Sol and Elara - A hint of drama + Pics

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After a long wait, me and my boyfriends beardies have finally arrived! :blob5: :blob8: :blob5:
They came along with their own vivariums and were going through some shed at the time, but they arrived saftely and are in good health besides some minor relocation stress.
I was able to hold Sol (former name is Taz) for a bit and he was very calm for a while, but when his legs were shifted, he went crazy trying to find another foot hold. I have a few good scrapes on my arm from him now, but luckily his nails were filed down.
He did something that scared both me and my boyfriend: when my bf was moving around his very shiny and reflective MVB lights, I happened to be holding Sol close by and Sol must have seen his reflection and he hissed, puffed up his beard and opened his mouth. :shock: My bf quickly put the lights down, and Sol was back to normal like nothing stress marks. It was odd.
Otherwise, the stinker has been good today - he has taken the move very well. His need to wander died down a bit and I was even able to have him sit on my chest and legs for a time. It was hard getting him off my legs, he kept clinging on and squirming away. I'm thinking he was enjoying the view or liked the heat coming off of my legs.
He ate 4 superworms for me and took the largest reptile poop I have ever seen. :shock: It was kinda drippy but well formed and had a good amount of urate in it. :puke: I offered some collard greens, but he didn't show much interest.
I gave him time to chill out and relax, but I always found him begging to come out of his viv, so I couldn't resist. It was hard to put him back to his viv at first, he was glued to my hand and only unlatched himself once he realized were his basking spot was. He has no fear of my cats or dogs and stares them down whenever they walk by.
As I type, he is happily pancaking under his basking light. I love this little hunk! :love5:
Some quick pics:
Basking - the white spot on his nose is shed-ready skin.

Close up! I'm a little worried about his droopy eyes...

A far-away look of his bare viv - most of his decor hasn't been put down yet because his viv will have to be moved again tomorrow, but will post an updated picture when everything is settled down.

Elara, my boyfriends beardie, is a bit more timid and will probably need a little more time to adjust. She took a good poop, but a mysterious clear liquid that smells like urine keeps appearing around her. :( I'm really hoping shes not throwing up, but that might be the case. Maybe the move just made her super anxious.
She is kind of nervous about being held, but she just needs time to get used to her new people.
Good news is that she basked for quite a while and attacked her salad. She turned in early, so bf wrapped her up in her blankie that I made for her and she is now peacefully snoozing. I hope to have some pictures of her soon, her colors are a little off because she is just beginning to shed.

Tomorrow will hopefully go smoother for the two. I'm just so happy they are finally here! :mrgreen: :love5:
Ick, I feel like I'm coming down with my brothers cold, but that won't keep me from tending to my babies!
I plan to post some more pictures, if anybody is interested. :wink:


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thanks, yeah his oranges are really striking.

Bad news: Sol took another monster poop, it was healthy looking, but when I cleaned it up I saw what looked like little rice shaped things...I'm almost certain they are pinworm eggs. :( :( Ugh, I wasn't expecting this...I was wondering, since I know what they are, could I just order medication and treat him myself?


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Here are some quick pictures of Elara. She seems to be taking the move a lot better then Sol is.

Jumping on her fav cement blocks.

Taking her first bath at her new home - she pooped right away, my boyfriend was pretty grossed out!

Today Sol has been going nuts! He is always begging to be let out of his viv. I let him explore my bed and he soon discovered the window. He loves looking outside and when I had to move him he fought to go back to it.
After putting him back in his viv, he kept scratching and jumping at the walls. I thought a bath would help him chill a little, so I gave him a quick one and it helped for a few moments. He seemed to like it when I dripped water on his head. He soon wanted out and he ended up clinging to me and climbing up my arm. :love5: Thats the closest I've gotten to that famous beardie snuggle. :lol: :roll:
I attempted to wrap him up in a burrito to dry him off, but he soon crawled out and got very squirmy.
How does one handle a squirmy dragon? I support his legs and try that hand over hand technique, but I feel as if I'm doing something wrong or that something is bothering him. Do you just hold onto em until they stop, or intermediately put them where they want to go?
I will upload some new pictures of him soon....gonna relax for a while, I caught a cold. :(


