Ruby: I have a problem on my hands

So Ruby is going to be a problem. She wants out but doesnt tap yet. The looks...stink eye to the most intense power.
I let her out and she cuddles right away. She will then rise on her front legs to look around. I then stood up to give her a tour of the house, she loved it. I mean, she didnt try to jump, no stress marks but boy, her neck shouldve fell off from nosiness. I must admit it was cute. We then sat on the couch where she was in love again and I was able to observe her.
Around nighttime, I visited her again, she was about the cuddles again but then she wanted to jump on the couch. I saw it in her eyes. Boom- down to the couch she went. She's fast and determined. I thought she wanted to go back to her enclosure so I picked her up. Nope, she put herself right back down. I tried again, she crawled up my arm and sat there. I tried to turn it to see what she would do....nothing.
I walked towards the enclosure, she moved towards my shoulder. She was NOT having it.
I sat on the couch and she sat on my stomach- she was content.
I let her sit there for about 5 minutes then went to put her back. She was not having it.
I said, "well, you have to go"
When I picked her up, she wrapped her tail around me and off we went. she wasnt pleased but in she went. I received nasty stares - I then cut the light off to show her who was boss (okay, it was nighttime anyways).

So now I have someone running the first floor, the second floor- I am running out of floors. I guess there's always the basement right?!
Oh, I tried to measure her, she's 13-14 inches. I have to try again today. 20230819_063504.jpg

Rocky: Rocky hung out with me while I worked all day but around noon he hid. Do you think he knows. He wouldn't leave the room that I was in. He was awake because I would check on him but this wasn't cool. When I put him in his enclosure, he wanted out. He is up, he eats- I am waiting on a poop. He's up, he's doing well. As the temps rise, he looks like he wants to get off his basking spot. I wonder if he wants to brumate- oh no, he simply wants out. Here he comes, I gotta go!

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Try letting Ruby explore the couch and see if he/she comes back to you. I think i have become Sinatra's security blanket, he gets down like that but after a few minutes he comes and gets back on me. When he started doing that is when i really fell in love with him.

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