Tazzie's new BD boyfriend Spark

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Sub-Adult Member
Hi Spark!!

Well, for a UVB bulb right now we have one that was an avian full spectrum UVB. It is called vitaglow, and it is a really good bulb for birds...and the person at the store where mama got me said it would be ok for me, but after reading everything here, mama is gonna' get me the reptisun 10.0. Then she will know for sure it is a good bulb. Would it be ok for me to not have this UVB bulb on until my mama gets paid on Friday and can get me the Reptisun? She is just gonna go get it at a store here for now rather than ordering it so she can give it to me right away. She just turned off my UVB right now and I am basking under my heat light...ahhhhhhh...I was just running all around in my viv, and have just climbed back up on my log where I keep my 'puter. Me 'n' mama are so sorry about Ash. mama didn't know that the wrong UVB could actually make us sick and die. So does your mama think I will be ok for a couple of days without any UVB light?
Oh I am just soooooo excited you wrote to me. You are my hero...the way you love that sweet Tazzie and want to beat up the evil one for her!!! Yes we can be sidekicks...but instead of Butch and Sundance we are "Spark 'n' Puff". That has a good ring to it, huh?
Tazzie told me you get to play Guitar Hero and watch movies with your boy...that is soooooo cool. I have a boy too...he is my mama's grandson, and he is just 2 years old, but he likes to look at me and say my name. Someday I will sit with him when he and I are both much older. I have a girl too, she is 20 months old, and she is mama's granddaughter...Her name is Lyllie...oh and the boy is Ryder. the boy lives with us with his daddy...my mama's human son, and the girl lives with her mama(mama's human daughter) and daddy and her beardie Spike. Spike is waaaaaaay bigger than me. He is probably about your size. His mama rescued him too and he is handsome and happy and cuddly, and he convinced my mama that she just had to have me!! i'm just so glad he convinced her and mama is too!! You wanna' know what he did to convince her? See, mama was holding him one day on her mountains in front, and he climbed right up them mountains to tuck his head right under her chin, and there he stayed, and mama's heart just melted.
To answer both you and Tazzie...yes my mama has string on her head...I wondered what that stuff was. She has another dragon too. it has four legs and it has a curly tail, and the REALLY WEIRD thing about this dragon is that it has STRING all over it's body!!!!! Can you believe it!!!!! It has a beard too, but the beard is all string too and it can't puff it's beard like us guys can. Mama says this dragon is a Shih Tzu...and her name is Roxy.
Mama is very happy right now...I climbed back down off my log, and I went to look at this green stuff she put in my viv...it's called collard greens she says and she says it's good for me. I didn't try it yet though...gotta think about that first. And now I am sitting in my very own swimming pool hanging out lookin' at mama. I didn't know what this thing was in my viv, but it really is my own swimming pool. It is very shallow, so I won't drown. The water is nice and warm from my light shining down on it and I am just hangin'!!
Mama is gonna go and get me some of that organic squash baby food so we will have it on hand in case I don't start to eat soon.
Sorry this is soooooo long, but just wanted to share with you and Tazzie about my humans and stuff!!
Hugs to both you and Tazzie...


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Hey Puff -

Spark n Puff sounds pretty good to me. . .

I don't have much time, cuz I can't use the 'puter during the day, but tell your mom that you can leave the light off for a week, if need be. The rule of thumb seems to be, no UVB is better than bad UVB. Tell your mom she can set you on the windowsill with the window open (but the screen in place) for ten to fifteen minutes (or until you get hot) and you can absorb all the UVB you need for the day. My mom calls this a stop gap measure. . . I think that's adult for "okay". It sounds like you've already gotten livelier since the light went out. . . :p although, why would you want to lie in water? That stuff's blechy.

I'll write later tonight. . .

See ya,



Sub-Adult Member
Hi Tazzie and Spark...

