Truly Reaching Out For Help...

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Hatchling Member
Okay everyone, I'm reaching out for ANY advice, shared stories, prayers, wishes, and good thoughts for my Leo. This is going to be a bit long-winded...

I bought my Leo back in October 2010, as an adult (him, not me... well, me as well, but that's not the point). He was a former breeder for a wonderful couple I met at the Sacramento Reptile Show that year. Basically I fell in love with the big guy, and simply had to have him. He came to me a very healthy and robust goofball, at 2 1/3 years old, 21" long, and at about 670 grams. He had never been a massive eater, for me or his previous family, but he somehow managed to maintained that weight. After having him for five months, I took him to the Vet, as he had seemed... off... to me (this was now March 2011). Turned out he had pinworms. Two doses of Panacur later, and he was like a new dragon. His weight spiked at 750 grams, and he seemed to be single-handedly trying to destroy my dubia colony!

Fast forward a few months, to the hot Summer time. Leo loves exploring in the back yard, and weather permitting, I make sure to let all of the beardies enjoy some natural sunlight at least once a week. Leo, especially, loves it. Now, there is an area of our back patio that is slow to drain water after the sprinklers have come on. This is Leo's favorite place to play. I don't know what it is about the goofball, but he just adores playing in puddles. Anyway, back in July, he got a bit overly excited, and aspirated some water. He coughed and sputtered a bit, then went on his merry way. I watched him like a hawk for a few days, but everything seemed fine. On a particular day at the end of the month, however, I noticed he had a little "wet" sounding cough. I monitored him again, but it never came back.

Fast forward again, to this past September. Leo had seemed... off... again, and I noticed a bit of weight loss (I regularly weigh everyone). I had also noticed what I *thought* might have been a tiny bit of blood in his stool one day, though I couldn't be sure. In addition to all that, he seemed to be exhibiting some signs of what might have been a respiratory infection; forced exhalation, gaping, even seeming to swallow back down mucus that the exhalations dislodged. I took him back to the Vet, where a fecal exam showed that his parasite levels were elevated once more. Two more rounds of Pancur. However, this time he didn't bounce back. In fact, the very day after his second Panacur round, I woke up to find a very lethargic beardie (this was now the very beginning of October). It scared me enough that I made an Urgent Care appointment for that same day. Blood was drawn for a full work-up, a vitamin shot and fluids were administered (as a precaution), and he was prescribed a round of Fortaz injections, 0.07ml to be given every three days for a total of seven doses (also as a precaution).

Less that a week later, I brought him back in for a follow-up appointment. His fecal showed that he still had parasites, and so was put on a round of Flagyl, 7ml every three days for a total of five doses, which ended up finally doing the trick. His CBC panel was "inconclusive" however, though it did show that poor Leo was fighting some kind of infection.

Leo was still losing weight, so at this time I began syringe-feeding him slurries. I'd mix up chicken or squash baby food, with the Repta-Aid nutritional supplement, and calcium and vitamins as needed. I even bought that "Baby Bullet" blender device to make little Dubia Smoothies for him (ohhh man, the SMELL). Leo, being the wonderful boy that he is, always took it like a champ.

At the end of October, I brought Leo in again to the Vet. At this time, I had X-Rays done, which came back normal. The Fortaz injections hadn't managed to get rid of whatever infection he was fighting, so he was prescribed a round of TMS, 0.35ml to be given orally every other day for a total of 12 doses. After watching him through four doses though, I couldn't bring myself to continue the treatment... obvious distress, vomiting, black-bearding, panicked behavior. I decided (and my Vet agreed) to discontinue the TMS, and begin the recommended two rounds of the holistic approach, Reptaid. I continued with the slurries.

Now we're up to November. At first, the Reptaid seemed to be doing the trick. Leo was finally putting back on a little of the weight he had lost, and was beginning to eat on his own a little, with superworms and hornworms being his meals of choice. The symptoms that I had believed to be as a result of a respiratory infection were less as well. I was so happy that my big boy was finally getting better.

Then toward the end of December, he took a rather rapid down-turn.

