no black bearding. Called Tom to get him it's looking like MBD which is impossible with all the right stuff. He's like almost doing army crawl.

Thank you Sue Ann. Im not letting bozos get on my nerves.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

What's cute?

Broly's been to the vet and it was arthritis caused by MBD also injury added on the same wrist/leg. Never black bearded/tail though. Broly is fine the vet didn't wanna give inflammatory meds because he seemed fine and no distress signs. I know...probably bad idea right?! Nah, he's ok. He walks normally now. The injury impacted more than the arthritis. Luckily nothing bad. MBD isn't even scary in this house! It's managed and halted by the arcadia 14% and liquid calcium (been diagnosed he can't at all absorb powder) dosed for his weight. He is 566g, he's gaining back what he lost during spring fever in May. Between stools and running around in May he lost quite a bit. April 18 he was 581.

Kane got RI so we're treating him in the nubiliser (totally spelling it wrong!) but you should know what I mean. Poor Kane our beautiful german giant got ill and nobody knew it. He was coughing and sneezing but it's under control now. On Monday, he got sick and didn't think of it because Broly was hurting the same day!! Kane is getting better no more coughs and wheezing/sneezing but he still goes in till he stops clicking. It's not the glottis...too loud to be the glottis. He's a good kid. He'll be two years July 11.

Jamie has been kicking back and hanging out. She's not ill. The only beardie not hurt/sick. She will be 5 yrs September 23.

Capaldi our BTS has passed away. He had an cyst that burst. It was harmless at first then burst inside killing him. He seemed fine and it wasn't hurting him. It was small so we didn't think it'd kill him. Stupid on our part probably...we took him to the vet...they didn't do anything and usually they're good with reptiles. On ct scans it didn't seem all that huge. So he's now cremated on our mantle.

The geckos are fine everyone is alive and well.

We have a new BTS..male about 4 months old. We F10 the whole tank before adding the new boy. We named him after an anime character. We named him Eren from Attack on Titan. Happy boy. He roams the house and isn't afraid. He discovered windows and sits with the beardies...well not actually with them. They'd kill him we're not dumb. I married a reptile vet so I know what Im doing. Tom does see reptiles as well as cats and dogs. He's pretty much all around vet. Yes, he knows his stuff on reptiles. He's seen yellow fungus, mouth rot, mbd. You name it, he knows it.


Gray-bearded Member
So I'm still catching up after my husband's vacation, even though he's been back to work for a week now...

I'm glad to hear that Broly seems to be doing ok and at least not showing any signs of severe discomfort. I suppose that genetics has a lot to do with some of this -- just like lots of other things, some beardies are probably genetically predisposed to have problems with MBD no matter how perfect you get their lighting and their calcium supplements. We're lucky that Puff at least doesn't seem to be having any problems with his bone density along with everything else.

I had to do one of those nebulizer treatments myself a few years back (I didn't know how to spell it either -- had to look it up :wink:). I had a bad RI of my own. It's no fun not being able to breathe, so I don't envy Kane. And doesn't it just seem like they all get sick at once when they do, so you never have just one thing at a time to deal with... :roll: At least Jamie's doing well for you. :)

Sorry to hear that you lost Capaldi to such a freakish thing. I guess you just never know what's going to happen, even when you have doctors and medical technology telling you it's nothing to worry about. At least you know it wasn't something contagious that would threaten Eren, but probably good that you took the precaution to sterilize the tank anyway.

Your critters are all lucky that they have a knowledgeable vet for a "daddy" and a caring "mommy."

Puff is better -- his weight and his hematocrit have both improved, and he continues to eat like a pig, so hopefully his recovery will continue. :)

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Yeah, freakish thing I didn't even know the cyst was gonna do anything. Vet said it wasn't a problem at its size. We all just left it alone. Nobody knew that was gonna happen. It was a freak accident or whatever it's called. Probably should have pestured (sp??) them to get rid of it. We trusted the vet at the time.

Broly barely eats greens so the switch is off again. If I add butternut,apple (rarely get them) or carrots he'll eat the mustards (for now they're fresh). He hates greens even stopped liking collards :roll:.

We saw Jurassic World 2 today. I also had breakfast this morning at a restaurant (this rarely happens). I liked it, probably not as exciting as thr first Jurassic World. Everyone has different opinions though.

