Unknown problem, and aggression after vet

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Làsko is about a year old and a male. Before asked, Yes all of his cage temps and bulbs are right. Since Saturday he hasn't had an appetite at all. He ate one large roach, didn't touch his salad and when I got new ones shipped in that day he wouldn't eat them either. He didn't eat whatsoever the next two days no matter what I tried , and today , Wednesday, he finally ate a small piece of lettuce that I hand fed him. He's active still , still poops normally, and is just a tiny bit dehydrated, but nothing extreme. He is pale now and turning a green tint . He's sleeping a little more also. I took him to a vet, who seemed to not know what she was doing , but was all I had. She gave him a shot of antibiotics and 4 to take home and give him every two days. He slept the entire way home but Since the visit where they man handled him he's aggressive but won't bite you. I don't know what to do . He still won't eat or drink and he's already getting smaller.. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help


Hatchling Member
Well i hate to ask after you stated not to, but we need to know what bulbs you have, temps, and how you are measuring them.

It sounds like it could possibly be brumation but we need the setup to be sure.
here is a website to find vets certified for reptiles (www.herpvetconnection.com)
what are you feeding him for salad? Use something like collard or mustard greens. lettuce is not nutritious at all and it causes diarrhea. I dont use dubias so im not sure about this, but im pretty sure youre not supposed to feed males with wings (if you are), but im not sure.

to calm him with his aggression issue, try handling him more often(gently),and if you want you can put a worn shirt of yours in with him so he can get used to your scent.

Im not good with medicine, but im sure someone who is would like to know the name of the antibiotic you were given.


BD.org Addict
When was the vet visit? Before or after the change in behavior/color? This is all over the course of five or six days?

If the aggression is from the stressful vet trip he may need a little while to calm down.

It might be a good idea to being to weigh him regularly to make sure he isn't loosing too much weight.


Original Poster
You're right. The cage is 90-105 hit side and 80-90 on the cool side. He uses zoo med lights and it's a UVB one. He has an inferred heat light . I don't remember exactly what kind .
I thought he was Brumating at first but he wouldn't have turned pale or a shade of green and he would sleep a lot more. He is still very active and every thing was normal except he won't eat or drink and his color.
I didn't know that you were not go use winged roaches? I've never heard of that before but I won't now if he eats again.
He has NEVER been aggressive before the visit. I handle him daily and he is used to what I smell like because he is always on me.
The medicine givin is baytril . He has to get it every 2 days, I have 4 left. He hasn't calmed down yet, hates to be touched and his beard is constantly the blackest I've ever seen it.


Original Poster
The vet visit was yesterday. It was after the color change that I took him but he didn't start acting like that till after the vet visit. Yes it has all been over 6 days that this happened.
The vet said it is normal for him to be a little upset, but he's more than a little upset.
I don't know his beginning weight but I will start keeping up with that starting today.


BD.org Addict
Poor guy, I'm sorry to hear things are so rough for him. I'm not sure what the green color would mean, hopefully someone has some experience with that.

What did they diagnose or tell you was going on, and why did they prescribe the baytril? The shots are not fun and the ordeal could easily piss him off, stress and medications can put them off food too. It sounds like he got really upset from the visit. I wonder if they could have hurt him when they were handling him at the vet?

I don't think the males wings are a problem, I've fed them. The wings are not really digestible but they are thin and soft.


Original Poster


Original Poster
The doctor just kept saying she didn't like his color and didn't know what was really wrong with him. She never gave a reason as to why to put him on that medicine she just did. I have never seen a bearded dragon turn green or heard of it. I know the vet visit really stressed him out and they were a little rough when handling him. I really don't know what else to try. She called today and said i need to take him back to start him on a force feeding diet? i am not sure what to do for the little guy anymore..


BD.org Addict
Find another vet. Seriously.

You can also message drache613 on here, she is very helpful and knowledgable. hopefully she can help you.

I would worry about the color change too, but that's no reason to just start an antibiotic. She should at least have had something in mind, maybe she didn't mention it I don't know.

Did they run any blood work that would have taken so long to get back to you, that they suggest the force feeding?

Your image doesn't seem to be working btw.


Original Poster
I did find a new one. I just didn't wanna wait more days if it was something serious because the closest herp vet other than her is 2 1/2 hours away. She said if he still wasn't better to come back tomorrow and they'll run blood work too. She didn't give a reason but I'm getting a second opinion with another vet. The image only worked on a computer for some reason. I'm still fairly new to this site so I wasn't sure how to upload one.


BD.org Addict
Would the other vet do a phone consultation maybe? They might even be able to coordinate with your local vet for blood work if it should be urgent. That drive sucks. Tracie (the mod/member I mentioned) will have a better idea of urgency than I would.

For the picture You need to have a link to share it, you can't upload to the forum. You can use photobucket or the other free image hosts though.


BD.org Addict
It just occurred to me (I'm embarrassed to say) but where is the green? Is there any possibility it's part of his coloration?


Original Poster
First it was just a stripe down his back and now it's his entire side. He's a tanish orange color and is defiantly not part of his coloration. I'm working on uploading the picture again. I messaged her, so hopefully all goes well! I'm calling the vet in around 10 mins


BD.org Sicko
Hi there....just wanted to chime in that a year old dragon may easily go for days without eating, even weeks without it being an emergency. It's that time of year, even if he doesn't actually sleep or bromate. The vet giving antibiotics is a huge mistake without a diagnosis....introducing powerful meds. for no real reason, plus the pain of injection. Please put up a picture...your image didn't show up. His strange color is likely some form of shed. Let him rest, and I would not give one more painful injection for no reason, even if the vet meant well. Sub adult dragons may go through a non eating phase...I've had many....and it is almost never harmful. Let him be, and see what happens after a few weeks as you continue to offer food + water. No stressful force feeding either, just a little time. He's probably fine.
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