I have seen 3 beardies, 2 middle aged and 1 older who developed similar issues to this eye problem if it’s the same thing, though hard to tell from the pic. Our local exotic vet hadn’t seen it before, but having seen it x3 in rescued & pet beardies, it has to be something that isn’t rare. Oddly, I’ve been unable to find anything about it online! Every 5-10 days, they will get a buildup of this hard, crystalline substance on their eyelashes that will glue the eye shut. Usually affects one eye more than the other. Simple irrigation with unpreserved contact lens saline solution can help soften it but often doesn’t remove it all. Neither will cotton swabs. Occasionally I have to very gently remove it with tweezers and then copiously irrigate with saline, followed by application of over the counter, unpreserved eye drops for dry eyes means for humans (Systane). I have 5 beardies in my home at the moment & 2 have this problem. It is NOT an infection. Our local science & history museum has a dragon with the same issue. She too is on the north side of middle aged. That’s all I know about the topic!