Talon, Moya, Dargo and Zhaan

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I have a long story to share and not sure where to post it so if I'm in the wrong section please forgive me. Also, there will be pics coming soon!
So, here is our story, a story of 2 sick Beardies. This site has been a God Sent! Anything I did right I learned from here! Some of you may have read about our cl rescues. I posted it in Beardie rescue but don't know how to provide the link. In August my husband and I rescued the 2 sweetest Beardies you could ever know! We named them Talon, {male} and Moya, {female}. They were pretty sick when we got them on the 3rd of August. We took them to a vet, {that mis-sexed our male,} on the 4th of August, They were medicated with 3 different meds, for pin worms, Coccidia and another thing that I can't remember. They took the full course of meds over the month as the vet ordered. The follow up fecal on September 3rd was neg, all "cleared up" per the first vet I took them to.
Thru that month both had appetite issues from being sick and no doubt related to the meds. Talon more than Moya. So, I fed Talon chicken, turkey, squash and applesauce baby food with calcium {and vits added once during that week}. by syringe 3 times a day for a week since he would eat nothing, not one morsel. Moya was eating a bit but also had a very poor appetite so I syringe fed her several times when I didn't believe she had eaten enough. They both were so under weight when we got them. I also gave them both soy yogurt daily since one of the meds was an antibiotic. Slowly he began to eat again, hurray! and her appetite improved. I had always noticed some clicking and popping sounds coming from Moya, and upon listening, also heard it from Talon and in my inexperienced stupidity, I thought it was the sounds they normally made. {Oh, please forgive me my beautiful sick little babies!} Then on Sept. 22 while feeding Talon a small super worm I saw him go to pick one up and clear tan-ish liquid poured from his mouth. It was phlegm. It scared the living daylights out of me! The next day Sept. 23, we took them on an emergency visit to a new vet who was advertised as an experienced exotic/reptile Vet. I hadn't been impressed with the first one. OMG, what a difference! Dr. Keller actually gave them a real physical, going over them both with a fine toothed comb! Unlike the first vet I took them to who held them, pushed on their heads and handed them back, and had a tech check a fecal. Dr Keller checked and moved all of their joints, arms, hands and fingers and legs, feet and toes, and checked their tails too! He checked inside their mouth and looked in their ear holes with a light, he listened to their abdomens and lungs with....are you ready....a stethoscope! He checked their vents. He checked their belly's for constipation and impaction. I told him how we rescued them off of cl and the condition they were in, that they had been seen by another Vet the day after we got them and was medicated for their issues at that time, and had a neg. follow up fecal. I must say that our sweet little babies were excellent at the doctors and tolerated it all without complaint. We hold them several times everyday, play time, snuggle time, treat time, and "don't need a reason to" cuddle time so they both are very comfortable with being handled. Dr. Keller asked all the right questions I would expect a knowledgeable Vet to ask.....enclosure size?......did they have separate enclosures?...... UVB lighting, heat and humidity?....substrate?....diet with greens and live feeders dusted with calcium daily and vits once a week?.....exercise?...... And I told him they get a bath everyday at 9:30 am, and always poo in the bath, and get rinsed in running water of course....lol.....hurray, always clean, spotless enclosure!
OMG! I just can't say enough good about this Doc. As a side note both he and his Vet partner wife had their own Beardies when they were growing up.
Well, both of our beautiful babies had respiratory infections, and probably had had the RI before we got them since I was hearing that clicking in August and the guy that had them before had put them in a damp basement. They both got an injection of Baytril and a script of oral Baytril for 7 days then a recheck on October 3rd. When we went back for the recheck, they still had a few crackles in their lungs so he extended the meds for another week with a recheck in 2 weeks on the Oct.24th. Dr. asked about their bowels due to the antibiotics. I told him I was giving them soy yogurt daily and it was working, no loose or watery stool. I told Dr. Keller Talon was eating very well but Moya was eating nothing at all, that I was syringe feeding her 3 times a day so she wouldn't loose the weight she had gained. He said the Baytril can be very harsh on their GI tract and some Beardies loose their appetite, to continue what I was doing and be sure to offer her feeders and salads daily even though she wasn't eating right now.
