Why choose dragons?

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Hatchling Member
Hey just curious to why everyone here choose to own dragons or reptiles in general? whats the appeal to you?

I choose to have one because I read they are very well tempered and easy to hold. Plus they are different. They are not a cat or dog. I have always been different so I thought a lizard would be perfect.

I also choose a lizard because I'm fascinated with the galaxy and from what I understand and fully believe, the reptiles are the oldest species in the galaxy game and come from mainly the Orion star system (hence why my guy is named 'Orion'). Yes, I am an out of the box thinker and bit of a conspiracy buff but mostly a KNOWER that aliens/reptilians DO exist all around us (on earth, in it and above it).

but what about you? why?


Hatchling Member
I've always had a fascination with animals ever since I was a little kid. I would've gotten a dog or cat like every other kid but my parents don't like them very much so growing up I had different fishes here and there but that was about it. I had been looking at different types of lizards for awhile and I thought they were awesome. I was going to get a monitor or tegu but decided against that because I don't have enough space available to them. I decided on getting a bearded dragon because they don't grow that big and most importantly they don't mind be handled. I've had my lizard for 2 months now and although its been frustrating because she is still not clam enough to be out of her cage for long I still love her lots.


Juvie Member
I got my dragon because of my older sister. She has her daughter, son-in-law, and their two boys living with her. Her grandson wanted a pet. She told him he could have one as long as it wasn't a dog or cat. Long story short he chose a dragon. He's 7 yrs old. Of course his mom takes care of Spike more than he does. :roll: I went to see Spike and it was love at first sight. I got Draco about 3 to 4 wks later on September 9th. As my mother use to say, God bless her, anything with 4 legs and a tail and Rosanne (me) will own it eventually. Wish she was here to see Draco but she passed away in 2006. I'm sure she's smiling from Heaven though!! :D I'm use to unusual pets cause I had rats. I loved them too. And I am happy to say I am getting a gecko tomorrow, I hope if it's still there. I was assured it would be. :mrgreen: Will get pictures when he/she is home. :) Guess I'll have to add to my signature below. :blob5:


Hatchling Member
oooo i love this topic

when i was little I brought everything that i could get my hands onto in the house in an attempt to keep it as a pet. Mostly snakes..they would generally get loose and Mom would find them. In addition i would bring in salamanders and frogs, a spider (after Charlotte's web) turtles even a bat my cat cornered. My Mom thought i had a natural affinity with wildlife/animals as i was never bitten. Of course these wild critters were always let loose after awhile. I also raised some wild baby birds.
We moved to a farm in Maine as a young teenager and we had a little homestead with many farm animals but I still was drawn to reptiles. I had purchased a book on iguanas and had a goal of getting one. Once out of the house, married and children I finally had my first Iguana Raphael. My son was in scouts and I was the leader and he was a great educational pet.
Years later after my divorce he came with me as i traveled to different apartments and my seasonal employment at Acadia National park. He was a big hit as I frequently took him for rides and walked on leash outside.
After he died there were no more pet stores locally and I had my house filled with cats dogs and fish and birds.
I had been seeing dragons on the rare occasion that I traveled to the nearest pet shop. My first reptile in my home with my current husband was a corn snake than another and 2 more that was 3 years ago. I saw lep. geckos and happily brought one home last year.

She is great but sleeps most of the day and tolerates being held but very different than Raph.
Finally this year I saw some baby beardies and fell in Love. I started researching and discovered they are very like iguanas (which i can no longer get as a pet in Maine) I brought home Puppy and was amazed at his personality and cute eyes and the way he looks at me while i talk to him. he seems to really enjoy being held and as everyone knows on this site .....beardies are GREAT. sooo a week later I found another one at a different store and he was doing the glass dance while i looked at him that said TAKE ME HOME....
I did and am sooo glad...i can see my life as never being without a dragon again.
well that was a long story lol


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Ferociouscorpion":1ydrcfck said:
I've always had a fascination with animals ever since I was a little kid. I would've gotten a dog or cat like every other kid but my parents don't like them very much so growing up I had different fishes here and there but that was about it. I had been looking at different types of lizards for awhile and I thought they were awesome. I was going to get a monitor or tegu but decided against that because I don't have enough space available to them. I decided on getting a bearded dragon because they don't grow that big and most importantly they don't mind be handled. I've had my lizard for 2 months now and although its been frustrating because she is still not clam enough to be out of her cage for long I still love her lots.

