taking on another beardie ... choices choice ahhh.

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Esther19":3nc3cmm3 said:
Thanks for the second video, Em! I could see that one. I almost cried to see her walking so well. Lexi is a miracle, and you are the miracle worker. :love5:
awwwwww im glad you liked it Esther!!! you are such a bundle of happiness, i always love to hear from you!!! always :)
i consider all of you to be miracle workers with your happy beardies, and your rescues, not just me. but let me tell you, she has been worth every second of everyday blocking out amounts of time to get 30 minutes of sunshine a day, two baths, a very (long) feeding/vitamin/calcium/supplement/priobiotic/mouth rinse sessions. i enjoy the time with her, its not something i see as "oh i gotta do this, or that, they are tasks that im very proud to do :)
and to watch her get stronger :)
im SO SO SO glad you are still hanging around her thread Esther!!!
you have been, as always, a source of happiness and encouragement! :) :)

SonicsMomma":3nc3cmm3 said:
Awwww Smooches from Lexi!!!!!! Right back at ya, lil soldier girl! :p Loved the kitty in the video. That little head-tilt that she did was awesome!

Hey Em, I noticed in the close up at the end, sort of a little indent right in front of her eye. I never heard you mention anything about that. Is it a normal thing in her skin, or maybe an old injury?

Sonic says hey to you guys. :D So do the pupps. Keep up the good work Em.
hey SonicMomma! :) :) :)
i think you are talking about the bump/protrusion in front of her eye and onto nto her nose? ... its pushing that nostril in so much so that its pretty ... not good in the way it has mishaped her face. we do not know what it is, its something the vet wants to explore much more when she is healthy enough to handle things a little more. he THINKS its a cyst that has gunk in it, so ideally to lance it would be something he wants to do. i think that is what you mean. its REALLY noticeable. like hello!
the previous owner said it would open up, bleed, then scab over (over and over again) ... so far that has not happened at all since i have her. i wonder if they picked at it, or just kept letting it bleed and scab, no idea. but if it did open up alot, it surely got sand, dirt, dust, and other loose debris in it from her previous tank, which would has infected it.
i dont think it has grown anymore since i got her.
it hasnt gone down, but it seems to look a little better, maybe b/c she was so dirty before, it might just look a little "cleaner"
we are going to try to figure out what the "big bump" is when she goes in for bloodwork, x-rays, and another mouth inspection. it is pressing up against her face and warping that nostril and pushing down on her jaw, so its def not an ideal place to have it!!!
its been there for a long long time, its not from rubbing the glass he doesnt think, its not consistent with glass rubbing. it does feel like there is something soft in it, so we SHALL SEE!!!
im glad you like her video, i will post more!!!
your awesome,
thank you!!!

sweetiepie9":3nc3cmm3 said:
I don't think giving her Benebac & acidopholuz will make a difference. I always gave Gabriel the gel after he ate, a line on his mouth & he'd lick it off. I don't know how you'd give it to Lexi, but give it a try. It helped Gabriel's stomach settle, especially after eating, then meds. But he's parasite free now & he's eating only dragon food, no babyfood anymore. He loves his supers, he'd eat them only if he could, but he likes squash & collard greens, too. Has to be hand-fed, they sure learn that quickly!

Let me know how Lexi feels after the probiotics, it might help her digest, too. Too bad about the roaches, her poor mouth, wonder if there's any other way to get them in her mouth? I'll have to think about that. Only Didi eats roaches, he eats an adult a day, so Jake is giving me his overloads. That's alot of adult roaches! The phoenix worms might be easier for her to grab & eat & digest, you'll have to see when you get them in.

Anything else I can help you with, just ask. She's such a special beardie, such determination & I'm hoping the vet continues to find ways to help her heal up.
Big hugs to you all,
Deb & crew!