We went back for the check up on the 24th. Talon and Moya were both still sick and started to have few fine popping and crackling sounds again. Neither was eating on their own. I had brought a fecal to see if it had anything to do with their poor appetites. They both had tons of pin worms again, and that Coccidia. Dr Keller treated them for it with the meds Albon, Panacur, and continued another 5 days of Baytril. Dr Keller believed their immune systems had been kicked hard by their early non-care and neglect but with all the good and proper care and nutrition they were getting at home now he believed once we could get it all cleared up they would be fine. He doesn't believe at this point it is chronic. So on Nov 7th went back to the vet for check ups. Lungs clear....hurray!.... and fecal neg.....hurray! Talon is eating very well, to well...lol...my fault. He now weighs 540 gms, up from the 120 gm in august, and he is now 17 1/4 inches, but has lost part of his tail, he's my Chubster. Moya weighs 410 gms, up from the 144 gms she weighed in August when we got them, and she is now 16 3/4 inches and also has lost some tail, she is my Little Miss.
Only issue now is Moya's appetite. She still isn't eating anything....nothing! So Dr. Keller checked her all over again and said he felt the bump/lump that tells him she is constipated even though she was passing a tiny amount of stool everyday, I had thought it was tiny because I was feeding her the baby food. So he instructed not to feed her on Tues to see if she could get hungry and stimulate her to eat, warm baths 4 times a day for 20 minutes with very gentle tummy rubs and do it for 48 hours. She had a strange episode in the bath one eve, her 4th bath of the day, she got all dark, almost black all over her whole body and her eyes closed and she started to put her head down, I grabbed her out of the tub, she was limp for about 10 seconds though it seemed like forever, then she perked right back up, put her happy colors on and you'd never know what just happened, What the heck was that? And yes, I'm asking the Vet when we go back Monday. His plan if the warm baths didn't work go to plan B, go back to feeding her baby food like I had been and feed her some baby food applesauce with some olive oil added to it, at least 2 cc's of it and continue the warm baths 4 times a day So I did all that. No BM, so next day I tried one more thing, I gave her about 3 cc's of warm baby prunes, warm baths and tummy rubs. Well, that did it. She cleaned out, so happy she wasn't impacted. But she still is not eating yet. At the last visit Dr. Keller said there is an appetite stimulant he could give her if needed. Well, Monday I'm on my way back to the Vet for her lack of appetite and to see about that stimulant and to ask about that episode she had in the tub, Thank God that hasn't happened again!
Just a note. I am not independently wealthy! The Vet, Dr. Keller, has been so good to us. His office visit for exotics $50 each. He only charged us $50 for the office call for seeing both of them on that first visit and only charged me meds for one but gave me enough for both of them. On all the other visits he has only charged me $25 for the office call, that is seeing and treating both of them. He has only ever charged me meds for one but always given me meds for both of them. He only charged me for 1 fecal though he did both. He's our hero!
So, that is our story. 5 Vet visits in 3 months, and another on Monday. It's been a long 3 months, lots of medications and lots of time and love and finally they are near healthy.
When they crawl up my blouse to my shoulder, wiggling and settling in to snuggle into my neck, when they look up at me and speak with those beautiful eyes, when they always show their happy colors whenever I pick them up, when they don't want to return to their enclosure and hug onto my arm, when they come to the front of their enclosure and sit down patiently waiting for me to pick them up, when they step into my hand to be picked up, when they get a shot at the doctors and run across the exam table and up the front of me to hide under my chin, when they lay sleeping so beautiful and peaceful on my chest, when I look over at my snoozing husbands and one of them is curled up in his neck snoozing too, when they look right at me when I call their name, these and a million other reasons are why I'm in love with them! My husband and I are both retired and we can think of nothing we would rather be doing than being caretakers to these wonderful, sweet, beautiful creatures. We are so very happy we found them, and we are humbled to be able to share their life with them!
I hope you enjoyed our story and it continues.............



