Rocky - Papa Smurf's brother & the rest of the Rescues!

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We finally have Rocky...! I am so excited and relieved to have this little guy in my home for some TLC and rehab time. Here is a back story for those of you who don't know:

Six months ago we took in a little blue rescue bearded dragon and named him Papa Smurf for his blueness, small size and grey beard. He was surrendered to the owner of our local reptile shop by two pre-teen girls in a cookie tin, unable to walk due to severe MBD, neglect and starvation. They tried to surrender both of their beardies, but one of them ran off into the woods and escaped. This was the first week of December 2011. The second beardie was found in a shed unexpectedly, 5 months after he disappeared and the girls surrendered him to the same shop. We got the call that Papa Smurf's long lost brother was found, and we were in disbelief, to be honest. Just blows my mind that a dragon can be lost outdoors all winter and survive. I know this is Florida but we have a wet and cold winter here, as we live in the Northern part.

We picked Rocky up today from the store, brought him home, and showed him to Sleepy Smurf. Smurf opened his eye, narrowed it and gave a tired, calculated stare as if to say, "When my nap's over ima get you." :lol: I whisked Rocky off to the bath, scrubbed him up, and let him explore the couch and living room floor.

He is alert and curious, but has severe mobility issues in his front legs, neck, shoulder and head. It will be interesting to watch him recover and gain strength. He walks with a very stiff, jerky movement, and looks to have some spasm or intermittent contracture of the right arm. I'm going to treat it as a vitamin B deficiency, because it's the easiest thing to rule out. Normal gut flora plays a key role in the synthesis of B vitamins, so I will be giving him liquid B vitamins and AcidolphiLiz, a probiotic that will increase the numbers of good gut flora, allowing the B vitamins to be synthesized and absorbed, and hopefully the spasms and contracture will stop. Wish me (and Rocky) luck! :D

The reptile shop has had him for the last month or so, and they have been doing a good job of putting weight on him, so he looks pretty good. He needs to gain muscle mass, and since he isn't malnourished, I will be giving him plenty of silkworms, since they are high in protein. They also have natural serrapeptase, an enzyme found in the silkworm, which they excrete to break down their cocoon when they become a moth. The serrapeptase breaks down inflamed tissue and helps with stiffness and pain. It is a natural anti-inflammatory that has been used in human medicine in Europe for the last 25+ years. It really helped Papa Smurf, so I am sure it will help Rocky.

Well, enough talking. Here is our newest boy, Rocky:

Here he is right when we got him home. Notice how his front legs are held close and almost underneath him. He has limited range of motion.

Here is a close up of his sweet face. The reptile shop really worked to get him to a healthy weight and he looks pretty good. :D

" I close my eyes and pretend I am not sitting in no likey."

He finally did relax and begin to enjoy the warm water and my attention. I keep saying his name over and over so he can learn it.
He almost looks like Papa Smurf in this picture. :shock:

King of the couch! It's uncanny how they settle in when they look around and see they are in a home and not the reptile shop. Papa did the same thing, but it took longer because Papa was so critical and sickly. Papa lived in a daze for several days before he seemed to notice his surroundings. At least Rocky is able to move a bit and explore.

I feels really good to have them both now, as I have felt like a piece of the story was left out, and we constantly talked about "the one that got away." I'm so glad to share the good news with all my friends here. :D


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Those houses are so cute, Deb. I love that he is attracted to them. We had wondered when we got our first beardie if they played with toys like a cat or dog, so we got these little plastic cat toys with a bell inside and tried to play with Chief. :lol: :lol: :lol: He rejected our offer of play. :lol: Gabriel looks really great. He looks like a healthy dragon.

Here is a picture of Rocky from this week on his new paver. He is immensely proud of having furniture now. It gives nice belly heat, too.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Thanks for the pic, he looks very content with his new paver. I know it holds in heat, I have the same type of bricks on the balcony on a slant holding up the blue beardie barrier all around the balcony. Did you know that dragons can climb stucco? We didn't until I found Sweetie on her way around the corner a few years ago, my heart almost stopped. So Roger found this great bright blue plastic covered corregated cardboard that works great, as they can't climb it. So they have all these concrete blocks on an angle to sunbathe on & they can safely fun around on the balcony as long as it's warm outside. The ramp is built with those, too, on wood to be at an angle.