Deb, as always, thank you :)
i will go ahead like i wanted to with the BeneBac ... its a great product, and hilariously enough, its the ONE thing ... the ONLY thing that BlueBelle has ver been excited to lick of her nose. i will never understand good ol' BlueBelle. but she devoured the gel earlier this year after brumation. i think i can get Lexi to take it, she took one tube when i first got her, well, ha, it was prob a half a tube, but i will try it today, i LOVE BeneBac.
i will let you how she is doing on the Acidophiliz and Serrpetase, im ALL about anything anti-imflamatory, and the more i read up on it, im just like WOW. what a great enzyme!!! Blue is going to get some too!
it has amazing properties!!!!
she did catch 4 little roaches yesterday, i was so proud, i think she was too. NOW, they did fall halfway out of her mouth (she has no grip bc things are so twisted inside there) so when half of them hang out and she is trying to get them back in, i just slide what is hanging out back into her mouth. sometimes if she catches them just right, they dont fall out at all, which she can totally do, just never know when ;)

teehee about the roach overload ... adult roaches can DEF get BIG!! and one can be VERY filling at that size!! lol, Blue will vlose her eyes and just breathe after a HUGE roach. ahahahahaha. and Didi is so pretty :) :)
they all are. ohhhh and i know, Blue would only eat supers too if i let her!!!! ha! aint nothing like a super to her, yum yum yum.

i am getting ready to make a butternut squash/collard green/herpavite slurry for Lexi, i borrowed a friends kick butt aweomse blender. lol, we will see how well or not so well that turns out. i will put some calcium powder in, and some squash/pea baby food in it as well. just fill it with good stuff :)
im going to do that now, teehee, here goes nothing! i might give Blue some, she might like it :) :) :)
i will prob have more questions, so thanks for being so open to help, means so much!!
GIVE THE CREW CUDDLES FROM US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anything interesting or fun happening on your beardie homefront?? do tell if so!!! love to hear your stories :)


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Suzan":1yotf958 said:
Hello Lexi. I have been reading your story for about 2 day's and I am sooo proud of your mom.When I started to read this story the more I read I started to cry. I can not believe people can be so cruel. I do have my oppinion about the previous owner but I think like everyone else about them so I don't think I need to say more. I do believe in one thing... CARMA!!!!!! You are one of them most special people I have every had the honor to listen to your story. I pray and think about you all everyday while I continue to keep reading your story and the tail of the brave and strong little Lexi. You are also so brave and strong to have taken her in and are giving her the best life she will ever have. Your family also is amazing, there are people in the world that I believe are angel's and you are one. Thank you sooo much for giving Lexi the wings to fly.
She is doing sooo wonderful and she is soooo beautiful and I love to cry happy tear's knowing she is loved so much and you can see she is sooo happy with a wonderful mom who is her angel and by the pictures she know's you are.
There are so many prayers out there for both of you. I also have tearie eye's just writing you and being proud to be able to read your story "The Life of a little Lexi".
I will always say prayers for you and Lexi and also THANK YOU for sharing Lexi's story with everyone. I will continue to always read the story of Lexi and I get excited to see her and how happy and strong she and you are. Keep showing us pictures please and THANK YOU.
My prayers and smiles for both of you :D :D :D :D .
Love, Ziggy and Suzan

Dear Ziggy and Susan,
oh wow. wow. thank you. i just saw this, and i dont know what to say ... im in tears. im such a cry-baby!!! that is one of the sweetest kindest things i have ever read. it just brought up a while slew of emotions, bad ones when i think of how the first years of her life were ... absolutley downright horrible, and good emotions, looking at her each day, and seeing her come so far. thank you. i do not now what to say except thank you, so much. im am dumbfounded. and sniffling and blurry eyes too! thank you for your prayers, i think so many prayers are well wishes are what has kept me going, hence kept Lexi going. plus she has un-fathomable will to live and survive. i seriously am just ... dont know what to say but thank you. awwwwwwwwwwwww omg, ok, ok, wow. thank you. its nice to meet you by the way ... im glad that "The Life of Little Lexi" has made you proud, that makes me very proud in turn, that im doing justice to her and to you as well. im the one that is honored by you!!! :love5:
i will definitley keep posting pictures and videos ... i have one uploading now from earleier today in the sunshine :)
and ... i made my first "slurry" today, she really like it!!! (so did BlueBelle!)
it was -
collard green leaves
chunks of peeled butternut squash i had just cut up
mustard green leaves
squash baby food
green pea baby food
Herpitvite vitamin powder
Serrapeptase Supplment

