What a weekend....(grab a chair)

So Ruby met his grandparents. Ruby was an absolute angel. He didnt hiss, puff or attack anything. He curled on my arm going to see them and we had a pleasant ride. Rocky stayed home brumating. Ruby ate, enjoyed the set up and even stopped by the store...no issues. My parents thought he was small, orange and interesting. My father pet him- a little too hard for my liking, no response from Ruby. Ruby pooped on my mothers carpet but it didn't stink so we got a pass.
I check the camera and Rocky was sleeping.
The next day, Ruby is fine- sees the windows. I cover plants and Ruby is fine. I turn my head and Ruby DIVES for a plant. I jump for Ruby. I try to open his mouth - nothing but bulging eyes, I didnt care. Credit Card, Credit CARD- I yell....still Ruby didnt let go. It was a small piece but still.
Ruby swallowed it. Ruby was fine- pooped and ate bugs, no black beard and the charcol was home. When I covered the plants, Ruby thought it meant to go for the plants.
So the next few days, no issues- Ruby then jumps out of her playpen becuase she climbs up EVERYTHING- she refuses to go in but is comfortable. She wants (he) to be held and will not go back. Ruby then puts himself to sleep at 4:30. 5pm is bedtime.
We drive home- Ruby attacks the gearshift, my cup- Ruby sits on me- I try to hold Ruby today at home and she HISSED AT ME!
Rocky was home in a trance waiting on me. 30 minutes later he comes to and finally gives me the blow out beard of appreciation. He was so pissed I left.
Rocky wouldnt let me hold him until today and he is prickly feeling and still ready to brumate. However, when I cut the tv off- he came back out as if I would leave him.
He turns bright when he sees me but he is not here-

I have no clue what is going on -
I have a dragon that pretends for my parents and another that punishes me.
My new solarmeter is here and I better put the charcoal in my bad.
I had his mouth in my hand--- it was seriously half an inch of a plant but he's a baby.

Oh he also walked at their house as opposed to JUMPING everywhere here.


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
What kind of plant did he eat?
They are insanely quick when they decide to be lil trouble makers lol. Of all the dragons 🐉 I've ever had, i have never heard one hiss (i feel cheated lol) Christina was singing Puff a lullaby when she was a baby and startled her awake, she said Puff hissed at her then, but i wasn't close enough to hear it.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
I have to upload a video. Ruby hisses often s/he sounds like a cat. She looks me dead in the eye and hisses. It's crazy. Im not afraid which is odd. I am sad I let Rocky down but he is fighting brumation so I dont leave him. I love him so but he should rest. He looks about 40 pounds. He will eat a little and he is moving. He slept on his hammock tonight.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
Ruby is a troublemaker- what was the point of me covering the plant? He's so tiny and fast- he pounces- he is so warm and cuddly too.


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
It looks like that plant is toxic, it mostly causes digestive issues. It can cause high heart rate also.
Since it's been a few days Ruby is probably just fine, but you might want to consider putting it out of his reach.
As far as being a troublemaker... I think thats great lol. I love extremely active beardies. Especially if they have big attitude and personality! Most of mine are lazy. Snickers is pretty sassy though. (Secretly she's my favorite, but don't tell the others lol)
Didn't Rocky just come out of brumation like a month ago? He's starting to sound a lot like Zen lol. But thats ok to, thete are definitely perks to a calm beardie to!!! 🙂

Oh I would love a video of Ruby hissing, I bet it's like a small kitten hissing. More cute than intimidating lol 😆


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
It looks like that plant is toxic, it mostly causes digestive issues. It can cause high heart rate also.
Since it's been a few days Ruby is probably just fine, but you might want to consider putting it out of his reach.
As far as being a troublemaker... I think thats great lol. I love extremely active beardies. Especially if they have big attitude and personality! Most of mine are lazy. Snickers is pretty sassy though. (Secretly she's my favorite, but don't tell the others lol)
Didn't Rocky just come out of brumation like a month ago? He's starting to sound a lot like Zen lol. But thats ok to, thete are definitely perks to a calm beardie to!!! 🙂

Oh I would love a video of Ruby hissing, I bet it's like a small kitten hissing. More cute than intimidating lol 😆
Oh no. Why am I reading this today. What a day (when you see the other posts, you'll see what's going on). Listen, one thing about Ruby...her digestive system is still in tact. She poops every day and eats everything. I thank God she survived that. The plant isn't here but at the grandparents' house. She stays in her tank other than a hug. Hug for me, hiss for her. When I put food in the enclosure, Ruby runs so fast but now she only looks for bugs. She will stare up then down then up and down. THe new dubias arent here yet so she has to wait. She doesnt want to hear it at all. If Ruby could eat 24 /7 she would.
I am aware I am calling her a her....I am working on it. I never met a man with such an attitude. there is no possible way!


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Snickers does that with the up and down looks, she will track your hands too (until she gets food, then I'm beneath her royal attention again lol). I think it's priceless to watch.

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either she really likes me, or shes hungry
I can’t wait to see Dr.Wilson be a big dragon but I try to cherish hard the moments while he still fits in my hand 🦎
It’s been a month since I’ve joined bd.org! It feels like it’s been longer than that, but I’m glad I’m here and apart of this lovely community!
I can feel her staring into my soul demanding food
She was having a staring contest with a mealworm. I guess I never taught her to not play with her food, lol.

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