Great. Mine is a few months old too but is now just calm enough to chill on my shoulder or sleep on my stomach while I watch tv. up to recently all Orion wanted to do was run and jump off me. still does a bit now but is a bit more calm. good luck


Juvie Member
When I was growing up, I didn't know about bearded dragons. We had cats, dogs, fish and the occasional frog that my sisters tried to sneak in. lol
When I became an adult I wanted a cat so much, but every place I lived didn't allow them. When I got married, my husband and I shared the same dream. We talked to our landlord and he really was hesitant about it, but said we could have a pet if it was in a cage. So our first pet was 2 guinea pigs, and that was 12/18/10.
During the time we started talking about getting a guinea pigs, we would look at the other animals around that area, which were also the reptiles section. We looked at the bearded dragons, but at first I really didn't think much because I wasn't much of a reptile person. My goal was to have a cat.
We had settled into life with the guinea pigs and they are the cutest little girl piggies. In Feb if this year, we went to a pet store and my husband decided to get Halloween crabs because they wee really neat. Unfortunately they ended up dying in weeks of each other. In May of this year, was when the 2nd crab died. Well, my husband suggested us get a bearded dragon. At that point, we really didn't know much about them, nor did we know about this site. So to make a long story short. Our first one was with us only 20 days, partly because we weren't educated enough, and partly because we weren't given right information to care for it.
The next one we got was May 28th from a reptile show. He lived from then until about the middle of July. We were so sad and just about ready to give up on having a beardie. But one day after a doctor appointment, we went in to Petsmart and there was this c ute little beardie (bigger than the others) against the glass just looking at us. we went in about 2 or 3 days after that until about 3 weeks later we decided to get the little guy. We've had him since August 2nd of this year. Since then our landlord has allowed us to get a cat. Plus we have gotten 1 more guinea pig and 2 fancy rats. I love all of our pets. My favorite animal, from as long as I can remember has always been a cat. But now that I have had a bearded dragon, I think they are probably the most awesome animal I have ever have had the opportunity of having. I even told my husband that beardies are my favorite. :)
Sorry this was so long. lol


Sub-Adult Member
I actually wanted a tortoise!

I had an Iguana as a kid and he grew to a large enough size that my mom eventually gave him away :(

Anyway I wanted a low maintenance pet for my little house and I thought a turtle or something would be the best, then i went to my reptile shop and Frank sorta chose me after I saw him and learned about how docile they can be if they're given a good environment.

Brought him home and haven't looked back! Much more chill than an iguana- don't get me wrong I loved my Iguana and he was tame as anything because we'd worked so hard on him, but Beardies are the nicest thing ever! I didn't have to really even WORK at making him my pal!
They don't concern themselves with the mundane daily stuff that's going on around then as long as they have something to look at, something to eat, and something to bask on! AWESOME! Also they look like dinosaurs. Your argument is invalid. THEY LOOK LIKE DINOSAURS!! :blob8:

@shiva- I love that their names are puppy and kitty. Awesome!


Juvie Member
My fascination was (and is) with frogs actually. I used to catch them when I was younger and put them in my pockets :? My daughter is the one who introduced me to beardies. When she was three, she became fascinated with everything dinosaur. As she got older, her interest in prehistoric reptiles led her to a love for modern day reptiles. She begged and begged for a lizard, and after researching various types of lizards, we bought her a beardie for her 7th birthday. She loves him like most kids love their cats and dogs. She keeps him out of his cage from the time she gets home from school until bedtime. He sleeps with her every night in his very own hand-made sleeping bag complete with pillow. She kisses him goodbye when she goes to school in the morning and again when she gets home from school. She is 11 now and her love of reptiles has gone beyond beardies to snakes, frogs, and various species of lizards. We now have two beardies, and she is pushing for a corn snake. I think it would be awesome for her to learn how to handle various types of reptiles. Unfortunately, my husband is not a reptile lover, and he has said absolutely no snakes in the house :( Maybe one of these days we will convince him otherwise :wink:


Sub-Adult Member
I got into bearded dragons because I moved and at the placed I moved to you could not have cats or dogs so I had to get rid of my dog. I found myself vary grouchy with out a pet to mess around with so I thought I would get some fish and went to pet smart and seen this cute little lizard glass dancing and looking to say" get me out of here!!" Now that cute little dancing lizard is named saphria and is by far the coolest pet i have ever had!! So for me it was just a by chance kind of thing lol


Juvie Member
I have always rescued pets, cats, hamsters, birds, dogs you name it. When someone has an unwanted pet they come to me first. Well I have a friend at work whos grandson had a beardie he wanted to get rid of and replace with fish. She had been tring to talk me into it for about 3 weeks but I kept telling her that I at my limit with 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 birds, and a fish. As the weeks went on and it was looking like no one was going to take the little guy they stared talking about giving to pet stores or putting it on cregslist but I thought that would be mean!