His weight was at its lowest, at 610 grams. Though he still had some fat pads on the top of his head, you could see the poor little guy's hip bones jutting against his skin. He stopped eating almost altogether, and I might have thought he was getting ready for brumation, if it wasn't for the weight loss and the fact that he still basked the entire day away. His energy level was dropping, he began to seem slightly unsteady on his feet, and the respiratory infection symptoms were back with a force, as I was now seeing liquid bubbling from his nostrils. On the 30th, I took him back into the Vet, and voiced my concern that we were still dealing with a RI, and that I wanted to put him on Baytril. My Vet listened to his lungs though, and said that they sounded just fine. However, he did say that even though the lungs sounded fine, and the X-Rays came back clean, it didn't necessarily mean that there wasn't something going on. So he prescribed Leo a round of Baytril, 0.15ml to be injected every day for 10 days.

Knowing that Baytril can be harsh on their systems, I took time off work to make sure that I was home for the entire round of injections, so that I could continue the slurries, oral fluids, and general loving attention. We have our little routine... after his lights have been on for an hour or two, I put him into a quick warm bath, where he'll poop (though the Baytril has given him slight diarrhea, so some mornings he can't wait, and I end up cleaning his basking area), then he's taken out and given his injection. Next we cuddle on the couch for an hour, him wrapped in a towel on top of a heat pad (the kind for humans). After that he goes back to his tank for a few hours of basking, then I take him out again for another quick warm bath so I can feed him his slurry (he's a messy eater). Then it's back for another hour of heat pad/towel/couch cuddling, before being returned to his tank for a couple more hours of basking before lights-out.

So, here's the thing... he seems to be getting worse. Tomorrow is his last scheduled Baytril injection, and I can't say that I've seen any improvement. He's only put back on 10 grams, and he's still dealing with what I believe are respiratory issues. He refuses to eat anything on his own. What has scared me the most, is when I came home tonight from visiting my Mom, I picked him up to move him to his warmer cozy hide (he had fallen asleep on his now-cold basking rock), and I quite literally FELT rattling in his chest when he exhaled. It was VERY noticeable. He looked at me with his sad little eyes, and I just absolutely broke down.

I don't know what else to do. I've put so much care and money into my big boy, and to see him steadily go downhill is hurting me. I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle. During his last Vet appointment, I told my wonderful Vet that because I wanted to be a realist and look at all possibilities, I needed to talk to him about euthanasia. I had sobbed so hard that I was barely coherent. If it comes down to it, I will make that call, and not prolong my Leo's Life if he tells me it's time, but I'm just so frustrated with what's going on with him. I'm wondering if another round of Baytril injections will make a difference...

I'm also wondering if anyone, ANYONE, has any idea of where I can go from here. Because I know the question will be, and should be, asked, here's a run-down of Leo's tank and feeding:

- 40 gallon breeder, open top (no screen)
- tile substrate, with a large flagstone under his basking lights, and a half-log hide on the "cool" end with a cozy fleece blanket tucked inside, and random fake foliage decorations
- lights are on a 12 on/12 off cycle
- "old school" 100 watt MegaRay MVB on basking side (from BEFORE they had their issues) that still puts out great UVB (I have and regularly use a Solarmeter 6.2), kept at a recommended distance away from him (15" from basking rock) with an additional heat only bulb to get the temps right
- CHE on "cool" side run 24/7 right now, as it's Winter and we don't run our heater very much
- basking temp between 105*F and 110*F (elevated because of his illness, though he tends to like the higher temps anyway)
- "cool" side kept between 80*F and 82*F
- temps measures with digital probe, as well as a temp gun
- salads of mustard greens/dandelion greens/kale topped with different squashes available most days
- insect diet consists of superworms and dubia roaches, with hornworms given as an expensive treat (despite the numerous trips to the Vet... I'm really not made of money)
- live prey is lightly dusted with calcium powder (without D3) at every other feeding, and dusted with multivitamin once a week (though because he hasn't been eating, all of this has been taken into account with the slurries)
- raspberries given as an infrequent treat (he LOVES them)
- when he wasn't ill, he was given a warm bath every week

I'm sure there are umpty-squillion more questions that I should be answering, but I simply can't think of any more right now. It's 2:30 in the morning, my nerves are frayed, and it's hard to see the computer screen through the tears.

So please, if there's anything that anyone can tell me, even if it's just to let me know that it's okay to let him go, I'm begging you...


