Siberian Squill poisonous? (Urgent)!!!

AHBD Sicko
From what I read it is highly toxic so you are fortunate that she didn't get sick and hopefully won't. It would be good to have charcoal on hand though and we can all be very careful when our dragons are outside to keep them away from unknown plants.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I solve that by having an all rock yard....... oh wait some of my beardies try to eat the friggen rocks, guess i really didn't solve anything lol (I'm being truthful btw, they really do try to eat the rocks)

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

How is she doing today?
I agree, it is luck that she didn't eat any of it! There have been many members on here that had
activated charcoal on hand & it really helped out in an emergency.



Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
I solve that by having an all rock yard....... oh wait some of my beardies try to eat the friggen rocks, guess i really didn't solve anything lol (I'm being truthful btw, they really do try to eat the rocks)
I can confirm the first thing Beebz did when he got his new enclosure was start biting on the edge of a concrete paver :mad:


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
From what I read it is highly toxic so you are fortunate that she didn't get sick and hopefully won't. It would be good to have charcoal on hand though and we can all be very careful when our dragons are outside to keep them away from unknown plants.
She chased a bumble bee so I shooed it away then turned to her eating a plant I have never seen it before but I'm picking it as we speak lol


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Typical right?

"Today I'll make it easy for you and eat all my greens... starting with this pretty little poisonous plant you didn't know existed until I nommed it!"
Typically she will get a piece of grass or plant that isn't poisonous but one that just doesn't offer nutrients.

I believe she went after this (poisonous plant) due to the color and her never seeing it before lol


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster

How is she doing today?
I agree, it is luck that she didn't eat any of it! There have been many members on here that had
activated charcoal on hand & it really helped out in an emergency.

The only symptom was a upset tummy she just went poop and ate a super worm and some greens.

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