Santana laid two eggs for the first time, now lethargic HELP

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I guess I JUST found out my beardie is a female. She is almost 3 years old and this past weekend laid 2 eggs. One Friday night (11/7) and one Sat night (11/8). The week of 11/3-11/7 she was staying with my friend while I was on vacation. My friend takes care of Santana quite often and has 2 lizards (not beardies) so he is used to properly taking care of reptiles. The only "weird" thing he said happened was Santana was constantly digging in the cage, ripping up the newspaper (I have newspaper and cage carpet for her). Other than that, had energy, eating, etc.

Santana had energy on Friday when I picked her up as well as throughout the rest of the weekend. Once Monday hit, she became lethargic and has been that way since then. (approx 3 days) I put a call in to my vet and he hasn't gotten back to me even though I have called more than once. She is still eating crickets, not so much her greens (kale, collard greens and squash-fresh every morning) and I have been powdering her crickets more often which is what I heard I was supposed to do during egg laying processes. These are NOT fertilized eggs. I am unsure whether to leave them in the cage or take them out. I am extremely worried about her having zero energy. I have 2 cats and she plays with them everyday....chasing them around and jumping up to lick their faces. Now...nothing. Is this normal? Also I have been reading that it IS NOT NORMAL to lay only 2 eggs! Her stomach is no longer big and I really don't think there are any other eggs in there. I had a female bird that died from impacted eggs once and it just broke my heart.

Please let me know what I can do to make her more comfortable!!!! I appreciate any/all advice. Thanks, Jen


Extreme Poster
Hi there,
I cant say I know much on how to make her more comfortable or make her pass more eggs, but id think that a warm bath and a belly massage wouldnt go a miss.

What I do know is that laying eggs takes ALOT out of your beardie. She will need her calcium stores boosted back up asap so dust her food right away. If she's not in the mood to eat id mix some calc and vits in with some liquidised veggies or baby food and syringe her a little in.


Original Poster
Thanks! I did give her a warm bath last night. She seemed to wake up a little bit but then just went back to being lethargic. Since Monday, I have been dusting her crickets which she has been eating and hand fed her some squash before leaving for work this morning. Also, I NEVER see her drink I used the syringe to see if she was thirsty both monday and yesterday and I must have refilled the syringe at LEAST 8 times and she still wanted more-both days! Also she was drinking her bath water last night a little bit. I didnt want to over due the water thing. Do you happen to know how much I can give her? Should I stop only when she wont drink anymore?

Thanks so much for your post!


Extreme Poster
HI there,
i cant say I know about the water issue.
A good indicater is if she has indentations on the top of her head back from where her eyes are. If you can feel divets in her head it means her water supply is low and she may want to drink and drink and drink.
My girl is currently dehydrated so is getting 2 baths a day (she drinks in there and beardies also absorb water through their vents). Id advise perhaps lengthening her bathtime whilst she seems to be so thirsty. Theres not much better for a beardie than a nice long soak.

Personally Id think that dragons are just like us, they want water when they need water. This is just from a logical viewpoint however, not from experience.


Sub-Adult Member
She might still have eggs in her and needing a laybox. Do a search for those - I have no experience with them but do know they normally lay more than 2 eggs.


Hatchling Member
I dont want to worry you but I know that drinking a lot of water can be a sign of diabetes, in cats they do a check for it if you notice your cat drinking ALOT of water. I am not sure if this goes for any animal or what, but maybe something to check on?

It is probably more so in relation to the egg thing though, unless it is just a coincidence.


Sub-Adult Member
Make sure you get her a dig box so she can lay the rest of her eggs. You can not feel infertile eggs so you will not be able to tell by palpating.
Get something like the size of a cat litter pan and fill it with organic potting soil and put it in her cage. Another way is getting a big 50 gallon rubbermaid container and putting about 5 inches of organic soil in it and clamp her heat lamp on the side and leave her in it for a day or so to see if she lays eggs.
She can get egg bound and its not a good outcome. So make sure you either get her laying or to a vet ASAP. They usually always lay more then two infertiles.
Give extra calcium daily and as much food and water as she wants.


Original Poster
I took her to the vet last week and...
#1-the xray showed no more eggs in her belly
#2-the blood test was negative
#3-the fecal test was negative
#4-the vet gave her fluids because she was dehydrated
#5-I have Baytril (antibiotics) I have to give her for 2 weeks.

Apparently after all of that (and $265) she is absolutely fine. She is back to her old self again. The doctor wasn't sure what was wrong since EVERYTHING looked fine. But really, after I started giving her the Baytril she perked up and is doing much better.

Thank you to EVERYONE who posted replies.

If anyone lives in the DC metropolitan area, my vet is a reptile specialist in Silver Spring, MD. He is WONDERFUL!!! Dr. Gary Schwartz of Wheaton Animal Hospital. I do not suggest you bring animals other than your reptiles to that hospital, I do not trust any other doctor there besides Schwartz. That hospital basically killed my dog because of a negligent move on their part. But Schwartz wasn't involved in that and he has REALLY gone out of his way for me and Santana and is a GREAT vet. GO SEE HIM! 301-949-1520

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Great that there were no more eggs in her. Sometimes they only lay a few eggs for whatever reason. She could have been reapsorbing them which could have been one of the reasons that she was lethargic. Her liver was having to breakdown & process extra cholesterol from the eggs. It does happen sometimes.
I am glad that she is feeling much better now.

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