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Oh, I forgot to mention... Leo has also been on probiotics with every round of antibiotics.


Hatchling Member
Your poor beardie to be fighting something for such a long time. And what kind of vet have you been going to? Sounds odd to me that he wouldn't have fixed the problem by now.

I don't know much about beardie illness but based off what's going on i can only take a shot in the dark here. Could it be something in your house? Do you have mold anywhere possibly? I would think that could be why he is getting infections in his lungs to be honest, does that to humans so who knows. Also could the dubia roaches have gotten into mold or something toxic? I am sorry i'm not an expert on the subject but i figured i'd at least try and say something.

I hope that whatever is wrong with your dragon passes soon, it's nice to read that you are taking such good care of him though, i'm sure the cuddle sessions make him feel better.

MissT Addict
I am sorry your big guy isnt doing well. I cant offer too much advice but a few thing spring to mind.
There are a couple of other things your vet could try
- fecal culture
- mouth culture
Both of these could reveal other 'fungal' infections - I had a dragon with respiratory issues - turned out he had aspergilliosis which can quickly turn to pneumonia. Treatment was with nystatin and it cleared them up quite well.

Also, have you had bloodwork re-done. Could you get a copy of the results and post them here? Sometimes things can be overlooked that may indicate a problem - I know my own vet has overlooked things from time to time!


Juvie Member
I'm going to pm tracie... she might be able to take a look at your thread and give you some direction, wishing nothing but best of luck to your beardie


Sub-Adult Member
I'm sorry to hear about Leo's struggles.

What type of probiotic are you using?
I'm not sure if this matters with injections or not as I've only used oral baytril. But I was advised to give antibiotic in the evening and probiotic in the morning or vise versa the point is to administer them as far apart as possible so they don't affect eachother. Again not even sure if this is relevant to injections but thought I would throw it out there.



Sub-Adult Member
I am terribly sorry to say I have no good advice to give. I will tell you I had to make the
choice of putting my little one Irwin down just last month. Every night since I have blamed
myself for not doing more. I have purchased two new beardies and am on here all the time
stressed to see if I am doing every thing right. Stories like yours have me in shambles. Yes,
I am crying for you!!! The one MAJOR thing that keeps me up at night is not getting another opinion.
Even the best of Vets can miss something. Before making a huge decision give yourself and your beardie
the 2nd opinion. Your are in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Okay, so to answer your questions so far...

@Kratoskeeper - The Vet that I use is an exotics Vet, Dr. Forney. He is amazing. I also use his colleague, another amazing exotics Vet, Dr. Joseph. (Here's the web site of their practice, in case any of you live near me and need a fantastic Vet: Leo has them both stumped for the moment. His fecal is clean, his X-Rays look good, but his blood work just shows an elevated WBC count. We even ran a Crypto test, but that came back negative. I can't imagine that the source of his illness is something in our house, as I have two other beardies as well as a ball python, all of which are perfectly healthy. The concern about my dubia colony being compromised is a good point, though the other beardies eat from it and are fine. I really do think that Leo's condition started with him aspirating water from the puddle in the backyard. Truth be told, who knows what was in that water, as it was run-off from the lawn sprinklers...

@MissT - Thank you so much for the suggestion of the fecal and mouth cultures. When the Vet office opens tomorrow, I'll make another appointment (they're closed today, as it's Sunday). And pneumonia is something that I've been worried about. He's had his blood work done twice so far (I'm planning on a third time), so when I call tomorrow, I'll also ask to have to results of both panels emailed to me, or if I can just drive by and pick up a copy. I'll get them posted here as soon as I can. I love my Vets, and think they are amazing, but everyone can miss things, even professionals, you know?