So after returning home from the movie, Broly passed stool. I thought he passed stool and trailed himself through it. I gave him a bath (which he was very pissed off about). I shined a light on his behind area it's yellow and it's becoming a shed. I also thought he was walking oddly so I let him out. He was dragging his butt along surfaces. He can use his legs but was dragging his butt not legs.'s itching him obviously. He's tired out so I let him sit in the sun after a bath (that should dry him). I accidentally didn't think about the window probably chilled him a little bit. I hope he didn't get ill from one mistake. I did dry him off the best I could with a towel. I gave him a bath and honestly I was falsely thinking dirty and he wasn't. The shed mistakenly made me think dirty butt. My poor dinosaur (beardies look like dinosaurs) mostly raptors. Im seeing mostly Delta and Blue names out there, nothing wrong with that. I didn't even think of Echo...came out after Broly got a name. My future dragon will probably be Indominus (from iRex in first Jurassic World). Well any lizard looks like mini raptors or compys.

As for now, Broly's tired, Kane is through the RI and Jamie still eating. Eren is doing fine! In fact he's awesome. We were offered his sister (named Blue, came with the name). A new tank with the lights and substrate. Blue is in our living room. She's a very aggressive girl! I think people have treated her wrong. I hadn't met or seen an angry BTS. I'll work with Blue make her calmer.

TLDR already but our tokay gecko died....had him a long time, Tom did anyway. I miss him...he was so sweet.


Gray-bearded Member
It's been kind of a weird hectic week for me -- I'm still trying to catch up with all kinds of things. One major accomplishment was that I finally managed to make Puff a new batch of Repashy Grup Pie -- we were all out. I'm planning to let my husband cut it up to the size and shape that he thinks it should be because he's been complaining that it doesn't fit in Puff's mouth, even though he's gotten way better than I am at slipping it in there. Puff really likes it but he gets too excited about it and he's a klutz.

Don't blame yourself about Capaldi's cyst -- or your vet, for that matter. You never know for sure what's going to happen with stuff like that. Not even the best vets have a "crystal ball." You've probably read about Deb's beardies (SweetiePie9, if I remember correctly) Gabriel and Imp -- Gabriel had a huge aneurysm and was expected to die any minute, and Imp was really skinny but was putting on weight and getting better, and then Imp up and died all of a sudden, and meanwhile Gabriel's aneurysm miraculously disappeared and he's still alilve. You just never know. :?

I'm afraid Puff will probably lose his appetite for greens at some point once he's done putting his weight back on, if all continues to go well. He usually gives me "the look" before he dives into his salad like, "Hey, I'm really hungry -- are you going to feed me some bugs or am I going to have to make do with these yucky greens?" He's back up over 400 grams, my husband says 460 -- he seems to have an easier time reading our hokey little 20th century scale than I do -- it's not digital.

Lately, Puff likes butternut squash too, like Broly does, but he doesn't seem to be able to get a hold of the little cubes by himself. My husband has figured out how to feed it to him during his bath. He has to "squash the squash" into his mouth. :roll:

I had a chance to see Jurassic World #1 on TV not too long ago, but don't know if or when I'll get a chance to see #2. I'm furious with our telecommunications service provider at the moment, and we may end up dropping the cable TV (which would probably mean no more Dr Who for me :( ) -- looong story. Bottom line: my husband is planning to shop around for another service provider, and if we find something better, they've lost a customer. There aren't many options here in Alaska.

Anyway, I've liked all the Jurassic Park movies except maybe for Jurassic Park 2 -- it seemed a little bit like a cheap imitation of King Kong, only with a tyrannosaur instead of a giant gorilla. The critics thought that Jurassic Park 3 had a "creaky plot", but I liked it anyway.

Isn't it fun trying to figure out what's going on with a beardie's underbelly? Poop, shed... My worst mistake was seeing something hanging out of there after a bath and a poop, and I mistook it for a penis plug and tried to pull it out, but it turned out to be a partially still attached shed, and Puff was NOT amused... Sorry about that, little guy. :oops:

Puff is still working on a very stubborn nose shed, and his tail looks like a shedding disaster area, although as far as I can tell, no real damage is being done to his tail, at least not so far. It's just taking forever.

I suppose your weather is pretty warm this time of year, so hopefully Broly didn't get too chilled by the window.

Yeah, I can relate -- come home from a Jurassic World movie and your beardies look like little dinosaurs. "Indominus" would be a really big name for a little beardie. :lol:

Maybe Blue is living up to her name :wink: , but if she's been mistreated she can probably learn to trust her new humans with your good care. Glad to hear that Kane and Jamie and Eren are all doing well, but sorry about the little gecko -- you've had too many deaths in your family lately -- I hope you'll be able to treasure the memories and cherish the ones you still have.

