Sleeping Danger??!

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Hatchling Member
I ran into an article online about bd's sleeping on their backs - and apparently it is very dangerous. Something along the lines of their lungs being compressed too much thus causing them to suffocate!

Anyone have their bd's rest on their backs in their lap? Any weird/concerning behaviour?

I have a hard time buying this one...Any thoughts?


Extreme Poster
It is dangerous for them to be on their backs for the suffocation reasoning. I never do it.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
LJean":2e462 said:
It is dangerous for them to be on their backs for the suffocation reasoning. I never do it.

Wow i didnt think it was true...Very good to know, thank you!!


Sub-Adult Member
A reptile should always try to right himself when on their backs. It's not natural or safe at all. When my lizard was very ill, my vet put him on his back and told me if he wouldn't turn himself over it was a very bad sign.
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