@Kalyn876 - I'm currently using two different kind of probiotics, AcidophiLiz+ and soy yogurt. I give Leo his Baytril injections in the morning, at around 8am, and then his probiotics in the afternoon, between 2pm and 3pm. I'll give him a few drops of the AcidophiLiz+ directly into his mouth, and the soy yogurt gets mixed into his slurries. I'm not sure if it matters either with the injectable form of Baytril, but I do it anyway. To give you a run-down of what other supplements I have, and regularly use:

- Leapin' Lizards Electrolytes with Vitamins and Minerals (the same maker of the AcidophiLiz+)
- Rep Cal calcium powder, both the WITH and the WITHOUT D3 (the calcium powder WITH D3 I only use once every two weeks or so)
- Rep Cal Herptivite vitamins
- Multivitamin with Probiotics from (I just bought this a few weeks ago)
- Vitamin B Complex from (also bought just a few weeks ago, though I purchased it mainly for my Spaz and her little chunky-monkey self doesn't eat her salads)
- Critical Care from
- Repta-Aid (now renamed Repta-Boost)
- I also have on hand an assortment of liquid calcium, Benebac probiotic powder, liquid Serrapeptase (all purchased from Bug-D-Lite), and Pedialyte, as well as the Mazuri Insectivore Diet pellets that I use as a salad topper.

@Irwinshealth - I'm sorry sorry to hear that you had to put your little one down. I empathize with how hard that must have been, as I'm now having to face the possibility myself. The two different Vets that I use regularly bounce things off of each other with regard to their respective cases, just in case they DID in fact miss something. They're both confounded at the moment, and already one of them believes that euthanasia is the inevitable course. The other one, however, isn't ready to give up on my big boy yet (he happens to be the one who has treated Leo the higher number of times). I'm going to take MissT's suggestion, and ask for a fecal and mouth culture to be done, to see if we're dealing with Aspergilliosis instead of a run-of-the-mill RI.

Thank you so much for your kind words and suggestions everyone! It means a lot to me. Leo seems to be doing a bit worse this morning, as he has been suffering from relatively strong wet coughs, and even started heaving around a small bit of vomit. He's toasty warm under basking light, though he has himself elevated on one of the fake plants. Today was his last scheduled Baytril injection, though I have a bit leftover, and so will give him one more before I leave for work tomorrow.

My work is another thing that stresses me out. I'm a flight attendant, you see, so you can imagine just how often I'm gone from home. It wouldn't be so bad, except that my Fiance works in Oklahoma (and has been for over a year), and is only home every other weekend, so the care and husbandry of everyone falls to me. I try to work only two-day trips that begin with a red-eye flight to the East Coast, then it's a quick sleep during the day when we get there, and then the last flight that night back home, that way I'm really only gone for a little over 24 hours. The problem with that though is a financial one; I live in a susburb of Sacramento, but I'm based out of San Francisco. It's a four hour drive for me to go to work (round trip), and in order for me to earn what I need, I'm making that trip no less that eight times a month. I drive a truck, so... you do the math as far as how much I spend on gas. *facepalm* I know I should work the longer trips, to save on the amount I spend on gas and bridge tolls, but I just can't bear the thought of being away from all of the pets for too long. I guess that the financial toll of combined Vet bills and gas is just wearing me down right now.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I am so sorry to hear of Leo's issues, that is very sad & frustrating. I have heard of that vet from someone but can't remember where. I believe that he is pretty good.
Please do post a copy of the blood tests here & I am going to PM you my email address as well so you can email them to me. Perhaps something was missed. Did they look at the liver & kidney readings, also?

Has the vet suggested nebulization for the respiratory issues? It helps to reach the lung area/tissue better. They don't have cilia in which to help clear out their lungs like mammals & humans do making respiratory issues very difficult to treat sometimes. You can use Baytril for nebulization treatments as well. Also some colloidal silver mix can be added as well for antimicrobial use.
As Miss T suggested, Aspergillus is a common bacteria found in the mouths & can be found by doing a culture. It is a huge culprit of infection & respiratory issues.
How is he doing today? Is he black bearding quite a bit right now?



Sub-Adult Member
The other one, however, isn't ready to give up on my big boy yet (he happens to be the one who has treated Leo the higher number of times). I'm going to take MissT's suggestion, and ask for a fecal and mouth culture to be done, to see if we're dealing with Aspergilliosis instead of a run-of-the-mill RI.

I'm glad to hear the vet isn't giving up yet either, that says a lot! Miss T's suggestion sounds great, as usual. Please keep us posted as I will keep your in my thoughts and prayers


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Oh Tracie, thank you so much for replying; I was hoping you'd see my post.

