Hey, guys, thank you for all of your responses. It took some time for my vet to get back to me regarding blood work, so I will post the results here. According to my own vets, as well as those at CSU, Puff's bloodwork is perfect. She/He has been trying to brumate for a while and has been kept from that by us because they need meds every day. Vet said there appears to be no reason to continue daily antibiotics/tail treatment as the bloodwork does not point to active infection, lack of calcium, starvation, stress, or anything else. I would like to allow brumation, with maybe weekly or bi-weekly checks? Have any of you seen anything like this? I would like to avoid surgery for now because Puff needs to brumate and is not waking up much, eating much or
drinking much. I usually ony wake about once a month during brumation for a snuggle and
bath/drink. Puff just enjoys a good snuggle, lol. She is sleeping on the cool side of the tank, i.e., on top of her food or water and doesn't move much all day, if at all. She was annoyed with being pulled out of the box, I think, lol. Tail rot (if that is what it is) has not changed, still at 2 inches. There has been one incident like the original post, and I saw a picture that made my blood run cold just today in the forum of an all-white, not supposed to be, beardie. There is one incidence, slightly different, that only one spot in her tail turned that color orange, but it has stayed that way and is not visible really, except in person, and that is way up high. Any info is welcome, and much appreciated.