:) :) :)
slurry time! :blob5: :blob5: :blob5:
i borrowed the blender from my best friend, and i dont want to give it back. this blender is KILLER!!!!
i might do i little fruit slurry tomorrow just to give her a little sweet treat ;)
i have some blueberries, raspberries, banana and strawberry, and some plums ... idk, i know fruit isnt a main stay, but she might like it for a yummy treatsie.
:) she deserves it if she does :)

ok, my eyes are dry now (FOR now, ha!)
youve touched my heart.
thank you so much Susan and Ziggy


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kaladary":l2nij1ka said:
I will always say prayers for you and Lexi and also THANK YOU for sharing Lexi's story with everyone. I will continue to always read the story of Lexi and I get excited to see her and how happy and strong she and you are. Keep showing us pictures please and THANK YOU.
My prayers and smiles for both of you

thank you so much!!!
your prayers mean SO SO much to me, and i thank YOU and this forum, and some really great people for letting me share it all .... i mean it so so so much.
im so amped that you get excited to see her stronger and happier, i will keep the pics coming, i promise!!!! THANK YOU!!!


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ok ...
i have officially screwed up Lexi's weights on here, when i was reading some of my posts, i was like, wait hmmmm that doesnt look right ...
so i went back and looked at the written records i have been keeping ...
here they are:
July 11, 2012 - 194g (first vet)
July 17, 2012 - 212g (second vet)
Aug 3, 2012 - 219g - 221g (my scale)

i had all these different numbers from when we ere testing the scale and zero-ing it out, and i realized that i had them written down correctly, but i didnt post them on the thread correctly.
but there they are :)


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Now isn't that a good weight gain for her, slow but steady is what you want with Lexi, good girl. And she liked her slurry, that's great news, gets some great vits into her! And Blue liked it too? Good stuff! As for the blender, if your friend wants it back, you're just going to have to get your own. I have a feeling you're going to be making slurries really often for Lexi, if she's having trouble getting her roaches down, you can include them in the veggie slurry, really. I know lots of people who have had dragons with eating issues that have included the bugs in the slurries they've made, so go for it. When she can't manage to get the bugs in her, just blend them up!

It's so good to hear how well she's doing, bad mouth or not, I'm so glad for you and her. And I'm glad that BlueBelle is feeling better, hopefully she won't go down for brumation for awhile yet. At least you'll have Lexi, as I wouldn't let her brumate at all, not this first winter anyway and not for long at any time. She needs her daily nutrition to get stronger & stronger, even though she's come so far in such a small amount of time. She is truly a miracle & I'm so glad I found your thread, as I always want to keep up with her.

The best news over here is that Gabriel came back clear of parasites (did I already mention that?) and Lonzo's lung is starting to function, not alot, but something. The vet thinks his lung is creating fibrous something, there was a term she used that I can't remember, not a good thing either, so we got back in 3 months for another check up. It worries me sometimes, as he's 9 years old, but he's got alot of energy still & still loves to black beard, stamp & head bob. His favourite thing is to sit in the sun, so he gets out daily when it's sunny. And I try to give him a daily morning bath so he can jump around. Otherwise the rest are all fine. Didi didn't want to eat yesterday or today, so I got a roach into him today. He doesn't eat much else, none of mine are good on veggies, so have to hand feed, but Lonzo ate a bunch of collard greens this am, which was a surprise as he normally hates greens. The rest ate a few pieces, even Gabriel. They'll get squash tomorrow, that's about what they eat, squash, collard greens, bok choy & raspberries. And, of course, supers, theyre all like Blue, they'd all live on supers (except Didi), so the supers gets fed collard greens & bok choy so they, in turn, feed the dragons!