As soon as I can get his blood work results, I will post them here, as well as email them to you. If I remember correctly, his liver and kidneys looked just fine. I've been working very hard at keeping Leo hydrated, because of all of the meds he's been on, and I must be doing something right as his stools are always accompanied with a pool of liquid (since starting the Baytril, he's been going two to three times a day, poor guy). Granted, all of his stool has been runny, because of the antibiotics, but the excess liquid makes me feel... better?

The Vet has not mentioned nebulization treatments. I will ask about them, specifically using Baytril, the next chance I get.

Where can I get colloidal silver, from a local Health Food Co-Op? And how much should be added to the nebulization treatments?

I go back to work tomorrow; a two-day trip for Monday and Tuesday, immediately followed by another two-day trip on Wednesday and Thursday. It's very frustrating to have to leave him right now (though I will be home Tuesday night through Wednesday afternoon, in between the two trips) though I don't have a choice. I'm planning on calling my Vet tomorrow, to make another appointment for Leo on Friday (I have that day off), but I also would like to drop off a fecal sample for culture before Friday, to give adequate time for lab examination.

As far as how Leo is doing, he's been elevated on one of his fake plants ever since he moved there this morning. It seems to alleviate his symptoms. His beard *is* darker, but only marginally so, and he's not showing any stress marks on his belly (though he never really does, even at times when his beard is full-on black).


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
And thank you, Irwinshealth, for your kind words and thoughts... I'll take as much of them as I can get!!

MissT Addict
I love my vet too (most of the time). But I still challenge him about everything - he has to be well prepared for my appointments LOL!

Im just throwing that out there as a possibility... There could be some other infection etc that is not showing up in the bloodwork but could explain a lot.

From what you have said though, I believe Leo is still fighting... while he is fighting you have to keep fighting for him. Although it does not harm to consider all the options, just always keep in mind that we have to give our special friends a chance and allow them to fight for as long as they want to... does that make sense?

I wish you and Leo all the best! Please keep us posted!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
MissT, that makes perfect sense. And I'm not saying that I'm giving up on him, I just need to prepare myself if it comes down to it. He's an amazing beardie, with buckets of personality, and I'll fight for him as long as he matches my stubbornness, and as long as my finances hold out. :wink:


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
So just to give a little update on my Leo...

Yesterday started out pretty rough for him. He had a very rattling wet cough, seemed to have a couple small episodes where he was swallowing back down some vomit, and just generally looked miserable. I gave him his last scheduled Baytril injection in the AM, along with a shallow warm bath, and lots of cuddle time. In the afternoon, I gave him his usual slurry, of which he ate about 8ml, and then we moved back to the couch for more heat-pad cuddle time. After about 30 minutes, he wanted to wiggle out and actually roam around a bit. His energy level has been so low lately, that it brought a smile to my face. I only let him run around the house for less than 10 minutes though, as I didn't want him to get too cold. Anyway, I haven't seen much of a change this morning. His weight is dropping again (I had him back up to 625 grams, but he is again down to 610 grams), and his energy level is holding steady at the decreased level. I have a little bit of the Baytril and two syringes left, so I gave him an additional injection this morning, and am planning on giving him another one in two days. I've made another appointment with my Vet for this coming Friday, as a re-check, and also to request a mouth and fecal culture (as per the suggestion of MissT). I also plan on asking if another round of Baytril should be administered, though I may take my Vet's advice and administer the injections every OTHER day for the indicated 10 total doses. On the appointment day I will also be getting the lab results from the past two blood panels that I have had done on Leo, and so will post them here that night (and I appreciate everyone who said that they would take a look at them).

Anyway, I know that everyone here loves pictures, so I figure I would post of few of my special boy. All were taken recently, so while he may not look at his best, he still manages to convey his silliness...

(Hopefully this works!)

Leo giving his best Sexy Leg (from about a month or so ago, before the majority of the weight loss started):


For some reason, Leo has always loved flopping with his tongue hanging out. I hadn't seen it for a while (pretty much while he's been truly sick), so it was nice to see him doing it again:


It's also why we gave him one of his nicknames, "Jabba":


And finally, just because it cracked me up, Leo giving me the "finger":


And then here's a video I took of him back in August (before the illness truly set in), hanging out with me on the back of the couch. I don't know what he was "arm-waving" at, as he doesn't just do it in my direction, but I didn't care; it was hilarious (you can hear me giggling in the background):
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