I've never seen the rest of them play with anything, except Lonzo has a pillow with Sweetie's picture on it, that he likes to haul around the living room & mate with, it's so funny to watch!

Isn't it good that Rocky is doing well enough to have some furniture in his tank? It just shows that they do get better in your awesome care!


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I had no idea that dragons could climb stucco. That's nuts - and I am glad you didn't lose Sweetie that way. I would have freaked out!! Already I had Brutis out in the garden with me on his leash and he managed to go under a few small crawl spots and under a fence and I had to really squeeze between boards and climb a fence to get him. :lol: The whole time he watched me come to his rescue innocently. :lol:

Felix has been here 26 days and the past few days he is actually walking around and exploring the floor around his bin. For the first 2 weeks I would set him on the floor and he wouldn't move. He would just lay there.

I know I need to cut his nails, so sorry they are long here, but this is just such a sweet face peeking out from under the rack that he lives on.


Gray-bearded Member
Rocky looks great!!! He is really coming along,,,great job Shannen!! And Felix is adorable...didn't you post a pic of him sleeping on the floor on some site,,,cant remember where?? Too cute!!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Bad boy Brutis & on his leash yet, what a rascal! Felix looks so cute peeking out from under his ledge, isn't he doing well to be now walking where he wasn't just two weeks ago. Good care always shows & you give them great care, Shanny, it's so good to see the results. Thanks for sharing, give him a hug from us all!


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kcarello":323t0srh said:
Rocky looks great!!! He is really coming along,,,great job Shannen!! And Felix is adorable...didn't you post a pic of him sleeping on the floor on some site,,,cant remember where?? Too cute!!

Thanks, Kelly! Rocky is a good dragon, but he is a hard nut to crack. Almost can't tell what he is thinking or feeling from his facial expression, and his emotions can be so hidden. I try so hard to bring him out of his shell and get him to interact. What Rocky does well is the RAMPAGE in his home. I wish I had it on video, but he literally did a cartwheel up against the glass a few weeks ago. He couldn't get himself turned around because he is still pretty handicapped on the right side, so he forced himself into a handstand and then slowly cartwheeled over onto his feet and then down to the floor. SO WEIRD. I still worry he will flip over, but even if he does I think he can right himself.

I did post a picture of Felix sleeping out in the Rescue group on Facebook. I hate such strict quarantine because I feel like they don't get the special treatments all the other dragons get, you know? And Felix is the sweetest dragon, too. The look that you see on his face peeking out is how he looks up at me every day. Melts my heart.

Anyhow I woke up today and Squirmy Bob was headbobbing and looking down at Felix. Squirmy is the hardest one to let sleep out because he is so small and handicapped I worry he would get lost. He can squirm under the doors of the rooms...! I always shut him in a drawer with blankies when he gets to sleep out. :lol: That way I can find him the next day.

Here is the most recent pic of Squirmy Bob. He has very little control of his arms and legs, yet he sleeps standing up. Such a strange little guy!


Gray-bearded Member
Yep, that is the pic of Felix I was talking about. I would worry terribly about Rocky,,,that is crazy,,doing SquirmyBob is silly,,,sleeping like that...I admire you so much,,,taking care of all those dragons...If I had the extra money,,,and the knowledge I would take in every dragon that needed help! But even with two, its hard to spend as much time with Puff as I used to because I want to spend time with Deuce too....and the 4 cats and the two pups...and a husband, who just had back surgery yesterday. The pups and I are staying in a motel because I never leave them anywhere. If the dragons weren't brumating right now they would be here too, but my daughter is taking care of the critters left at home. Anyway, I just love how you take in these dragons that need someone and love and nurse them back to health.
Take care,