I just wanted to write and let you guys know that me and mama made me my own thread over in Beardie Tales so my friends can keep up on how I'm doin' and stuff, and there are some new pics there too!! And guess what, I shedded the skin on my head today...so you gotta go see my new pics and see the pretty color of my head!! I'm going to bed now, but just wanted to tell you about my thread!!
Hugs to you both-


Hatchling Member
Hello Spark and Puff,
I really liked reading all of your letters and notes. I'm sorry to hear that you were grumpy all day Spark. That shedding stuff must be really uncomfortable and I bet it is itchy. It sure is nice that you have a boy to help you to shed. I am so happy that your human Mom told him not to pull on your skin. The boys that live next to me shed their skin if they stay out in the sun too long. My Mom is always telling the boys to wear sunscreen. I am wondering if I should put "Bullfrog Sunscreen" on my bodysuit because I am under my light for so many hours. Mom told me that I do not need sunscreen but I really want a pair of sunnyglasses. I like the kind of sunnyglasses that look like a mirror. Speaking of mirrors, it sounds like your Mom may be playing a trick on your Spark. I bet that she is using a "trick mirror" and it makes you think that there is another beardie boy looking at you. I sure would like to see a picture of you with squash all over your face! (I am on my back right now, kickin' my feet in the air laughing!)

Puff, I read over all of your notes and the notes back from Spark's Mom. I am very little and my legs and fingers do not work very good. I still can do all sorts of things (play bagpipes, dance and sing, type on my "puter) so don't feel sorry for me. I am telling you about my physical challenges because some of my problems were caused by not having proper lighting, vitamins or calcium for many years. The girl who had me before Mom did not know how to take care of me. I am sure your Mom will get you a good UVB light and you will grow very big and strong. The big dragon at your house must be getting good lighting. I am still wondering why your dragon (The Roxy dragon- a shish you) has so much string on her body. I asked Mom what a Shish you is and she told me it is a dragon called a dog. I had to work on that puzzle for awhile but I finally figured it out. D R A G O N
I used my computer crayons to show you how to find the D-o-g in dragon. I'm glad that I am helping Puff to read and write. Puff already figured out that T-O-A-D spells my name, Tazzie.

Spark, tell your Mom thanks for giving Puff's Mom ideas on what to eat. It is scary moving into a new home and meeting new people. I hope you start eating again soon Puffernutter :wink: . You now have two really good beardie friends so you do not have to be nervous or scared any more.

Puff, thanks for giving us an update on your pooping. I fell asleep last week on Momma's lap and dreamed that I was in my little bathtub. I then heard Mom say.. "Ewwww! Oh My!!" and I then figured out that I had pooped on Mom. I usually go in my bathtub when the water is nice and warm (not too hot) Mom then cleans out my bathtub and I get fresh, warm water. I have a bath twice a day because I am still a little bit sick and weak. I know that you will be eating and poo-pooing again soon so don't worry.

Spark, Tell your Mom that I am from the Armstrong clan. The Armstrong tartan is very pretty and I asked Mom for a tartan plaid bed cover. I also want a little kilt to wear so I look like Mom.

I have to go now friends, Mom just walked by my Toad House and saw the light on in the window. She looked in and saw me on the computer keyboard. She told me to get into my pink jammies and that she would tuck me in in five minutes. I do not know how to tell time yet but I think that means that I have to go to bed soon.

Bye to both of you.
Hugs, bugs and some dragon bellyrubs,
TT/Tazzie-Miss RAz-a-mah-tazz


Sub-Adult Member
Night Tazzie...mama says I gotta go to bed soon too. I can't wait to know if I am a boy or a girl so I can know if I wear pink jammies or blue jammies. Mama thinks in her heart that I am a boy, but she doesn't know for sure yet. She says she don't care anyway...but I just want to wear the right color jammies, notherwise, i don't care neither. I'm trying good not to be too scared. i been really busy today in my viv, and I did eat 3 crickets tonite, so mama was happy. she does now have some baby food squash and chicken on hand now, but she wants to give me a chance to start eating on my own again. I will write more tomorrow evening how she figured out what might make me eat my crickets better. Right now I gotta get to bed too. mama gave me a little box in my viv for a hide until she gets to the store to buy me a little one, and she put a really soft baby washcloth in it for me, but tomorrow she is gonna get me a little fleece blankie...I wonder what color it will be...hmmmm.
anyway..nite nite. I am sooooooo happy that you and Spark are my very goodest friends!!!
hugs from your little Puffernutter!! Me 'n' mama like that nickname :love5:
P.S. Tomorrow when mama gets off work, I will have her help put a pick of the shish you dragon so you can see what she looks like, but I'm gonna warn ya' she is REALLY strange looking. I may be just a little one yet, but I ain't never seen a dragon with so much hair. I like how you showed me the letters to see how DOG comes out of dragon though. thank you for helping me learn to read, Toad...there...I spelled Tazzie right again, too!! You are teachin' me soo much!!


