Scratching at Night

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Hatchling Member
Hello! Alrighty, so recently Gabriel has found a new favorite sleeping spot, which is in a little corner rock fixture that has a cave on the side that he can go into and curl up in. I think it's because he's started going to bed a bit earlier than his lights go off (winter and all that), but that's beside the point. I've noticed that he likes to scratch the inside of the enclosure a lot before he's finally settled in, I assume he's trying to dig himself a little niche (no matter how impossible). What I wanted to know is, is there anything I can give him that would let him actually dig? It's not necessary, but I think he would enjoy something he could actually dig into at night. My last beardie used to mess around with a shirt that I'd put in the tank, much like a cat or dog, but Gabriel doesn't seem to touch it at all


Hatchling Member
My beardie does this at night. I cut some fleece scraps and put them in his favorite sleeping spot, so now he burrows underneath those at bed time. Maybe give that a try? You can put them in his cave for him to dig into at night.
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