Sick Dragon

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Good Afternoon,
My dragon Tiny is sick and is not getting better. I purchased him on Sept 7. By Sept 16, he was slowing down. I found a vet at the end of September and they tested him for parasites. Came back positive for coccidia and entamoeba. Treated with a dose of metronidazone, and 3 day dose of albon and sent home with carnivore care. Tiny perked back up. He started slowing back down again. Went back to vet in 14 day, given another dose of metronidazone, and sent home with 3 days of albon. 10 days later, gave another dose of albon. By the 3rd day of this dose, Tiny was not acting good. He would only eat one or two crickets. Took another sample to the vet early. 7 days later doctor called and said it was negative. Tiny not eating at all, not walking, just laying around. Took him to a new vet, 7 days ago, she did x-ray, diagnosed him with scoliosis, said that his bone density looked good, didn't see any signs of MBD, tested fecal, positive for coccidia again. I asked her to test for Atadenovirus, because he has hardly grew any since we have had him, and has continuously been sick. She said that it takes weeks for results and there is no treatment for it so it wasn't necessary. She started him on a dose of panacur and sent me home with another dose to give him in 48 hours. I did this. he is still not eating on hims own, I am syringe feeding him the carnivore care, and putting the dubia roaches to him mouth and sort of forcing him. I am feeding 1/8 tsp cc to 1/4 tsp water to him a day along with 2 to 4 small dubia roaches. He is 18 grams. i am not sure how much to feed him??? He is not recovering like he did the first week. When i turn his lights off at night, he use to go to the cooler side and climb in the leaves and hide, now he doesn't move from his basking sight.

does anyone have any insight as to what more i can do for Tiny.

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
Poor tiny. It's possible it's the meds that are making him feel bad. Albon in particular can be incredibly harsh on them. Ponazuril has shown to be pretty effective against coccidia but isn't as harsh. Panacur is often used against pinworms and is effective. Did another test indicate a high level of pinworms?

At this point I'd probably take a less is more approach and focus on keeping him fed and hydrated. The meds may be doing more harm than good, especially given his small size. The carnivore care is good and you can offer it a little bit watered down to add hydration. You may want to alternate with that and maybe some squash baby food which will offer less protein (which may give his kidneys a break). There isn't really a set amount to offer. it will probably vary and depend on how much he will tolerate. More small meals over the course of a day is probably better than larger meals all at once.

Can you post some photos of him and his for us? You can upload photos here and post them to your thread using the XIMG button when you reply.

If you can include details about surface temperatures around the tank and the type of lighting you're using that will be helpful as well.


Original Poster
You are correct, it is Ponazuril that we just gave him two doses of. I will take photos, and gather all the temps, and lights and get them in a bit.



Original Poster
The ambient temps on hot side is 92-95. His basking log is 101-104. Cool side is 80.

I am using a 75 watt and a 50 watt on basking side. My UVB is a T5HO 10 UVB Reptisun on top of mesh.

I have been using the organic baby food squash with him some days.


CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
OK that looks pretty good. Since the T5 hood is shining through mesh you may want to build a branch or something to allow him closer access if he wants it. If he isn't moving around much though, there may not be any point for now. Your surface temps sound about right too. You're measuring them with the probe you have there? I'd just keep that on the basking log to monitor the basking temp and then maybe get a second one and put that over by the plastic plant or on that log next to it. That will give you the temp gradient at a glance which is a good way to monitor once everything has been set properly.

Since your setup is good that will give him the best possible chance at recovery. I'd just go as light on the meds as possible and keep him fed and hydrated and see if he can bounce back.
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