Sub-Adult Member
Hi Miss Kat...(mama says I should always address adults politely and respectfully...but Miss Kat sounds so formal, so can I call you auntie Kat? mama says I have to ask first :) )
anyway.. mama wanted to let you know that she took all that stuff out of the bottom of my viv. she put paper towel in and she really padded up the spot under my branch so I won't get hurt if I do jump. Mama says I can still pretend I have superpowers but that I should pretend that it is climbing super power instead of flying super power...sigh...so I'm gonna try not to jump. She made me a really nice soft spot to sleep on too out of an old flannel pillow case that she cut up and now I am all tucked in sleeping. she tucked me in before she took me out to empty the tank, and I slept right through it all!! Thank you for helping mama find that info mashun about the bottom stuff in my viv. I'm going back niteys now.
P.S. Could you show this picshur to Tazzie and tell her to share it with Spark too...it is of the shish you dragon...can you believe all the string that dragon has!! I mean wow!!!! I hope me 'n' Tazzie 'n' Spark don't get all that string like that!! (See Tazzie...I spelled it right, huh?)
And just look at that, she has a HORN coming out of the top of her head!!!!! mama makes it all pretty with a bow though, so it don't look so scary. And see her beard? But I think because it is all string she can't puff it out the way we can. Mama loves her lots like she loves me, so I think she is probably ok.



Hatchling Member
Hi Puff,

Mom told me that she likes the Aunt Kat name!

Thanks for posting a picture of the Shish You Dragon Dog. You are right, that hairy dragon is really big. The HORN is still a horn even if your human places a ribbon on it. I am sure you are safe and that your Mom will always protect you. I live with two really big dragon dogs. I am little and I am not sure if they have even noticed me. We go out on the boat and the chubby one wears an orange colored jacket because she has a bad leg and can not swim. Mom told me that I will be getting an orange jacket too. Here is a picture that I took with my new camera that Mom bought me last week. Here is the picture of my brother and sister in their fur outfits-

Here is a picture of my chubby sister Garnet-Rose. She lived at the doggy shelter and Mom brought her home. She peeks in my room and I open my mouth to scare her away from my house.

Here is my dragon brother Gunther-John. Mom found him as a little dog and he was homeless. Mom said "come and live with us" and he said "Ok, Lady" He now weighs 106 pounds.


I know that Spark thought that my Eeg waa Naa sister was big and scary looking. Mom loves all of us even though we all look so different.
I really liked reading about what you have been doing.
Your friend,


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Hey TT -

How's my girl? Did you play the pipes today?
I found a nice tartan blanket for you to hang on your door to your house. It is very pretty and I think it goes well with Colquhoun. I have this hanging on the end of my viv, near where I sleep
. Pretty cool, huh?

I liked the pictures of your dragon dogs. They are black. And big. Tell them I love you and want to take care of you. I hope they don't get angry at me.

Mom tried a new bug for me tonight. She fed me a superworm. I am finally big enough, almost 17 hundred thousand feet long, to eat superworms and so mom got me a few to try. I did my superdragon impression from the top of my basking place and landed at the other end of the viv where the worms were. I gobbled one up without even tasting it. Luckily, mom was smart and fed me one at a time. I ate all three and then had a whole bunch of crickets on top of that. This morning I ate the last of my phoenix worms, so mom ordered me some more. I'm really hoping she will get me some more superworms, next time she orders food for me. Mom says if I keep eating so much food that my skin is just going to burst off of me.