Extreme Poster
AMANDA please check your email. I can't get a PM I have been trying to send you to leave my outbox and I really need you to take a look at a dragon that needs a lot of help. I sent the email to the email address you have on file here.

Shannon :oops:


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Amanda, I'm so glad you're trying to get him to you. I can't even try to figure out what's wrong, probably infection from the tail? That's what it looks like, with those streaks going up his tail. He looks in such bad shape, at least he's trying to drink. He needs probiotics, wonder if the owner can get some, get it into water & dropper it to the poor guy. He probably needs antibiotics by the look of him. I know you're doing all you can, I'd have him sent here, but I'm way too far away.


Extreme Poster
sweetiepie9":2nem9qy0 said:
Hi Amanda, I'm so glad you're trying to get him to you. I can't even try to figure out what's wrong, probably infection from the tail? That's what it looks like, with those streaks going up his tail. He looks in such bad shape, at least he's trying to drink. He needs probiotics, wonder if the owner can get some, get it into water & dropper it to the poor guy. He probably needs antibiotics by the look of him. I know you're doing all you can, I'd have him sent here, but I'm way too far away.

Haven't heard an answer from her about Mojo in days. I'd guess he died and she waited too long. I don't get how you can have one fairly healthy looking dragon and one that is skin and bones like that....I wish I could help and it breaks my heart. :cry:


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Hi Shannon,
I haven't heard from her either, it's so sad. I wish she had let us help her to help him, or surrendered so we could have helped him. I was also thinking he died and she isn't going to get back to anyone. Breaks my heart too!


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Hi All,
Thought I'd do a quick update. After weeks and weeks of finicky, little or no appetites everyone is eating like proverbial pigs. :blob5: :laughing6: I hate it when they don't eat well for days at a time. Moya has slowed down on the scratching and digging and has a huge appetite. I'm wondering if she didn't really have eggs. I'm watching her closely and she's acting fine, active, basking, eating ... :dontknow: Talon, Dargo and Zhaan are also doing great! I want to do a happy dance :lol:

I'd like to introduce Pilot. He's our new family member and only a few months old. We adopted him from a RRUS rescuer Sarah. She rescued and fostered him for a few weeks. He is a multiple amputee. He has lost his left hand, part of his left leg and his left foot, and has lost about half of his tail. I believe the story is the clutch was put in with the parents, only 3 survived. Pilot is one of them. I saw a photo of him and he owned my heart. I knew we had to adopt him. He wasn't "adoptable", not many people look for a special needs handicapped beardie and I'm so glad! He came home Thursday, 6/28/2012. He was shipped from Kansas. He did great in shipping. After a warm up bath he promptly ate 13 small roaches. He only had 2 off days for relocation stress where he didn't eat but now devours most anything near his mouth but he does seem to prefer mustard greens over collards.
He's a spunky little guy who doesn't realize he has multiple amputations and we love him!

Here's the first photos of Pilot while being fostered by Sarah's


Pilots Home!

Pilot caught a glimpse of Zhaan....but he's really sayin' Hello everybody!

Just Chillin'

been a long day...

And here's some random photos of Pilots brothers and sisters.









I will mention I rescued a sick Bearded Dragon, Alex, later in the afternoon the day Pilot came home. I'm creating another thread for the dragons I rescue and foster thru Reptile Rescuers of the United States.

Well that's the update from Amanda and Kim's Beardie Funhouse. More later as their stories continue.


Extreme Poster
Little Pilot has my heart, too. That picture of him arm waving is priceless. Even with half of an arm he get his point across, and his face looks so lovable. I would have taken him, too. :) I'll have to go check out the rescues thread that you want to start.

Moya did the same thing as Ginger: scratching around but eating, then stopped scratching but was still eating, and now she has slowed down eating. We did run out of silkworms and she has really been pigging out on them, so it just may be that she went on a little strike. LOL we never know, do we? Hope all your kids are doing well. :D


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Amanda, you'll have to put a link to your thread in the other area. Don't forget we have a Rescue Topic here, too, and a rescue train, so check that area out too. I'm sorry you never heard about that poor dragon that was in such bad shape, from the look of his tail, he had multiple infections, so that's probably why you never heard back. Makes my heart break.