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I sure agree with what Kelly said & I hope, Kelly, your hubby is back in great health soon. I don't know how you do it either Shanny, take care of so many. I only have 5 & a gecko and they can drive me nuts at times, but loving them as I do, I squish as much time as possible before I go to work & spend all the time I can on the weekends.
I had to wake Didi & Rubio (talk about stink eyes) because I know they have a last poop to do before I'll let them sleep as long as they want. So full house today, time to get them going, it's calcium day today.
Take care


Gray-bearded Member
Thanks Deb, we are home now and my husband is feeling much better, now to try to keep him from doing much for the next three weeks...
Take care,

beardie parents Sicko
kcarello":1jp905uw said:
Thanks Deb, we are home now and my husband is feeling much better, now to try to keep him from doing much for the next three weeks...
Take care,

Good luck :banghead: I know how some of these men are, they go and go when they shouldn't for health reasons.


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kcarello":94wi2yjk said:
Yep, that is the pic of Felix I was talking about. I would worry terribly about Rocky,,,that is crazy,,doing SquirmyBob is silly,,,sleeping like that...I admire you so much,,,taking care of all those dragons...If I had the extra money,,,and the knowledge I would take in every dragon that needed help! But even with two, its hard to spend as much time with Puff as I used to because I want to spend time with Deuce too....and the 4 cats and the two pups...and a husband, who just had back surgery yesterday. The pups and I are staying in a motel because I never leave them anywhere. If the dragons weren't brumating right now they would be here too, but my daughter is taking care of the critters left at home. Anyway, I just love how you take in these dragons that need someone and love and nurse them back to health.
Take care,

I have worried about Rocky, too, but the worry was when he was in really bad shape. He is not so bad these days, and I didn't mean to make the 'cartwheel' sound so scary! I put his home up high a little over a month ago (elevated it on some TV trays, lol) and he thinks he is just big stuff these days. He will stand in the corner of his tank up against the glass, standing on his hind legs!! And then he will decide that he wants to get down and go another direction, but he has a hard time moving around. I watched him look down and with his belly against the glass he rotated himself down and around in a circular cartwheel motion. I can't describe it!! I wonder if he has improved as much as he will. It is hard to tell. I've had him 5 months now. I should take a video of crazy Rocky so you all can see how he has adapted to his disability. I think I can find a video from when I first got him and I can take one now for comparison. Most of his problems after he was found are mobility related with lots of muscle twitches or stiffness.

Kelly, you would be surprised at what you can do in rescue if you are able to research and understand the dragons. It is true that it takes money, though. The ReptiSUNs need to be replaced every 6 months. Basking lights blow out. Electricity needs to be paid. They need expensive supplements and vitamins and liquid calciums, fecals and wormers, and there is the time investment of hand-feeding, bathing and just spending time with them. As the winter months come, the days will get shorter. I haven't had a winter with this many reptiles. Believe me, I am not naive regarding time constraints. I don't have the cats and the dogs, and the husband is as beardie crazy as I am, so that's not a problem. There is definitely some fear and anxiety associated with taking a sick dragon: will I know what to do, or what if I miss something or treat the wrong thing, or what if I do my best and it doesn't survive...? The key is support and education, and we have that with the rescue. I was really scared to take Felix. Heck I was scared to take Smurf! But I am glad I did. Even if he would have died, I would have known that I tried to help! And gosh, I have learned so much from the rescues - even with the healthy dragons, the things I have learned helps me take care of them, too.