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Couldn't help but share this!
Today I tried to focus on giving Sol some space, letting him chill and get some peace and quiet. I felt like he needed it today.
He was once again jumping and crawling around in his viv, acting like he really wanted to get out. I talked to him and watched him for a while, then decided to just open the viv door and let him come out on his own accord. After a few moments he came nearer and inched his way out...I thought he was going to make a bee line for under my bed, but he turned around and starting scratching at his wall again.
I gave him his salad and he crawled in it some, but not until later did I notice that he might have eaten some. The greens had shriveled and looked smaller, but I swear he ate some. I wish I could catch him doing it! He ate a few crickets today, but his main feedings will be every other day. I'm really trying to get him to eat his salad...I might try the old carrot trick tomorrow.
But, now onto the main point!
A few hours before bed time I decided I would try the burrito again. I wrapped him up in some soft fleece, and he surprisingly didn't struggle, squirm or anything! I was so surprised. He stayed that way while I walked him around, talked to my bf, watched bf play facebook games (I think Sol even attempted to nuzzle into my chest at this point, he was getting sleepy) and even while we watched a movie! He was out by the time the movie was over. I put him back in his viv near his fav sleeping spot, but he didn't move from his blankets and quickly fell asleep. :love5: :love5:
Sol may look tough, but he really is a sweetie pie. :laughing6:


Juvie Member
Original Poster
~Sol is slowly starting to eat more and more salad. He still hasn't eaten the whole thing yet, but I'm happy that he is at least eating it a little! He eats his bugs like a champ.
He is very easy to handle at night, but in the day time all he wants to do is window watch and explore.
A few days ago I modified a whole room into a big beardie playpen. At first, he was a little edgy, but once he discovered the window, he was content. I thought he would have enjoyed it, but he seemed very unsure of the surroundings.
I have come to find that he has something against our little kitten, Callie. She was standing at his door a few days ago and he was hissing, black bearding and trying to bite her. :shock: I think they have come to some terms now, as she keeps her space and hangs out on top of his viv. I try to keep all of the cats out of my room for Sol's sake, but a few of em always manage to sneak in. Only Callie is super interested in him, which is a good thing.

~Elara is doing good. She is a great salad eater, but her mood the past couple of days has been pretty grouchy. It was tough handling her, and it took a while for her to calm down long enough to be held.
Yesterday she was very calm, which was a relief.
I have noticed that this girl never has stress marks. I haven't seen one since she arrived. I do notice a difference in color second she will be bright, another she will be dark. But no stress marks! Even when she is very squirmy, her belly is white.
Sol is very expressive with his colors...he always has little ghost stress marks. I can easily tell his mood just by looking at him. I still have to try to figure out how his moods go...what he likes and doesn't like. He takes handling better then Elara does, but the Elara's absent stress marks are a mystery.
Anywho, I will post pictures once I get the camera some fresh batteries.


Extreme Poster
Hes so pretty. The droopy eye might be him needing for fluids. How much are you bathing him? We have one who gets a droopy eye when he needs a longer bath.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thanks! :wink:
I kinda figured this...he wasn't getting a bath very often from his previous owner. I have given him two baths since he has arrived (about a week ago) and his eyes seem to slowly be improving. I plan to give him another one tomorrow.
They look great, congrats! Sol sounds like my Bruce, and Elara sounds like my Stella! Bruce is always trying to get our attention and get out of his viv, and Stella has never shown a stress mark, even at the vet's office when she got an x-ray. It sounds like they have a great home now, and I'm sure they will settle in soon :)


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Wow, I never noticed that until now! Its eerie how alike our dragons are. :)
Thanks...they are really beginning to settle down and get used to things.
Long update:
A few days ago, I decided to take Sol out into town with me. He was kinda squirmy at first because my driveway is really bumpy, but he relaxed and stayed in my lap the whole time, watching the world go by. He only got a black beard when I put him in his crate and moved it a little, he didn't like the feeling.
He was great and didn't try to get away or anything. I had to go to Petsmart and the grocery store, and kept him in his crate for only a few minutes while I went in and quickly did my stuff. He was a real trooper. It was a small trip and he took it well!
I really noticed the whole traveling experience to have majorly strengthened our bond. He seems happier and peppier now. Yesterday I gave him a bath and he seemed to like it when I dripped water on his head, and he even tried to swim around! He also seems to like to make big, loud splashes with his hind legs. He submerged his head a few times, doing the little beardie-fish swim! It was adorable. :mrgreen: After enjoying the water, he discovered the small ledges around the tub and really wanted to climb on them. He began thrashing and jumping at them, so I took him out and showed him that he was waaay too big for the small ledges. I let him dry off on the rim, then he made a leap and landed on the toilet! :shock: He was a little squirmy afterwords, he really wanted to explore the bathroom.
I let him bask on a window sill. I walked him around for a while, then went to put him in his viv, and he refused to un-cling himself from my chest. He had taken a monster poop in there earlier and I hadn't cleaned it up yet, but he usually ignores his poo. I don't know what his deal was, but it really made me feel great. :mrgreen:
Today he was very peppy, he spent most of the day lounging on his driftwood, letting his belly hang. I think he has gained some weight since he arrived, but I haven't gotten around to weighing him yet (plan to do that soon.) HE EVEN ATE HIS WHOOOLE SALAD! :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: I was so happy to see his plate empty! I'm lovin my big boy more and more everyday. :love5:
Elara's mood has greatly improved since she has finished shedding. Today she came over to visit for a few hours because my bf's house had a major flea problem and they "bombed" it while they were at a wedding.
So, I have Elara for the day! She was cautious of the new environment, but has been calm the whole time.