So keep us all updated, will enjoy seeing the video of Lexi in the sun. I had Gabriel out in the sun earlier, he jumped off the chair he was on & flattened himself on Rubio's impatient plant! So I got a pic of that! It was so funny, don't think Rubio would appreciate knowing that, though!
Take care, hugs to you all
Deb & crew


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Oh & one other thing Emily, I take Serraptase myself for arthritis, I have osteo arthritis in all my joints & since I've been taking it, I don't take any other pain pill & my joints don't hurt as much either. So it's good for humans as well as dragons!


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yay for Gabriel ... no parasites!!!! woooooooohoooooooo!!!! im so happy! :blob5: :blob5:
shhhhhhhh dont tell Rubio Gabriel smushed his impatients. shhhhhhh. ;)

and Lonzo ... awwwwww Lonzi is getting some lung function back??? i know its not alot, but like you said, its more than nothing ... 9 years old and active and happy :) :) thats the coolest thing to hear :) older and wiser, contemplating in the sun ... i can see it now ... love it. i know you worry. im sorry Deb, its not fun to have that always on your mind. I have to take my cat two hours away to an eye doctor vet on Monday ... they THINK she COULD possibly have opto melanoma (cancer) in her eye. i just want to rule it OUT. its so worrisome with our babies, so i understand how you feel about Lonzi and his lung ... im really sorry. BUT, he seems to be stomping and head bobbing all big and bad still!!!! that's awesome that he ate a bunch of collards!!! GAH, you never know what to expect from them, greens, no greens, on a greens strike, then all of a sudden on day ... nom nom nom nom on greens. drives ya LOCO!
how is Leo?
but youre such a good mom!!!! super mom, i dont know how you keep up with as many as you have ... and dang, i know some people have even more!?!?! 2 exhausts me lol. but i love it, like i know you love it too. they are true joys.
is DiDi just not a roach fan? i kow you mentioned he had trouble keeping a belly on her ... is his appetite just not up to par? is he okay? i meant to ask you earlier but i didnt for some reason ... he is such a pretty beardie. they all are so dashing.

and yeah what is up with superworms? its like the candy crack addiction ... suuuuuperssssss mmmmmmmmm. i guess they are just fat and juicy and yummy to them. good to know im not the only one who has a beardie that would live off supers i i let her!!! i think in heaven, Blue will have 24 hour acsess to a never ending pit of superworms :) :) that would be Blue's heaven. im pretty sure she dreams about them.
Yeah, idk, she is on/off ... i do expect her to def o down again this year, but she will give me two days of being perky then blahhhhhhhhhhh the rest of the time.
oh goodness no i would never let Lexi brumate this year. or any year for a while :shock: ... i would have to cross that bridge if i come to it i wonder if she has it "in" her ... i mean, in a weird way, her whole life has been on big semi-brumation as far as surroundings ya know? she is just as active as ever today, i mean she is juiced UP! i dont know if the Serrapeptase and Electrolytes, or the morning SUPER SLURRY or WHAT!? ha!
she was like a little peppy peppy peppy fire cracker dragon today!
and i was thinking about people taking too, so it was so crazy that you mentioned that. i looked it up, and some websites market it as the "miracle enzyme" ... i am sooo happy you take it and it helps you!!! thats AWESOME!!! apparently its really amazing! i am going to mention it to my dad.
he has terrible arthirits in his back (among other things/issues in his back)

heck, i want to take it!!! i totally do.
agreed, i think if she continues to have such trouble getting and holding live prey in her mouth, i will have to slurry them up with the collards and mustard greens. and yes, i will be making alot of slurries lol.
i was so jazzed when i got two and half syringes of that slurry in her bc i KNEW it was everything i was TRYING so hard to get in her for since day one, ya know the GOOD GREENS packed full of vitamins and minerals. i have extra so i will use it tomorrow, so so so good for her. and YES ha Blue like it too. ALOT!
i gave Blue some pro-biotics too, she hasn't had any since February when she woke up, and they are good for her. she is benefiting from Lexi living here as much as i am :) love all around.

i would love to see the pic of Gabriel in Rubios garden ... ahahahahahahahahaha. teeheheheheee!!! put it up if you can, i know everyone would love to see that!!!

here is Lexi in the sun today ... she is very dark, but that is how she gets in the sunlight. she was soooooo full of herself today! Crazy Beardie Alert today!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Going dark under the sun is normal, all mine are like that too, it allows the sun to get well warmed up. Mine also pancake out, flatten as much as they can, so they get warmth all thru them. They're so cute when they do that.