I hope your husband heals and you can return to a more normal life. Surgery and illness are tough!!! ((hugs))


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sweetiepie9":3de7hx8z said:
I sure agree with what Kelly said & I hope, Kelly, your hubby is back in great health soon. I don't know how you do it either Shanny, take care of so many. I only have 5 & a gecko and they can drive me nuts at times, but loving them as I do, I squish as much time as possible before I go to work & spend all the time I can on the weekends.
I had to wake Didi & Rubio (talk about stink eyes) because I know they have a last poop to do before I'll let them sleep as long as they want. So full house today, time to get them going, it's calcium day today.
Take care

I don't envy you with your brumation woes. At least we have a warmer climate and they will brumate later in the year, giving me more time with them, or more time to prepare myself!! :lol: Brutis is still awake, but I took his hide, so what choice does he have. He is right next to the uromastyx and they are still new to him, so he has been entertained watching them, I imagine. I do see him at the front of the tank giving them the old stare-down. :lol:

We have a lot more females and younger males, so it is easy for me to have a few out together to spend time and cuddle. You know my girls are all raised spending time together outside of their individual enclosures, so they are easy to take care of together. I even bathe girls together. Interstingly, Myron and Spring are still very sweet together even though they are 5 and 6 months old. They even bathe together still. We wonder how long that will last and I no longer have them out unattended like we used to. Things change when they are not babies any more. They seem to have a great understanding of each other, and are quite sweet to each other and seem to have a great bond. I am not a fool and I won't allow them to harm each other, but I am continuously amazed at how they behave together. When hormones kick in during the Spring I am sure all of this will be a distant memory, as they will naturally have other more mature urges. Until then, I do enjoy having them out together with me, and I will miss this sweet time.

Give your dragons a kiss for me while they are still awake!!! :D

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I'm glad your girls are out together, not all females react that way. When I had Sweetie, Issy & Angel, they didn't get on well together, well that is to say Issy was ok with Sweetie, who was Queen Bee, but Angel didn't like Sweetie at all. Angel was a rescue that we were able to rehabilitate to run on her own, but she was very fiesty and didn't like it that Sweetie was the Queen, as she wanted to be Queen, so that didn't work. Now that I have just males, they're always trying to fight, they are so funny. I will take two out at a time, just to watch their reactions, but I'm right on top of them. Gabriel is the worst, considering he's the youngest & just a few months into good health, he'll poke at any of the other guys to start a fight. He is a caution. I had to wake up Rubio & Didi, even though they weren't pleased about it, but I know they each have a poop in there, as they were both eating up until the time they started sleeping, so it's pumpkin tomorrow am to make sure, then they're ok to slumber as long as they want. So far Lonzo, Leo & Gabriel aren't sleeping but they are slowing down, so only time will tell.

I know you & your hubby love all your dragons, and I know what it's like to take in a rescue & not know if it's the right thing or not, but I don't regret any of the rescues we've taken in. They've all brought me joy in taking care of them & watching them do so well. Even though we lost a few, I still didn't hesitate to take in Gabriel, it's just in our hearts, Shanny, to take care of them.

Your little ones may still get along when they're older, but you're right, that breeding urge will take over, isn't it too bad? I'm surprised that Myron isn't black bearding yet, but that will come, too, he'll discover he can black beard & will work at is constantly. That's the funniest part about a male going into puberty! But he'll still love his Spring, I'm sure! They are so fun, no matter what their age.

I take it Papa Smurf is doing well and I"m glad Rocky is, even if he still has mobility issues. I can picture the cartwheel you're talking about, we can never say dragons aren't smart as they are & they'll get around no matter what ails them. I'll be looking forward to that video, if you have a chance.

That made me laugh when you talked about Brutis staring down the uromastyx! That is just so funny!

I'm glad you enjoy your dragons so much, it really makes life rewarding. Keep up the hard work, Shanny & your hubby, too, I envy you your crew, even if I can only manage 5!


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Deb, 5 is a lot of dragons to take care of all by yourself! They do all want attention...LOL - that is the hard part.

Today has started out really well. I know I just post little victories that aren't a huge big deal to most, but to me they are amazing. Today I caught Felix really sitting up to bask. I know how weak his skinny arms and legs are, and for him to tuck them under his body and hold himself perched up like this, well it was an effort for him and shows he is getting stronger. I tried to take a good pick, but of course he saw me and got excited and moved. Here is what I caught:




:D He is just so darned sweet. Well, we think he is a she - I can't get used to it! LOL! We'll see when he gains more weight what (he) really is. lol
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