One good TLDR deserves another, huh? :mrgreen: I guess I should go put the Grub Pie in the fridge -- it should be cool by now.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

So Broly's arm (one from before) hurts again. I had a friend over for a week so Saturday I noticed it. Idk when it came back. My friend left Tuesday. I took Broly in the sun today for 35 mins. Fixed his arm for a bit. I know supposed to be an hour but we don't have time (specially me staying in the sun too long with easily burned skin). I would like vit d3 in me too but after 15 mins I need to hide my skin from exposure. I don't want skin cancer I already had colon cancer (surviver heeey!). I have to be completely honest we are tired of going to the vet. We've already been there for his arm the first time this happened. As before no acting like it hurts no black beard. Vet still thinks arthritis fron MBD. Nothing anyone can do. We already looked at xrays and stuff. Bones do show up on xray. Blood is good shows good function of organs. Calcium isnt low (it used to be) but it's not too high either. We're both really tired of going to the freaking vet. We have no more we can't go anymore now. He's active, eating and passing stools, not lethargic. Sometimes he naps on and off...arm hurts who wouldn't sleep.

Blue is getting better not as aggressive. Still mean but I understand her. I don't have much to say...Broly's arm is hurt again and that's it...update when it's better or if we do
Go back to the vet...

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Internet is finicky at my parents house. Apparently cable provider having issues. Tom and I are at my parents house and Tom is taking tomorrow off. He works a lot around animals so...he feels bad but hopefully no lizard,cat,dog or bird is sick while he's gone. We drive four hours back home. We took our three beardies and my service dog. We have a neighbor coming over to our house and feed the geckos and Victor (african grey). Quill always has food. My old room is hot LOL. My parents kept my old room the same just a mattress and a spare tv. Man, it brings back memories...Vash, Alucard, dealing with uvb problems as my mom didn't understand why uvb bulbs are not all the same. Specially coils/compact ones. Having to tell her how the reptisun 10 and arcadia tubes are the best ones. Yup...memories...

Anyway, Broly news...his arm is normal again. No vet needed just one morning woke up to him moving around better. He does have one bad thing...his muscles are bad. They're not degenerating. It's called muscle dystrophy. Early stages so nothing bad will happen. Vet advised us on making him walk around more than usual. Have you ever made an adult dragon walk?'s really hard and tiring for us both. Frustrating he won't go walk. You just wanna scream!!! Nobody is screaming at him or yelling we just keep gently saying "walk buddy go". He just looks at us like "you go walk...Im staying here." When he does walk it's only a few inches. His back legs do shake but he manages to get around fine. They're not constantly shaking. Im being honest...he's totally inbred he's now a special needs dragon. He needs digestive enzymes, gout meds for his kidneys, black cherry juice (he loves it), calcium rich foods and calcium supplements as well as vitamin supplement. We stopped collards for a week and even with the Arcadia 14% tube and supplement dosed appropriately MBD came on like a flash of light! So we're staying with collards. We are making him walk every day though he doesn't but we try hard af. I said to him "dude the vet ordered walking therapy or your legs will get worse." He just tilted his head and went a few inches and sat there. Im like "that's something can you go farther?" He looked at me like "you said walk I walked now shut up!" Grumpy for a 3 yr old. He's like a human 3 yr old they get grumpy too. Why get a human baby when beardies act the same as a child?


Gray-bearded Member
Sorry I've been out of the loop for so long. Lots of family stuff going on...

We went to a Scottish fair last weekend and I had a blast, but I thought about you -- I ended up sitting in the grass next to a family with a couple of service dogs, one with a vest that said "service dog in training," and the other with a vest that said "Service Dog -- Do Not Pet." A mother with two little girls, one with cerebral palsy. She told me that she didn't mind talking about it in social situations like that, and I told her I had a friend that had a really hard time going shopping with her service dog. (I was talking about you but I didn't mention any names.) She said she had a hard time with shopping too because people would follow her (out of curiosity or what), and she said she preferred not to be asked questions and have to talk about it when shopping because it distracted her from what she needed to do. So you're not alone -- maybe someone needs to launch a massive public education campaign with PSAs about what to do and what not to do when you encounter someone with a service dog.

