ReptiSun 10.0 Issues

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Jasper's Mom Addict
One of my beardies, Chloe, is what you might call a hot mess. Among her many issues is a persistent case of conjunctivitis. Her eyes weep and are swollen almost all the time. I switched from Megaray to a ReptiSun 10.0 tube, but it hasnt helped. I've tried all sorts of drops with no improvement. Finally in desperation, I turned off her UV two days ago, and voila - instant improvement! Obviously leaving the UV off is not a viable long term solution, but the ReptiSun 10.0 is not working for her. I am hoping that someone who knows more about UV than I do can tell me - in this situation, would a ReptiSun 5.0 tube be an option, since she can't seem to handle the levels put out by the 10.0? If not, what are my options? Thanks!

diamc Sicko
Staff member
Hi there, sorry to hear about Chloe's eyes. It sounds like they really received some damage from the Megaray, unfortunately, I know all about that too well. Since her eyes showed instant improvement after only 2 days of having the tube turned off, it would be a good idea to leave it off for about a wk to help her eyes to heal. What drops have you tried? Sabrina's eyes improved without any UVB for a wk and also when I was using Turtle eye drops, it made a huge difference. So, if you haven't tried that yet, please give it a try.

Using the Repti-Sun 5.0 would probably be a little easier on her eyes but unfortunately, it wouldn't prevent MBD and other health issues as it's isn't strong enough for a bearded dragon. Just to make sure, are you using the UVB now right alongside a bright white basking bulb and what distance do you have the UVB?


Sub-Adult Member
The UVB itself is not the problem, though something else about the bulb may be. UVB is non-visible light. It would not be causing eye problems. It would have to be something about the visible light being emitted along with the UVB. So going down to 5.0 from a 10.0 (thus reducing the UVB output) wouldn't solve the issue, if the visible output from both bulbs is the same. I think you should try leaving the bulb off for several days while her eyes have a chance to fully recover, then try turning the bulb back on. Perhaps once her eyes are fully healed, the bulb will no longer irritate her pre-existing condition.

Jasper's Mom Addict
Original Poster
Thank you for the response! Yes, she has a bright white basking bulb, and her UV bulb is currently 16" from her basking spot. Originally I had it inside the enclosure but have moved it on top of the mesh top to try to make it easier on her. We tried a variety of antibiotic drops in case it was an infection, and we have also tried anti-inflammatory drops (Voltaren). The Voltaren seemed to help the most. Her eyes have been an issue since I rescued her, but they seem to be getting worse as she gets older. She is approximately 4 now, and I've had her for three years.

Jasper's Mom Addict
Original Poster
ClydesGirl, would switching to a lower wattage of bulb help? The one I have now is 20w, but I've seen them as low as 15w.


Hatchling Member
The best recommendation I would have for this is to switch the a ceramic heat emitter, which emits no light. You can use a temp probe to get the right distance, as they do get noticeably hotter than a comparable frosted basking light. I've burned myself pretty badly on them, so a light cage is a must.

If a few days of that does not ease her eyes, I would then suggest taking out UVB completely. This may be controversial, but taking her out into real sunlight for 30 mins a day once or twice a week and dusting almost every feeding with Calcium and D3 is definitely an option. I know many people who refuse to use UVB lighting and use only natural sunlight with supplementation, or just supplementation. For an animal that has severe eye issues, I think this is a viable option. As long as she gets supplementation and natural sunlight, MBD is not going to be a likely problem.

Personally, I don't use UVB for anything but my desert igs and my bearded dragons. And those simply because I don't have the climate to take them out for natural sunlight all through the year. For reptiles, though, as long as it is 60 degrees or higher, you can take them out to get some real sun.

Better than having the animal miserable with eye problems every day of her life, I would think. Try the heat emitter first, though. You should be able to get them online for pretty cheap. 100 Watts should do fine.

Jasper's Mom Addict
Original Poster
We don't have any problem with her temperature, so I'm not sure how a CHE would help? I've been getting her out for natural UV as much as possible, but there are only about 4 months of the year that it is warm enough here. She has multiple other health problems as well, and I don't want to add MBD to the mix by getting rid of her UV. I am going to try leaving it off for a week or so and see if her eyes get back to normal, then decide what to do from there.


Hatchling Member
A light that produces visible light could simply add extra strain to eyes that are trying to heal. I suggested a heat emitter over your normal basking light, as it won't produce visible light, which could help.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member
Hello Sandi,

How are her eyes looking? How long was she under the Megaray?
Did you go ahead & turn off the UVB as well for now? I agree, taking her outside in some sunlight will be fine it is a very natural & balanced light so it should not affect her eyes.
Are her eyes still swollen? You can get some sterile saline solution to use daily to help out if they are still irritated some.
Are you able to keep any basking light over her at all, or are you just using the ceramic heat emitter right now?
You could try placing a lower wattage basking light to see if that helps out as long as you can maintain her basking temperatures.

Let us know how Chloe is doing.


Jasper's Mom Addict
Original Poster
I tried replacing her basking bulb with a heat emitter, but it seemed to confuse her - she didnt know where to bask. I've put the basking bulb back in but the UV is still off. Her eyes are looking better and better. Still not completely normal, but much better than they have been. I had her outside for a while yesterday and should be able to take her out again today. Tracie, I used Megaray with her for two years. I always thought they were the best. Her eye issue existed before I got her, but it has gotten worse over time.

Jasper's Mom Addict
Original Poster
One weird thing I forgot to mention: she had a very rapid eye shed yesterday. On Wednesday, there was no sign of shedding skin anywhere. Thursday morning, the skin on her upper and lower eyelids had turned white and 'crispy'. By Thursday night, all the shed had come off. It was the fastest shed I've ever seen, and it was only around her eyes.

Jasper's Mom Addict
Original Poster
Just a quick update on Miss Chloe. I left the UV off for a full week, and now it's been back on for several days. So far, there is no discharge from her eye, it is not swollen, and she is keeping it open. It will never be 100% normal, but it looks pretty good, considering how bad it was just a short while ago. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that her eye will stay looking relatively normal now. :D

diamc Sicko
Staff member
That's great, her eyes must feel so much better. Hoping & praying that they will be as totally healed as possible very soon and will stay that way.

Jasper's Mom Addict
Original Poster
I am very pleased with the results! If I had known, I would have turned her UV off and given her a chance to heal ages ago. Now if only I could fix everything else that's wrong with her! :roll:
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Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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