Has your mom taken any more pictures of you? I would love to see how your owweee is doing and how you are looking. Its been a long time, it seems, since your last pictures.

I have some pictures to share with you and Puff.

Here is a picture of my boy and my brother-who-died, Ash

And we have fur covered dragon dogs... four of them. . .I only have pictures of three, though.

This is Red, she is my boy's dragon dog and she is really big. I open my mouth and turn my beard dark when she's around.

This is Guiness. Mom calls her a doofus dragon dog and says she fell on her head a lot when she was little. She likes to walk around, cussing in dragon dog cusses whenever someone thinks about walking past our house. I feel really safe when she is around. She seems confused about me.

This is Spike. His name sounds like mine. He thinks I am really cool and was the dragon dog who used to look in the viv looking for Ash. He sits and watches me. He is my mom's dragon dog and follows her everywhere.

We also have fur lizards. . . they are completely different from the dragon dogs.

This is Istazi. She is my mom's partners little rescue kitten. She was rescued from a dumpster and was very little, just a little fur hatchling.

This is my boy's fur lizard and I really think he wants to eat me. Mom won't let him in the room without supervision. She has talked to him a lot about being a nice fur lizard and that he shouldn't want to eat me. I turn really dark when he's in the room and pretend I'm a log. I don't like him. His name is Siska.

And I wish someone would flush the toilet.

I hope things are going good for you, my little Tazzie.

I am going to have my mom make a superworm slushie for you to try. I'll see if she can get it for you tomorrow.

Hugs and big bugs to you, my little snuggle bug.



Sub-Adult Member
Oh wow Tazzie...them be's some HUGE dragon dogs for shur!!!!!!!!! (mama is letting me do more spelling on my own, so if I make a mistake, you will have to tell me, ok?)!! what do they have on them besides that orange coat? Cuz' that don't exaktly look like string on them? That orange coat is pretty on the chubby one!! I'm glad you're mama took them in...they look so happy and are so pretty and shiny!! and I bet they know how much she loves them...just like she loves you!! Your mama is a kindred spirit with animals like my mama is I think...that is what my mama said to tell your mama.
So when you get your orange coat, will your mama get you those sunnyglasses to go with it I wonder? I hope she does, cuz' you might need them out on that boat. How come the dragon dogs don't have sunnyglasses? Oh I know why...mama said they probably won't keep them on cuz the dragon dog here actually has a cute purple pair, and she would never keep them on, mama got some good pics of her one time wearing them though, we will have to find them and scan them into mama's new puter so mama can show you and your family. Do you have any other humans besides your mama?
Oh--guess what...mama is getting me a hugest new viv for when I get a little bigger. She sent the link to your mama in a private message. Then she is gonna use my tank I have now for crickets or she might raise roaches for me...I think I'm doing a good job teaching her how to be a slave to dragons...hee!hee!
If you and Spark wanna come over some time and hang out in my hot tub, you are welcome to stop by anytime. mama says when I get bigger I can get a bigger tub so we can all fit in it...right now we might have to take turns, and if you and Spark want some alone time, I can go in my house and read or something and let you to have it to yourselves for a while too.
Mama made me a little hide last night...your mama gave her some good advice. it's just temporary for now. But is says s-a-n-d-w-i-c-h b-a-g-s on it...do you think that spells puffernutter? mama is gonna find me a nice bedroom this weekend...I cannot wait!! And for now I have dark purple with dark blue jammies. i like them, they are soft.
Hi Spark...you must be busy today, so hopefully we will get to hear from you tomorrow. Are you and your boy practicing Guitar Hero for a big concert maybe? Well-just wanted to tell you hi and let you know I was thinkin' about you. if you wanna see my new viv mama is getting me, here is the link...http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/for/1251201213.html
hugs to both of you...