If you ask me if I've ever tried to make an adult beardie walk, my response would be, "No, but I've always assumed it's impossible." :wink: Puff has had muscle atrophy, but the vet said that since he's had it along with weight loss and anemia, more exercise isn't going to do him any good. So we didn't have to try to make him walk -- lucked out. I don't envy you having to do that with Broly, but I can't say I blame him for his attitude. I wouldn't respond favorably if someone tried to make me get up and walk when I didn't want to. ( :angry5: )

I do wish breeders would focus on breeding for good health and good temperament instead of on making as much profit as possible by breeding for extreme features that they think people will pay for, but don't get me started... :roll:

I agree with you -- I'm lucky I never had any human babies. Beardies are bad enough, but it's still worth it when you get to cuddle them. :love5:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

I've never been to a Scottish fair or any fair really. I tend to stay out of the open so I don't get bothered. I forget what Im doing when Im shopping too. I don't need people coming up and asking questions. My dog should not be distracted or he may miss the cue of calming me down (really bad!). Of course if Im sitting I can talk about it but people shouldn't just run up and try to pet him or distract him. It gets annoying when you're polite and people get rude because they can't talk to or pet your dog. Why in the hell should you pet my dog?! There needs to some sort of education about service dogs. That's great the lady was ok to talk and it.

Im not allowed to give up...Broly must walk. I don't wanna piss him off and I know I would hate being told to walk. My grandfather hated it. He just wanted to sit around. He's actually getting farther than before he was going a few inches. He's not any getting worse as long as he moves his legs. He finally passed a stool big one too. June 30 was his last one now June 5 is his last. He had four days worth of build up. Didn't smell any worse so nothing was rotting. I smelled stool after 9 days of not going to the bathroom. Vash (before he died) went 9 days without a stool and when he went was so bad...whew!

Eren and Blue are doing fine. They don't notice each other at all. Tom works tomorrow so back to cleaning up the house.


Gray-bearded Member
Yeah, fairs can be stressful if you have a hard time with crowds as well as with spending $ -- we splurged! :mrgreen: Crowds are stressful for me too, but on a good day I can handle it and this time it was fun and well worth it. I've had some bad experiences at the state fair in the past though. One of my other problems is that I don't have enough stamina for all the walking and standing, and we've missed the state fair the last couple of years because of that, even though I hate to, because there's a reptile rescue that's been coming to our fair for the last several years, and I really like to go to their exhibit. Next time we're going to try renting me a wheelchair, hoping they'll have at least a few wide load heavy duty ones for fat people. That way I can rest when I need to and I'll always have a place to sit.

I got sunburned too, but at my age, hopefully I did not increase the odds that I will die of skin cancer (as opposed to with it) before I die of something else, at least not by a significant amount. It was actually kind of funny when I got home and saw myself in the mirror, because it had been so long since I'd been out in the sun that long that I had almost forgotten that this could happen. I didn't even think to wear a hat or sunscreen. :oops:

If you don't mind my asking, what is your dog trained to do to help you calm down?

Speaking of poop, Puff plopped a nice big healthy looking one in his tank yesterday afternoon so I didn't think he was going to poop in his bath later in the evening when "daddy" came home, but he did. Twice in one day. That's the difference between eating lots of greens, squash, and Repashy grub pie, as opposed to refusing to eat anything but crickets and roaches. When he was on the strict carnivore diet (of his own choosing), he was known to go as much as 2-3 weeks without a poop. But if I don't see it in the tank I can usually smell it. One time I thought I had a gas leak and it was him. :lol: And yesterday I thought I'd gotten it all and wondered why I could still smell it -- then I discovered a stray dribble of urate that I'd missed... :roll:

BTW, congratulations for surviving colon cancer, but I hate to think about how much more hell you've been through besides what I already knew about. And I can relate to your not wanting any more trips to the vet, especially when it's something they can't cure anyway, and all it's doing is stressing your beardie out and spending your money. We've been there and done that with Puff and his adenovirus. In the last few months, Puff has once again become a solid 24 karat Golden Dragon. Broly is at least lucky that he has a vet for a daddy, so he can take a look at him and decide if he needs anything that can't be done for him at home. Do you guys get any discounts when you take him in, since Tom works there? That would at least help a little, if so.

Oops. TLDR again. :) I'll probably be offline again for the next few days, so I hope you have a nice weekend. :wave:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
My dog, Badger is trained to lean against me as a way to calm me down or bring me water if I ask him. I always have bottled water in my bag. He also brings medications if I need them.

Broly is shedding underneath one back leg right now. He finally ate more than he has been. Two bowls of squash. He loves sweet potato unfortunately that's a rare veggie. I may just give him sweet potato as a birthday gift in January (what else can you give him?). He's going to be four in January.

Idk why Im brain dead...can't really think of anything else. Every day is the same unless we have company. On Monday though we have to call the garbage people why they didn't pick up our trash. It's supposed to be emptied but no it's like for some reason they skipped us. I suppose we can go two weeks but kinda sucks. Our neighbors have emptied trash bins. We did pay them so I wonder what happened.

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