CONGRATS on Pilot, what a cutie, regardless of his losses, he doesn't look handicapped to me! He pulled at my heart strings with the first picture. I can't imagine why anyone would put babies in with their mother, dragons don't care for their babies, just see them as food! *****s :angry5: makes me want to visit just to lecture! So glad he survived and that he's now in the greatest home!

As for Moya, I'm scratching my head, too. You were sure she was gravid with infertile eggs. Oh well, maybe she's just taking a break & they'll be eggs in the future? It's so hard to figure out females, sometimes! If she starts dropping small poops/urates, glass dancing constantly & getting REALLY fat, then you might have eggs on the horizon. Let me know!

Thanks for the pictures, your crew look wonderful. It's hard to remember what they were like when you first rescued them. I think you and your hubby are such wonderful people to take on sick reptiles & look at the result! It really is amazing what you've done!
Take care


Juvie Member
I just read through your entire thread; you are such a fantastic beardie momma! And thanks for the idea about bee pollen. Clovis has a healthy appetite when it comes to supers but she turns up her nose at veggies. Maybe the bee pollen will get more vitamins into her and make her more motivated to eat her greens!


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Hi Everyone,
Haven't been here for a bit. Just a quick update. The crew is doing well, all eating except Dargo and still feeding him by spoon, he licks off the food with no problem but looks away from salad and bugs. He will eat wax worms, so I'm going to be ordering some calci-worms, maybe that will entice him. It's so nice after all of them being at different levels of sick, for them to be doing so well, finally! I'll post some new photos soon. I still have my rescue Alex. He's had a struggle with the respiratory infection but it's finally resolving after 3 rounds of antibiotics. I continue with physical therapy on him for him poor mobility. I'll be posting him here with mine. I was going to make a separate thread for him, but he will be with me for the rest of his life as a special needs, intense care beardie, so I'm going to include him with mine.
I continue with the Reptile Rescuers of the Unites States. I'm honored to now be the Vice President. We are becoming more known and continue to rescue. We have received enough in donations to file our 501c3 non profit certification and will be doing that this week so we are very excited. Hope this finds all my friends and their beardie's well.
That's the update from Amanda and Kim's beardie fun house!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Amanda, glad to hear your crew is doing well. It's hard to have beardies not eating, but hopefully for Dargo the repti-worms do well. And little Alex, glad he's finally over that respiratory infection, they can be tenatious. Will be glad to see pics of your crew. Did Moya have eggs afer all?

My five are doing fine. I also got a rescue in April, Gabriel, he was really small & skinny, 280g & covered in ick. Had a huge load of parasites, but as of Aug 3 he's clear!!! He's also grown an inch, he's 18" long now & he's 426g. He's off babyfood completely, YEAH, and now eats regular dragon food. He's got fat pads on his head, his tail is nice & thick & he's quite a character, never know what he's going to do next.
Lonzo is getting old, poor baby, he's now 9 1/2 yrs old. He's got a neurological issue with the top of his tail, it goes into constant spasms, vet says nothing can be done, so I'm giving him Serrepetatse daily (liquid from Tracie) and I'm hoping that will give him some relief. He flipped over a couple of times in Apr, caused his right lung to malfunction (the vet thinks he pulled the muscle that controls the lung very badly) but it's starting to work again, so I'm hopeful he'll get better.
Didi is still my drama queen, he's such a small orange beardie, figures he'd be the flame of the family! He's out on the ramp during the day when I go to work, Jake, my dragonsitter, still comes in daily after school, turns their lights off, cuddles them & puts them to bed. It's a relief for me that they're not alone for the whole day.
Leo is still my little fatty, he loves nothing more than to black beard whoever is on the ramp & watch the cartoons on TV, which is next to his tank. He's still a cuddlebum, no health issues either, which is great.
Rubio is still my huge baby, he's now 800g at 22" long with a tail nip. He body shed twice this summer, he's 4 years old, you'd think he wouldn't do that, but he did. He wasn't very pleased about it but now that it's all gone he's a happy camper & shows off his great yellow colours.