As for pictures, I only have one of Elara on my PB account that I haven't uploaded.
"Is that camera gone yet?"


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Okay, here are the long awaited pics! All were taken with my phone, so if they are blurry or fuzzy, thats why.
Sol enjoying his drift wood. He even slept in that same position. :shock:

Just love that face!

Chilling on the bed. His eyes don't look quite as droopy...a few more baths should do.

Exploring the top of his cage. He loves running around on it! My bed is RIGHT next to his viv. :lol:

Right before he farted and almost took a nasty dump on my bed. :shock: I didn't know beardies could fart until he did!

"Bartender, I'll have a scotch on the rocks and a super worm to the side."

Night vision beardie! "You know you love my manly pex. Don't you dare say 'moobs'." :lol:

"Do I see a potential meal?"

Hes really been fond of that driftwood the past few days!

Now for Elara. She was tired the next day from her short stay at my house.
"Oh hi. Waddya want now? Can't you see I'm trying to get some peace and quiet?"

"Hm? What is that?"

"Ooooohhhh. A camera. Great."

"You can't see me. I haz awesome camouflage." (FYI those rocks were bleached, washed, baked and washed again. They are very secure and don't slip.)



Close ups - I thought her scales looked great in this one.

"Yeah, I know I'm pretty." :laughing6:

I'll try to get more of Sol in the bath today - until then, hope this satisfys you picture mongers! :)


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thanks guys!
Just a little update. (some beardie drama.)
This last week for me personally has been kinda rough. Full of ups and downs...emotional and crap. Sol seemed a little off, too. I felt that my mood was responsible for his. :(
He ended up not pooping for 3-4 days. Today I was going to give him some olive oil and baby food if he didn't poo. Before I set out to get him some Collards and baby food, I decided to give him a bath. I had noticed he hadn't basked at all the whole day...strange for him, I knew he wasn't feeling all too great. I took him out and massaged his tummy and he didn't seem to mind...its almost like he enjoyed it, he kept resting his gut on my palm. :lol: I gave him a nice warm bath and massaged some more...then low and behold, he took an enormous poo. I was so happy!
After the bath, I let him hang out on the table while I did a quick internet search. He was starting to wander around and lick things, acting more like his normal self.
Sol's arch nemesis Callie-the-kitten snuck up and hid behind a chair so I couldn't see her...then got a little too curious. She stood on her hind legs and pawed his face. :shock: I grabbed a small squirt gun and shooed her away, then came to see how Sol was.
Every time I brought a hand near his face, or even walked towards him, he would gape and puff up his beard! :shock: It scared the CRAP out of me. He has never shown me any kind of aggression before...I thought 'why me?! I didn't do it!'. Callie must have really ticked/scared him. Finally after 5 minutes he was fine and let me pet him. She must have really shocked him...he didn't see her paw at all and wasn't expecting it. :angry5: :banghead: I won't ever let this happen again, that's for sure.
So, after that fiasco, I decided to feed him before I headed out. I had a super worm on the palm of my hand when Sol partially missed and got the skin on my hand...he kinda pulled and shook, trying to get the worm that he thought was my skin free. :cry: The sudden pain made me scream and brought tears to my eyes. I was kinda shocked afterwords, but knew it had been an accident. His aim has been off, I should have known better. :banghead:
Its been a rough trust towards him is a little damaged, but I know he would never harm me on purpose. The good thing was that before bed he cuddled his head up against my neck...that made the day better. He is such a sweet boy. :love5:
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