These Bearded Dragon Quizzes are Wrong!

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Beardie name(s)
Xion (she-on)
I was taking bearded dragon care tests online, and ended up nitpicking their answers! <xD


Is "none of the above" an answer?


I chose the only option that I thought is good for all ages. They didn't specify adults.


Mealworms and lettuce are bad for them.


All of these are pretty small. :/

What do you all think? :lol:


Sub-Adult Member
Wow thats horrible :( Lettuce and mealworms? WOW. Not to mention that while a 40 gal works, Most of us will agree its the absolute smallest that should be used for housing adults. Play sand is OK for older dragons, the risk isnt there like it is with the littler ones, plus play sand is the preferable type of sand if you insist, but I personally will never use loose substrate unless I have the time and energy to put into bioactive substrate.


Sub-Adult Member am doing everything wrong then. I have a UVB, a heat light incandescent flood, no night/infrared (which is spelled wrong in the quiz) red light , and they are in 75 gallon tanks with tile substrate. I have never fed a mealworm or lettuce to them once.

I need to review my husbandry!!!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

All I can say is how pitiful that is! Good grief, who wrote that up?
I guess I have everything wrong then. :D


kingofnobbys Sicko
I don't take quizzes , usually they are timewasters and most the answers are wrong or inappropriate.

I'm willing to bet the quizzes referred to were put together by :
quiz answers :
a) someone who knows diddlelysquat about bearded dragon husbandry and care
b) a pet shop chain's stuff
c) someone who has never successfully kept a bearded dragon
e) some who wants to sell the products mentioned (all inappropriate)
f) all the above.

... choose the correct answer and post
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