That video sure shows how well she's doing, she's opening her mouth when she heats up to ventilate, which is also normal & look at her run, she was so FAST! My boys don't like being outside in the grass, freaks them out (I used to take them outside 2 by 2 with leashes on, but all they did was cower & look up). They all feel much safer on the balcony & there's enough room for them to roam around.

Rubio, Leo & Didi are fine. Didi has held onto his weight really well this summer, he's up to 430g & he does normally eat an adult dubia every day, he loves the females, so fat & juicy, YUM. The others love their supers, but Gabriel is the one that goes crazy over them, he actually wags his whole body, including his tail. If he could jump into the little dish I carry them around in, he would & he has! But then he just swallows them down 3 at a time without hardly chewing them, which is NOT GOOD, so I give them to him one at a time. He hasn't had babyfood now in a couple of weeks, not Benebac either, but I should still be giving him that. He really does vaccum those supers down. I keep telling him to at CHEW the darned things!

Here's the pic of him on Rubio's impatients:

And here's the latest pic of his big belly!

Thanks again for the video, she is such a cutie girl!
She looks great! Now that I've looked a little closer at her face, I can see now that its from the lump. At first, it looked like a deep scar of sorts.

I still need to get a harness for Sonic. I have plans for his viv. I wanna do it up. Gonna take a while to get it done though. I actually have this 4 ft tall glass display case with sliding doors that I want to eventually turn into a heavenly sanctuary for Sonic. That's gonna take even more work and time.

Em, for some reason, I thought you would have a more bubbly, higher pitched, southern accent. Haha. Maybe it's just the way you type out all your messages. I love reading all the enthusiasm.

I look forward to more updates everyday. :D


BD.org Addict
Hi Em! Of course I am following Lexi's progress! Even after school starts it will be a priority. That last video is so amazing. Lexi moves so well! I wish my Cissy could move like that. This thread cheers me up every day!


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:) :) :)

well thank you, YES, we did have a good weekend! Lexi is a riot. i FINALLY got an under the counter t8 fixture and mounted it inside the tank (its still the 29 gallon) ... such an odd size tank to say ... 29 gallon.
the measurments on it are about 30 long, 18 high, 12 wide
i reallllllllllllly dont want to keep this much longer, BUT, i just have to keep thinking, work starts soon, works starts soon, and i will be able to upgeade FINALLYYYYYYYY!

i am debating on whether to keep the lighting style (inside UV mount, dome on top) sticking with the glass tank theme, (40?) or spring for something like Blue has, a custom melamine 48 long, 18 high, 22 wide. The guy that makes them has REALLY reasonable prices, amazing craftsmanship, and i wouldnt have to worry so much about fluctuation i temps and such b/c it is such a controlled environment inside his vivs.
looking back, i would have gone a few inches up in height on her viv, but i love it, it is AMAZING, all the mounts on the inside, holds heat like a champ and sliding doors ... love it. she loves it.
sooooooo with Lexi, i am going back and forth on what to get her.
40 gallon?
Blue's size?
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :? :?

i DO like the measurments on a 65 for Lexi, which are 36 long 18 high 24 wide ... idk it just seems to be very "her", not sure why.
idk, i have to figure all this out in my head.
but the reptisun is inside the tank now, YAY, rather that on top where i cut a hole in the screen for it to lay. i feel better about that.
looks nice too :)
but i suppose it is that time to start figuring out what to get her!
she basically basks and sleeps in her tank. she gets SO much out of tank time, but that will decrease some when i go back to work, (makes me sad!!) ... but she is such a joy to have out of the tank, i can see myself just having her run around when i get home around 3:30 when school is out. The girl loves to army crawl her bootie off around the house!!!!
she just takes charge of the rooms she is in, she is brazen! here there and everywhere, but always in sight somehow? again, she amazes me.

