Sick beardie

William R

Hello I’m new to this website. I got a new baby bearded dragon a few weeks ago and it seems very likely it has a respiratory infection, I heard you can use baytril but I’m not sure how often or how much I should give him or if I should at all, any info is useful he is a few months old, I’m not sure what I should do.


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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hello I’m new to this website. I got a new baby bearded dragon a few weeks ago and it seems very likely it has a respiratory infection, I heard you can use baytril but I’m not sure how often or how much I should give him or if I should at all, any info is useful he is a few months old, I’m not sure what I should do.
Please go over your surface basking temps-- what are they and how are you taking them? Sick ons are inaccurate - you want a digital probe thermometer--- uvb this is crucial- no coils please-- you want a long tube fixture--I can post links to good ones if you need them - humidity in the tank-- what is it? Analogs are inaccurate you want a digital probe hygrometer placed on the back center wall- can you post a video of the dragon? What are his symptoms - heavy breathing wheezing coughing any mucous out if the nose or mouth?

William R

Original Poster
Yea he has uvb, basking spot is around 90 to 110 depending on where he is sitting but I don’t have a digital hygrometer his none digital one usually stays around 25%to 35% Humidity, he has what looks like dried mucus around his lips and he keeps taking a deep breath then letting out a breath with a popping sound, Here is a video of him doing it

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Yea he has uvb, basking spot is around 90 to 110 depending on where he is sitting but I don’t have a digital hygrometer his none digital one usually stays around 25%to 35% Humidity, he has what looks like dried mucus around his lips and he keeps taking a deep breath then letting out a breath with a popping sound, Here is a video of him doing it
Ok your video did not post -- UVB is a long tube fixture or a coil? We need to properly place the long tube if that is what your using --- this is crucial to a sick dragon - please get a ceramic heat emitter to keep the tank warm thru the night like around 80 this will help keep the immune system up since hes not well -- your humidity is probably off w/ the non digital - you want optimal humidity of 40-50% nothing below 20 and over 70% this also helps w/ their shedding -- w/ the pooping sound and mucous its probably a RI so we need to get things right in the tank - where is he sitting at for surface basking temps 105-110 for a baby -- I am going to flag Tracie our vet tech mod on here for the medication question

William R

Original Poster
This is the light I use, and it’s on top of his cage, also I heard that humidity over30% is what can cause a infection, our beardie had one when we got him though, hard to say right where he basks since it’s not always the same but I would say he tends to sit at closer to 105


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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
This is the light I use, and it’s on top of his cage, also I heard that humidity over30% is what can cause a infection, our beardie had one when we got him though, hard to say right where he basks since it’s not always the same but I would say he tends to sit at closer to 105
Ok so mvbs are good for heat not so much uvb- it's on the screen so that screen is blocking 30% of the rays - I recommend you get another uvb long tube fixture-- there are 3 that I recommend if you need the links I can post them-- not true about the humidity it's the lower humidity that causes RI. Optimal is 40-50% your 30% is fine-

William R

Original Poster
that lights just does not give enough uvb? The package says it comes with both and that’s the one my vet recommended, but yes I would like the links for good lights if I need them also how does lower humidity cause RI?, last thing do most people have the light in the cage? Do the light is not blocked.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
that lights just does not give enough uvb? The package says it comes with both and that’s the one my vet recommended, but yes I would like the links for good lights if I need them also how does lower humidity cause RI?, last thing do most people have the light in the cage? Do the light is not blocked.
The air is too dry under 20% - I would of thought higher humidity would cause RI but not so - the screen on the tank is blocking the uvb rays - you can get a stand and hang the mvb above the basking spot but the thing is the distance will effect the uvb - so the higher the light the lower the rays- providing another uvb source is recommended also if your relying on that uvb for uvb rays you need to change the mvb out in 6 months- they are great for heat but not uvb- and I would recommend unobstructing the mvb-- I will get the uvb fixtures posted in the morning for you- the placement and distance for the long tube fixture will be determined by the screen on the tank

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
UVB fixtures
Look at Pet Smart for this one if you have one you want the 24 watt - 12% bulb
you can also order on line if not in store Arcadia Reptile ProT5 UV-B Kit | reptile Light Fixtures | PetSmart
or this one - it will come w/ a 5.0 bulb you want a 22" Reptisun 10.0 T 5 - keep the 5.0 for a back up distance and placement is different from then 10.0 tho
24" Zoo Med ReptiSun T5 HO High Output Terrarium Hood
or this fixture you will need to change the bulb out to the Reptisun bulb I posted
24 " or 2 ft
these are all good - let me know when you get the UVB distance and placement will be determined by your screen on your tank

William R

Original Poster
Thank you for all the info, and for the RI I’m fairly sure he has, should I just go to a vet, or is there a cheaper home made or purchasable option

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Thank you for all the info, and for the RI I’m fairly sure he has, should I just go to a vet, or is there a cheaper home made or purchasable option
You can take him to a vet --- but you want a reptile vet -- if your in a small town please type in a bigger cities zip code closest to you --- I am going to re flag your post to Tracie to see what she recommends - she may be able to assist you w/ this -- I know they sometimes recommend nebulizers for RI's but I want her to help out here -- shes our vet tech --- get your lighting UVB in order first thing this is what is going to help also the surface basking temps and I would invest in a ceramic heat emitter -- you will need a dome w/ ceramic socket - place on the spot above where he sleeps you want to try and keep temps around 80 at night since hes sick -- this will help w/ his immune system --

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

You certainly have a youngster! Do you already have Baytril on hand? If not, if you do suspect
a respiratory infection, & can nebulize him you can use a sterile saline solution instead of Baytril
to see if that helps out with clearing out a respiratory that might be starting.
Are you keeping him around 75-80F overnight to help boost his system?


William R

Original Poster
I have not bought any medicine yet or nebulizer I’m trying to decide if it would be cheaper to try to cure it myself and hope that works or if I should just go to my vet

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