traumatic situation last night, tail rot, too


Original Poster
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I can get those ordered, for sure! I still need to hang from inside or will it be OK like it is? Also, we are really juat trying to save as much of her tail as we possibly can at this point, i think. The vet was fairly confident we will have to amputate  some, but since she is trying to brumate, we really dont want to have to sedate if we don't have to, ya know? I just want to get her as healthy as possible as soon as we can, especially since she is at least 11, maybe older! I hate this so much! And I am so disappointed in myself for not taking better care of her. If you had seen her yesterday...

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
I can get those ordered, for sure! I still need to hang from inside or will it be OK like it is? Also, we are really juat trying to save as much of her tail as we possibly can at this point, i think. The vet was fairly confident we will have to amputate  some, but since she is trying to brumate, we really dont want to have to sedate if we don't have to, ya know? I just want to get her as healthy as possible as soon as we can, especially since she is at least 11, maybe older! I hate this so much! And I am so disappointed in myself for not taking better care of her. If you had seen her yesterday...
Get the T 8 unobstructed and decor piece 6-8 inches- as soon as possible - try PetSmart see if the Arcadia is in stock then that uvb can sit on top and I would have the distance 8 inches- please get the digital probe thermometers as well

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
For sure let AHBD look at the tail. To me it doesn't look like tail rot.
How long has that hide been in there? Every single type of evergreen is toxic to beardies. Cedar is the worst. If you want to use that it needs to be sealed. If sealed it needs to cure to zero fumes.
If it's relatively new that might be what went wrong.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I reread my last post, i wasn't saying what your using is cedar, i see its pine, i was just adding that cedar is the most toxic as an fyi 🙂


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I reread my last post, i wasn't saying what your using is cedar, i see its pine, i was just adding that cedar is the most toxic as an fyi 🙂
Thank you for the info, and yes, please look at her tail! It may not change anything as far as what has to happen, but I will treat as well as I can for now and make the changes you have suggested. Her hide has been there for at least 4 years, but we can change that easily! Thank you, all, again for your info and all of you for your help! Please, let me know if you think there is anything we can do for her tail, specifically, or that we need to do to stop any progression of whatever it is!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That is a great tank & setup, too.
If you end up getting the T5 tube you don't necessarily need to hang it underneath of the screen since the wire top holes are very wide. Which brand are you going to purchase?
I agree that 95F shouldn't be too hot, did she have ventilation when she was out? Could she have drank too much water?
As AHBD stated you can use diluted betadine on the tail tip to help keep any infection away.



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I was thinking I'd get the Arcadia. I don't think she drank too much, it was about average for how she usually drinks, it seems like to me. We started the tail soak yesterday and will continue that as well as the tail massage the vet suggested and her antibiotics, but she is really not a fan, lol

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
I was thinking I'd get the Arcadia. I don't think she drank too much, it was about average for how she usually drinks, it seems like to me. We started the tail soak yesterday and will continue that as well as the tail massage the vet suggested and her antibiotics, but she is really not a fan, lol
Ok when you get the uvb please post back on here and I will help you get it placed for your tank - the screen will determine where the uvb is placed

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Ok, that sounds great, the Arcadia D3 12% tube is a terrific
Let us know how her tail is looking. Hopefully the betadine
soaks will help her out.
Keep us posted on her progress.



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Beardie name(s)
Hey, guys, thank you for all of your responses. It took some time for my vet to get back to me regarding blood work, so I will post the results here. According to my own vets, as well as those at CSU, Puff's bloodwork is perfect. She/He has been trying to brumate for a while and has been kept from that by us because they need meds every day. Vet said there appears to be no reason to continue daily antibiotics/tail treatment as the bloodwork does not point to active infection, lack of calcium, starvation, stress, or anything else. I would like to allow brumation, with maybe weekly or bi-weekly checks? Have any of you seen anything like this? I would like to avoid surgery for now because Puff needs to brumate and is not waking up much, eating much or drinking much. I usually ony wake about once a month during brumation for a snuggle and bath/drink. Puff just enjoys a good snuggle, lol. She is sleeping on the cool side of the tank, i.e., on top of her food or water and doesn't move much all day, if at all. She was annoyed with being pulled out of the box, I think, lol. Tail rot (if that is what it is) has not changed, still at 2 inches. There has been one incident like the original post, and I saw a picture that made my blood run cold just today in the forum of an all-white, not supposed to be, beardie. There is one incidence, slightly different, that only one spot in her tail turned that color orange, but it has stayed that way and is not visible really, except in person, and that is way up high. Any info is welcome, and much appreciated.


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Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Thanks for posting the blood test results. How is your girl Puff doing today, still wanting to sleep alot?
That is very normal this time of year. I agree, the
values don't indicate any infection going on right
now so antibiotics are really not needed.
Is her weight stable right now?
It does make it very hard on both of you to force
her to come out of her brumation state when her
system is slown down. As long as her tail looks
ok & isn't worse she should be able to remain in
a brumation phase right now.
I can't blame you for wanting to avoid having to
have a surgery done on her, if it can be put off.

Let us know how she is doing.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Thanks for posting the blood test results. How is your girl Puff doing today, still wanting to sleep alot?
That is very normal this time of year. I agree, the
values don't indicate any infection going on right
now so antibiotics are really not needed.
Is her weight stable right now?
It does make it very hard on both of you to force
her to come out of her brumation state when her
system is slown down. As long as her tail looks
ok & isn't worse she should be able to remain in
a brumation phase right now.
I can't blame you for wanting to avoid having to
have a surgery done on her, if it can be put off.

Let us know how she is doing.
She seems to be fine, just really sleepy. Not interested in eating or drinking much at all, just going back to sleep after morning medication every day. No weight loss, no gains. It is so hard to tell with these guys when it is time for brumation whether it's due to that or if they really don't feel good! So frustrating, lol! I think I'll let her go down for sleepy time and just check on her tail once a week or so to be sure there is no progression or soreness developing for now. I'll keep you updated and thanks for your input!


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Hey, guys, just wanted to post some pictures as an update. No news is ok news, I guess, but nothing has really changed, other than she got frustrated enough that she started brumating outside her cave, but at least getting some rest! This is right after a bath, so it seems a little more defined, but it is so hard to tell what is going on here, or what kind of injury may have cause the tail issues. Any ideas?


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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hey, guys, just wanted to post some pictures as an update. No news is ok news, I guess, but nothing has really changed, other than she got frustrated enough that she started brumating outside her cave, but at least getting some rest! This is right after a bath, so it seems a little more defined, but it is so hard to tell what is going on here, or what kind of injury may have cause the tail issues. Any ideas?
Need ahbd to look

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Could she have caught it in between a few areas in her tank, or pinched it somehow?
Do you have any raw, unpasteurized honey or silver gel you could put on it? Be sure you keep a close
eye on the line of discoloration so it doesn't travel upwards.
Is she doing well other than the tail problems?
Brumation is a frustrating time indeed, for us as well as the little dragons!


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