Sub-Adult Member
Wow...Me 'n' Spark were writing at the same time!!! Hi Spark my big buddy!!! Ash sure was pretty wasn't he? We are so sorry he died. Tell your boy about Rainbow Bridge, ok? and keep telling him how much you love him!! I know you already do that. My mama loves all of the dragon dogs at your house...she says she loves Boxers...they have such cute faces!! I don't know if I love them...they are very big!! I don't know what to think about the fur lizards...that one in the big white bowl sure is pretty!!
Well-I gotta go and get to bed. I am up late tonight, cuz mama was at my human sissies tonight and locked her keys in the car, so she didn't home until late, and my feeding got behind.
I'll write more tomorrow.
Hugs from Puff


Sub-Adult Member
Hi Tazzie and Spark...when you two get the chance, ya' gotta come over to my thread...mama is a film producer I think, cuz' she made a movie tonight and ya' wanna' know what? Guess who is the star...MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! You will both be happy to see what the movie is of, but i can't tell ya, cuz it's a s'prise!! But come over and watch it. I can make you a big bowl of popcorn and give you rootbeer to drink, and you guys can sit together on my loveseat while you watch the movie...ok?
I hope you both are good today and Tazzie I hope you keep on feeling better and better cuz' I wuv you sooooooo much and I want you to always feel better and always get to be happy!!
Tell your mama that me 'n' my mama says HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Here is a birthday cake I baked her in my microwave in my boxhut.
Hugs from Puff


Hatchling Member
Hey Spark and Tazzie!

Wow, both of you have really cool dog-dragons! I know what you mean, though...they can be kind of scary, especially when they yell. That's why I puff up and black-beard when Buddy gets too close to me; I can't let him know that he scares me!

And Spark, I laughed so hard when you said someone would flush the toilet on Siska! My litle fur-sister Baby annoys me sometimes, too. A few times we had some "slap fights" through the glass; Mom and everyone else thought it was so funny, but I was really mad that she started with me! :x

But you know, I have to admit that I like her the best! I think it's because she is my biggest fan; it's very flattering. :wink: Mom yells at her when she is hanging out on top of my house. I don't know why Mom does that; one minute we're having a nice chat and then all of a sudden, Baby has to leave! :(

Both of your Moms' are really nice to rescue animals - my Mom rescued me and Baby, and she said that we might rescue a puppy soon, whatever that is! I'll let you guys know.




Hatchling Member
Hi to all of my friends!!
Sorry that I did not write yesterday. It was a special day because Mom and I had a birthday! Mom did not know my birthday so she decided that we could both share July 16th as our special day! Mom and Dad bought me a great car and I have been driving around the neighborhood.

Here are some pictures of me in my new birthday car. I know that you might think it is a COZY COUPE but I call it my Sunset Car



I had an extra set of car keys made for my boyfriend Spark. The car is very roomy inside and Leela and Puff can ride in back. Mom ordered a babyseat for Puff (no offense Puff..)

I need to put the car in the garage because it is raining outside. I will write again later.
Hugs to all of you.
TT/Tazzie/Miss Razz Ah Mah Tazzz :lol:


BD.org Addict
Well Happy Birthday Kat and Tazzie!
And Tazzie, dont feel bad, made up birth dates are just as good as the actual ones. Waffle and Brady have made up birth dates. They are both close guesses, but I dont know for sure. I do know Foster's birthday, but he is the only one.
So I hope you both had fun celebrating. And I love your new car Tazzie!


Sub-Adult Member
Ohhhh--Happy, happy birthday Tazzie!!!!! I like that you get to make up your own special date for your birthday, and you get to share it with your mama. Did you get a piece of the birthday cake I left up above for you and your mama!!?? Next year I'm gonna make you one that says T-O-A-D on it cuz' that is how you spell Tazzie, ok?
I really like your new car alot!!! That is sooooo awesome, and I'm glad your mama ordered a special baby seat for me so I can ride too. No offense taken...even the human baby dragons gotta go in speshul seats, so I know all 'bout that!! I'm so glad you got a car for your birthday...now you just need them sunny glasses...I'm gonna find you some ok? Well--I gotta go for now. be careful when you are out driving and make sure to wear your seatbels...ok Tazzie?
Hugs and Loves from Puff
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