i have been keeping up with the "greens" slurries, i had to "surrender the blender" teehee, BUT i borrowed a Magic Bullet from her instead, which works sooooooooo much better for me anyhow! so im happy!!!
she is really gaining strength, it may be twitchy (she is is so twitchy) but its still strength!! annnnnnnd then CONKS OUT in the evening. she is halfway on/off her hammock now like snoooooooooooooooooooozing. and Blue is in her "pink blanket bed" ;)

ive been really impressed with Lexi since i started her on the Acidophiliz and Serrpetase ... i genuinely believe they have made a HUGE difference in her strength and overall well being, i mean she can wiggle now VERY well when she is done with her feeding which she couldnt do a little while ago. and i KNOW that pro-biotic has made her tummy feel so much better.

i dont want to jinx this ... b/c i know when i go back to school it will probably change, so im knocking on wood (fake wood, darnit!!) ... but so far, this entire time, i have only twice had to clean poop out of Lexi's tank, and that was the first week when she has diarrhea. She has sometimes pooped in the bath but mostly seems to reserve her poop for outside!!! a grass pooper!!! once i sit her down in the grass, within 10 minutes, she is going.
i dont know if its sheer timing, sheer luck, a total coincidence or real ... i thought since Blue will only poop in water, that i was just waaaaaay too lucky with that, and that Lexi would be a major tank pooper.
havinf said that ... this could and probably will change b/c i probably did jinx it .... but for now, i can TOTALLY deal with this!!! ha! its great! (for now!)

so its almost been ONE MONTH yall, i cant believe it. and man, what a difference a month of intense one on one care can make. i still feel SO blessed to have gotten her in the summer when i was off work.

soooooo i have some changes with lexi approaching in the next week and a half, and i will see how it works out ... im kinda getting stressed over it, but i have to remember, she is 1000000% better and she is going to be fine when i go back to work.
repeat. in my head. over and over again. ha!

ohhhhhh she has been puffing out her beard every now and then lately. so cute! sooooo NOT intimidating b/c poor thing cant look to the left or right without quick jerks and twitches, and i noticed she cant look up or raise her head upwards unless she has alot of time to do it. but she has got a scruffy little (big!) beard on her when she puffs. lol. i love it. i think its awesome.
im like YOU GO GIRL!
and she yawns in the morning outside, its adorable. i LOVE a beardie yawn!!!

Her colours are beautiful when she is not under a heat source. they have really popped out over this month ive had her. its neat, i never thought i would have a somewhat colourful beardie. i adore Blue's greyness, and i adore Lexi's yellowness :)
im exhausted though!!! Turns out the vet trip i made today that was so far away, for Opal, she is going to have to get eye removed probably before or around Christmas time. its a type of melanoma in her eye, and they do not want to chance it spreading to her body. she has to go to the vet here every month to get a quick eye pressure check, and once the pressures differ, the eye has to come out right away.
i have to keep telling myself:
i CANNOT live with no Opal, but i CAN live with a one-eyed Opal. i jsut didnt expect it you know? i should be thankful it is presumed to be located only in her eye, but its just a hard thought to process.

ok enough about me!!!! sorry!
how was your weekend? everyone have a good one?
how is your family ;) ... doing well??
i hope so :)
let me know, hearing about yall's beardies is SO therapeutic for me, i absolutley LOVE to hear about them. that is if you dont mind bragging about your babies ;) heck, i think its theraputic for everyone to brag about their dragons :blob5: :blob5:


BD.org Addict
Hi Em!

