Snorting ≠ uri.??


Sub-Adult Member
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Toothless snorts, for lack of a better word. It's not a full on snort, I guess.? But he puffs air out of his nose almost regularly and it's noticeable if you're holding him, especially when he's by your face. He doesn't puff up, turn black or any other signs of distress. No bubbles, no open mouth breathing, struggling to breathe, lethargy, etc. Just little snorts. It can be for no reason or because we're holding him and he moves, maybe putting pressure on his lungs, pushing the air. It's more like a little puff of air through his nose.

Is it worrisome.? He's done it for as long as I can remember, I believe. Picture for attention.


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xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Zen used to do that, he huffs (for lack of a description) now. It worried me at first, but now i think it's cute. He does still snort to but it's during shed trying to clear his nose. Oddly i never notice it with my other guys.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Zen used to do that, he huffs (for lack of a description) now. It worried me at first, but now i think it's cute. He does still snort to but it's during shed trying to clear his nose. Oddly i never notice it with my other guys.
It's weird, right.? Like a little puff of air through their nose. You don't think it's a concern, though.? I guess not since he's done it for a long time and I know respiratory issues go downhill real fast for them. It's definitely cute, I swear he does it to accentuate himself when we're talking to him and stuff.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Zen does it mostly when I'm jostling him around. I think it's to let me know he is tolerating me, but he isn't happy about it lol 😆

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