Rescue dragon


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I picked up a rescue dragon yesterday. The place I collected him from said he was about 18 months old and they weren’t sure of his history other than he’d been housed with another dragon and likely neglected. You can see from the photos that his leg has been bitten right through although it has now healed and he can use it. He is very wary of human contact and will handle a few seconds of touch before running away and cowering. I dread to think what has happened to him to make him this way. Breaks my heart.

Am I right I’m thinking he’s marginally underweight? You can’t see his ribs but I can see his hip bones and his fat pads are depleted.

Also, he’s very pale. Is he a particular morph or is that just his colouring or is this an underlying medical problem?

He hasn’t eaten anything yet but I guess that’s not unsurprising. How long is it likely to take before he starts to eat?

Does anyone have any tips on how to relax this little guy so he feels happy to eat and interact.

(Getting a vet appointment scheduled when they open on Monday).



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xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
He looks like a normal, i think you should get him to the vet and get that leg checked. It will likely continue to wither and may need to be removed.
As for as getting him to trust you, patience is going to be the key. It will probably take a significant amount of time. Just keep handling him as much as you can, cuddle with him just before bedtime, they are a little more calm when they are sleepy. Let him dall asleep on you and keep him there for a while after he is asleep. He will start to get used to you and eventually bond with you.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
I picked up a rescue dragon yesterday. The place I collected him from said he was about 18 months old and they weren’t sure of his history other than he’d been housed with another dragon and likely neglected. You can see from the photos that his leg has been bitten right through although it has now healed and he can use it. He is very wary of human contact and will handle a few seconds of touch before running away and cowering. I dread to think what has happened to him to make him this way. Breaks my heart.

Am I right I’m thinking he’s marginally underweight? You can’t see his ribs but I can see his hip bones and his fat pads are depleted.

Also, he’s very pale. Is he a particular morph or is that just his colouring or is this an underlying medical problem?

He hasn’t eaten anything yet but I guess that’s not unsurprising. How long is it likely to take before he starts to eat?

Does anyone have any tips on how to relax this little guy so he feels happy to eat and interact.

(Getting a vet appointment scheduled when they open on Monday).

View attachment 82768
Make sure you have correct surface basking temps taken w/ a digital probe thermometer 95-100 correct UVB NO coils -- long tube fixture properly placed and distance for the tank - we can help w/ that if you need it recommendations for good UVB's --- its going to take time and patience w/ the abuse he endured - trust and patience -- he wont eat w/ incorrect lighting as mentioned --- work w/ him slow in the tank w/ approaching from the side and not above -- it is sad that he has gone thru this they are normally a docile and trusting animal -- please get rid of the wood shavings if he ingest just one it could cause internal injuries ----you can use some textured NON adhesive shelf liner ---- found at your Walmart or local home improvement store --- clean w/ vinegar /water 50/50 --- wipe down w/a wet dish cloth or towel -- NO enemas at the vet take a fecal w/ you they can end in disaster and cause all kinds of complications as well --- as much as hes been thru you dont want that happening --


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Hazel my female two year old beardie
Poor thing! He sure needs love and lots of attention for him to recover! I remember rescuing my dear little Warrior who passed at 11 1/2 months old. Good luck in caring for him!

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