Glad you had a nice weekend! If you got a custom tank for Lexi the same size as Blue's, could you stack them if the need ever arose? I'm having to go back to work, too. My 26 third graders come on the 20th. :D I went out today, but the copies were not ready to be given out, counted and stored, so I moved some furniture around, then had lunch wih a friend at her house. My almost 2 year old Cissy has an unspecified neuromuscular disorder that affects her mobility, and causes her to flip over and get stuck there often. I take here everywhere with me. My friend has a cat; the first one Cis ever saw. She was quite wary, and kept an eye on him. She was laying on the table most of the time, but when one of us picked her up she was on the lookout.

I remember that when I took Cis for her barium x-rays the vet kept her in the incubator; when one of the girls wasn't holding her, of course. He said she really liked it in there. I wondered why, but maybe the controlled temp might be it. And then you wouldn't have to worry so much about room air temp fluctuations.

Sorry to skip around topics. Just a little tired. Keep up the wonderful magic, dear! E


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Esther19":3iewycib said:
Hi Em!

Glad you had a nice weekend! If you got a custom tank for Lexi the same size as Blue's, could you stack them if the need ever arose? I'm having to go back to work, too. My 26 third graders come on the 20th. :D I went out today, but the copies were not ready to be given out, counted and stored, so I moved some furniture around, then had lunch wih a friend at her house. My almost 2 year old Cissy has an unspecified neuromuscular disorder that affects her mobility, and causes her to flip over and get stuck there often. I take here everywhere with me. My friend has a cat; the first one Cis ever saw. She was quite wary, and kept an eye on him. She was laying on the table most of the time, but when one of us picked her up she was on the lookout.

I remember that when I took Cis for her barium x-rays the vet kept her in the incubator; when one of the girls wasn't holding her, of course. He said she really liked it in there. I wondered why, but maybe the controlled temp might be it. And then you wouldn't have to worry so much about room air temp fluctuations.

Sorry to skip around topics. Just a little tired. Keep up the wonderful magic, dear! E

hiiiiiii :)
we start on the 20th too! ooooo third grade!!! ... i have a couple of third graders ... i have all grades. its a private school for kids that have been kicked out of public school for behavior problems, so each kid has an IEP ... all subjects, all grades, right now i think the ages range this year are going to range from 8yrs - 15 yrs.
so you like teaching? how long have you been teaching for? third grade ... very cool Esther!!

awwwwwwwww i did not know about Cissy ... is she able to eat well and stuff? that must have been so scary for you to see happen to her, im so sorry! oh man, im glad that you are able to take her most everywhere, so that if it happens, you can get her back over if she flips. was this since she was a baby or did it develop as an adult? does it happend often? i'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to see a pic of her!!!! :) :)
you are amazing for keeping up so well with her Esther!!! what a great mom you are! :love5: :love5:

as for the vivs, you are are right. and i do need to stack them seeing as how we want to make the room she is into a nursery one day soon *hopefully*

and it really is such a controlled environment. i can pretty much guarantee that at any given time i will know exactly what Blues temps are. and it doesnt fluctuate season to season. they are just amazing vivs. i would recommend them to anyone. with the exception of being a about 3 inches short on height for me ideally, they are spot on. i have grown to like the height for her though, there is still climbing room and just tons of room in general :)
soooo that is probably what i will do then.
im just thinking i may go with the viv one size down from Blue's ... i could still stack it, and it would still be big for her, hmmmm choices!!!
but i do need to stack at some time, very good point!!! thank you!!! im so glad to heat from you as always :) :) :)
post a pic of Cissy if you can or you want to, id love it!!!
Hi there.
Iv just sat and read all 20 pages of this story and what you've done is just amazing!
Your dragons are very lucky!
I have one beardie myself, my spoilt little archie.

You have really inspired me to help out a dragon Ive seen in poor care.
She's not in half as bad of a condition of your little one, but she's been kept without uv or proper heat, on bark substrate and is missing half a leg, foot and tail. She also looks as if there could be a few signs of MBD.
I was unsure of whether to get her due to her being so far away, but I know I can offer her the care she needs.

Im only telling you this just to show you how inspirational you've been!
You really are a great person and hopefully my own little rescue will do as well as yours!
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