third spay!!!

I suspected my beardie fluffy of having follicles yet again and just confirmed by ultra sound today i was right.. she has already been spayed, then the next year developed follicles again, had surgery again, and now she needs her third spay and follicle removal. my vet is very shocked. i am heartbroken she has to go through another surgery and i am annoyed for her. the second spay they paid for thinking they may have missed something but now they want us to pay for this one thinking that it’s actually just her? how do they know they didn’t miss something again?! i am thankful for them always taking good care of her though. has anyone else been through this???
i included a pic of her after her second surgery as well as the vet notes from today


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Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Oh your poor poor girl!
I have seen a few cases on here that have had 2 spays, but, to be honest I haven't heard of 3 spays!
Wow, I hate to hear about this, how utterly distressing for you both.
Does she have health issues that had developed when she had eggs/follicles? At this point, if she isn't
having any health problems, maybe you should consider letting her just develop the eggs & lay them. I
am not sure why they haven't been able to get the follicles removed, that is very odd. I'm sure that this
is very stressful on her.
Overall, how is she doing?


xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa

Oh your poor poor girl!
I have seen a few cases on here that have had 2 spays, but, to be honest I haven't heard of 3 spays!
Wow, I hate to hear about this, how utterly distressing for you both.
Does she have health issues that had developed when she had eggs/follicles? At this point, if she isn't
having any health problems, maybe you should consider letting her just develop the eggs & lay them. I
am not sure why they haven't been able to get the follicles removed, that is very odd. I'm sure that this
is very stressful on her.
Overall, how is she doing?

That's was what i was going to ask also. I feel like you should only spay if they can't pass eggs.

AHBD Sicko
I don't know what effect all this cutting will have, like weakening the abdominal wall ?? I agree with Tracie, it might be best to let her develop + lay the eggs. This could be something that a vet teaching hospital should be made aware of so they could look in to why this could happen

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

How is your girl doing today?
I had forgotten to ask, why did the vet want to spay her initially, was she having some egg problems or was she in distress?
I feel too many repeated surgeries might
not be in her best interests, but, that is just
my opinion.


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