I'll be waiting to see pics. How are you & Kim? I'm so glad to hear about being Vice President, you have SO much knowledge about rescues and how to care for them, and to have the certifications now is great. Congrats. You'll have to send me the thread so I can check it out!
Take care,


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Hi Deb,
I've been missing you and your guys and think about you more than you know! That's great news for Gabriel, I remember him being so thin, but I knew you'd get some weight on him, an underweight, skinny dragon won't stay skinny with you! Poor Lonzo, that's sad about the lung muscle, I'm glad that's improved some. The tail spasms do not sound very comfortable, is it a deterioration or some damage from flipping over? It's amazing to me when they are so well taken care of they get to be old timers. 9 1/2...wow you are an amazing keeper! Serrapeptase is such good stuff. I can attest that it works and I give a dose to Alex daily to help make him more comfortable with his daily physical therapy. That's hilarious about Didi being the drama queen. I bet it gives the others something to think about...and bob at :lol: I giggled at Leo being a cartoon watcher, mine like to watch some TV too. It's funny to see them watch the action, staring at the screen. Glad he's got some good chubbiness. I try to get mine to gain a bit extra to help with the times when they just don't want to eat. It's getting to be Autum here in the North East US, the days are getting shorter and cooler. I'm just noticing appetites slowing down a bit....all are still eating...except Dargo, so hoping to put a few extra grams on them before the winter. Wow on Rubio being 800 grams, and 22" with a nip, that puts him 24" or more. He's huge...is he a German Giant? Alex is a huge dragon too and I've wondered about him being a GG. He's 846 gms and just at 22" also but no tail nip. Sometimes I can't believe how much bigger he is than my next largest who is Talon at 565 gms. Alex isn't fat either, but very "big boned". His head is 3 1/2 " wide at the widest point, and his hand or foot cover the entire end of my finger...just a very big boy everywhere.I bet Rubio is too!
That's great you have Jake to come in and get them tucked in for the night. Peace of mind! We do worry about our little ones don't we!
I have to find more time to come and help on the health and ER sections again, I miss helping. This site was a life saver when I was new and I like to give back! So many experienced, expert keepers here willing to help and offer great advice. I've learned so much here from expert keepers like you...well, not like you, actually from you! :D
How is the rest of life treating you and how is your son and the rest of your family? Hoping all is well. I'm going to go catch up on your thread. Miss you, I'll be popping back in more often and Kim is doing great. I call him my other beardie with his grey beard he has. I'm a lucky woman, got a great hubs and he love dragons too. It doesn't get better than that. :lol: Oh, Moya never did lay eggs, she quit with the scratching and running back and forth, settled down, and now you wouldn't even know she went thru that period. Don't know what that was about but glad she didn't lay eggs and is ok!
Chat soon!

Thank You beastul, I adore my beardie family. It's been a long road to health, and I couldn't have made it with out the amazing experienced and expert keeper's here giving me the advice I needed to help save my dragon's lives. They are all part of this story too! Our dragon names all come from the characters on "Farscape". It was a series on the Sci Fi channel years ago. My husband and I were fans. Thanks for reading about my beardies!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Amanda, Alex is huge! Like Rubio. he has no GG in him, his face is wide like Alex's, 3 1/2 inches. He's very long, too, he's 10 1/2" from snout to vent & he's full of muscle, I tell you I've never seen a dragon with as large muscles on arms on legs as Rubio has, I call him thunder thighs! I've done some research on GG & they're heads are very narrow & long, not like Alex or Rubio's head at all. They are very rare & you can't find 100% blood lines anymore.

I'm so glad your crew are doing well. We're still getting warm weather out here but it is getting cooler in the evenings, too & some are slowing down a bit, sleeping earlier in the afternoon. They're all eating, but only Gabriel is eating like a pig still!

I'm looking forward to seeing new pics of all your crew, do you still have Pilot? I'lll be checking in more often, too. You'll see some funny pics when you get over to my thread!
Take care
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