vomiting boo...

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ok, my 2 year old beardie Boo came flying down off her log this morning and started shaking her whole body then threw up. Looks like mostly crickets that havent digested. She seems to be acting pretty normal now. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas what could be wrong..

beardie parents

BD.org Sicko
How long have you had her? Sometimes if the temps are off it can cause an upset tummy. It happened with my new little one, she was fine after that day and she finally ate a couple of days later, she had been a new arrival and this happened the first day we had her.

There could be other reasons that I'm not aware of right now, hopefully someone with more experience in that area will chime in and help.


Sub-Adult Member
My baby did this when he became impacted. Keep him very warm, even at night. Soak & give fluids as often as possible. It can't hurt if he isn't impacted but why take a chance.
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