So I ended up taking her home to live with me! I loved her so much 2 month later I got another one! So now I have 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 birds, and 2 bearded dragons and ................a partrige in a pear tree.

+crickets+hornworms+superworms+butterworms+silkworms+reptiworms. We dont want to leave out all the nice little feeders we have to take care of too!


my brother started us on the bearded dragon thought. he purchased one (well all the sisters got him one for his birthday) three years ago. unfortunately, he was not that educated on them and it passed away a couple of months later. my son has been wanting a pet for the past year ot so. when i was little, i always had rodents so that was our first choice for him. well, after about 4 years of getting pnemonia 2 times a year, we discovered my son has sever allergies to cats, dogs, and dust. Not wanting to push the issue, we decided against anything with hair/fur for him. knowing that the bearded dragon was a possibility, we did our research and after 2 months of non-stop reading up on them, we decided to bring one home for him. his name has been changed from bandit to bowser and my husband (who secretly loves him the most) is currently building him a custom viv with materials estimated to cost $250 or so.


Hatchling Member
I wanted a pet as a kid, but I've always had allergies to cats, and my parents weren't keen on having a dog and the walking and housebreaking that comes with it. I was also always interested in reptiles, so they got me some small lizards (anoles, various geckos), and at different times had a dwarf tegu and iguana. Unfortunately I didn't really know how to properly care for them beyond what the pet stores told me, and they didn't last too long.

I had a hedgehog for a few years in high school, but no pets after that for over a decade. I'd been thinking about getting another pet for a couple years, thinking about another hedgehog or tortoise. A year and a half back, I was getting work done on my car when my girlfriend and I stopped at a pet store across the street to kill time. They had a tank with baby dragons, 2 of which ran towards the front of it and started glass dancing when they saw us. My girlfriend said, "Aww, he's waving!" I was intrigued by the friendly baby dragons, liked what I found when I started researching them, and decided to get one. A month later, I went to the big local exotic animal show with the intent of getting a dragon. I didn't do any research on the breeders, I just picked one mainly based on color. Luckily, he's been healthy and friendly so far, apart from a case of pinworms.


I never even thought about reptiles as a pet before, they were other people's pets. I have always had dogs, still do since my husband races sleddogs, and I once had a cat, I remember a hamster and parakeet when I was a kid. When we opened our pet supply store in July 2010 we started selling crickets and superworms. In November one of our regular cricket customers said his daughter was going to college and wanted to know if we wanted her bearded dragon, to sell or keep. Well we said ok, got Rex and the whole setup which we were going to sell. About a week after having Rex in the store we knew we were going to keep him, people were coming into the store and saying hi to him. I still didn't really touch him, I was afraid of him, never having reptiles or knowing anyone that had one. So I went online to find out what I could feed him and do some research, I found this site and realized that dragons liked to be handled.. :wink: so I picked him out of his viv one day and it was love, he is the coolest pet. He turns the prettiest yellow color when I am holding him, in his viv he is a brown color. This past weekend the previous owners sister came in and I mentioned that I get him out and he turns yellow and she stated that she never saw him turn yellow when they had him. :D Aww, he loves me too!


Gray-bearded Member
Well my older brother moved out of the house. He was 19 and he took the family dog( but mostly his dog) with him. I was lonely and with Tug( the dog) out of the house I could have another pet that he wouldn't try to eat or play with.

So I went online and decided that I was going to get a turtle, ( it had to be a small animal), then my mom said how bout something cooler.
So i was going to get a Chameleon, a male veiled chameleon. So i went to the petstore to talk to a expert about them.

The guy at the petstore told me that they are more decoration and not really loved to be handled.

So then he showed me a ball python. I was in love! I held him and was just immersed. So I was set to get him two weeks later. My mom was happy to have a snake, she had a ton of snakes back in the day.

But my dad didn't think was the best idea because I hate seeing dead animals and I would have to feed the snake mice. So he did some research and it showed that bearded dragons are one of the top reptiles out there. He said they were like the dog of the lizard world.
So I made the decison to get a beardie. Found one on craigslist. And now I am thrilled that I got Puff! I love him with all my heart!

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