The Dark Spot (Lower Lip)

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I'm a new Beardie owner but have had iguanas and geckos in the past.
I've finally got my favorite lizard, but already he has some type of ailment. I've been trying to find out what has caused it, because I've been trying to do everything right.

So the issue is that he's got a dark spot on the bottom of his lip. It almost looks like one of the scales has died or something. I don't quite know how to explain it, but it doesn't look good. The first few days I had him he was only eating veggies but I did get to the crickets and super worms quite soon after. I don't know if he's lacking maybe protein and calcium or sufficient lighting.. Or if it's too much lighting or if he needs a heating pad or what!

Please if anyone could help me I would be so grateful.
Have you tried washing him? One of my beardies had a dark spot below his bottom lip. I tried wiping it with a wet paper towel and it came off; turned out to be a bit of poo :D I'm a new owner too, so if that doesn't work with your beardie, hopefully someone more experienced will drop in.
Look closely at the area around the mark for any discoloration. Is it possibly a burn? If so, be careful if you do try to wipe it off...while it may well be poo as it was for the previous replier, if it is a burn or something due to an ailment, you want to be careful not to open or irritate the area...Hopefully it is as simple as poo...if not, and you can rule out a burn, watch and wait is likely your best bet. Look for Any changes in the area surrounding the spot, as well as frequent body inspections for any add'l spots indicating something systemic. If behaviors become out of the ordinary, contact a knowledgable vet. there is a link on this site for online contact with vets who work with can always check that out. Keep us updated and I'll be crossing my fingers that it is just a poor oral hygiene!! :wink: Jackie
theartisan":a8711 said:
Look closely at the area around the mark for any discoloration. Is it possibly a burn? If so, be careful if you do try to wipe it off...while it may well be poo as it was for the previous replier, if it is a burn or something due to an ailment, you want to be careful not to open or irritate the area...Hopefully it is as simple as poo...if not, and you can rule out a burn, watch and wait is likely your best bet. Look for Any changes in the area surrounding the spot, as well as frequent body inspections for any add'l spots indicating something systemic. If behaviors become out of the ordinary, contact a knowledgable vet. there is a link on this site for online contact with vets who work with can always check that out. Keep us updated and I'll be crossing my fingers that it is just a poor oral hygiene!! :wink: Jackie
Some very good advice! Btw, when I said I "wiped" my beardie with a wet paper towel, I should have been clearer and said that I sort of dabbed at the spot, just enough for the poo to come off on to the towel without causing damage if the spot turned out to be something else. Rubbing at the spot would probably not be the best method, especially if your beardie is still small.
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