She lost her spikes and skin with her shed

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Hatchling Member
She started shedding about 3 weeks ago, the wrestler has shed now but the first spot that started is the last one to finish.

On this side of her head she had injured herself about a month-and-a-half ago. Very large swelling in her beard that went away after about 5 days. The vet and others seems to think that it was a blood pocket in there from trauma

Now today, she got some of her shut off but her spikes came off with it, it does not look overly irritated but it does look rather tender

The first couple pictures are the piece that came off, the third photo is of her face now and of the 4th photo is from about 5 days ago. I've been soaking her to help with her shed


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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
She started shedding about 3 weeks ago, the wrestler has shed now but the first spot that started is the last one to finish.

On this side of her head she had injured herself about a month-and-a-half ago. Very large swelling in her beard that went away after about 5 days. The vet and others seems to think that it was a blood pocket in there from trauma

Now today, she got some of her shut off but her spikes came off with it, it does not look overly irritated but it does look rather tender

The first couple pictures are the piece that came off, the third photo is of her face now and of the 4th photo is from about 5 days ago. I've been soaking her to help with her shed

AHBD Sicko
You can dab some raw honey on there, it's excellent for any type of wound and to keep sheds from clinging to areas like the spikes. Make sure there are no insects loose in the cage anywhere.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I took some photos of her mouth, I don't think anything looks bad in there. She is active and eating. I warmed some honey and spread it on there


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Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Should I be overly worried about the Exposed Skin where the spikes got pulled off? So will it scab over or do you think it'll grow back?

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

The skin/scales should heal up well. As AHBD suggested, raw honey will help a lot. Be sure to
keep it all clean as well, to help with infection.



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
should i be worried about the rest of hte skin on there, her scales still have a lot of shed. i dont want to hurt her pulling on it but i dont want it to sit and constrict on more of her spikes either.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

The rest of the scales should be fine. You can try putting some aloe vera gel, or coconut oil on
it to help out with shedding.


AHBD Sicko
You should never pull the scales, that will potentially cause damage and is reported here on the forums pretty often. Lingering sheds do no harm at all and are perfectly normal. Somehow people have caused a lot of worry about " stuck shed " when it's actually just taking it's own time. The only time it might be a problem ids if there is a tight band of skin left on a toe ot end of the tail causing restriction in that area.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Hazel my female two year old beardie
I agree. You could also use a soft Baby toothbrush and gently rub with it if it looks like stuck shed. Never pull shed off of beardies because it can damage their scales.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I agree, it is best not to pull on scales if they aren't already falling off. The underneath skin is thin
& intricate so it can tear easily & become damaged. Let us know how she is doing.

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