Re: Batman, Flash, Vraska, family! More faves from Disney!

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We brought Batman home when he was just two weeks old and today he is 10 weeks old and 10.5 inches! His tail started to shed again today...I think he's going to be a big guy :)

First night home: Keegan (my 3 year old human) and Batman!


Just 2 weeks old!


He did this a lot at first. A little wave :)


First full shed!


Hanging out with daddy!


Meeting Hailey (my 9 year old human) ;)


He's just not a morning dragon...


He's becoming such a big boy!


Well...there's our little buddy! We're so proud of him!!


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Thanks Esther! All new stuff again. It's like learning all over at each stage he hits! He DID end up eating 13 dubia but unfortunately I'm forgetful at times and didn't remove the bowl allowing enough time for proper digestion according to his timer :( He hadn't moved or eaten alllll day so I just forgot.

After his bath and Vraska's play time, Batman decided to bask like a champ. So, we just moved onto Flash's play time/feeding.

That's when the WHOLE day took a crazy turn and I found myself sobbing on my kitchen floor frantically texting Liz and eventually stop shaking enough to find her # to call.

We've officially had our FIRST escapee and I did NOT handle it well at all. Flash, we don't handle above his viv. He's just too darn fast. He gets plenty of playtime and eventually calms down and climbs around Jeremy's arm and hand.

Well not this time. Flash took a flying leap (who knew he could even jump?!) up to the rim of his viv, rolled down the back onto the bureau, and then continued to jump/run/roll down behind it. I totally freaked.

Yelled to Keegan to stay ON his bed, ran out the door closing it behind me, catching Geisha as she was rounding the corner, locked her up, and curled up on the kitchen floor crying, shaking, texting Liz, trying to figure out HOW to make a phone call? Literally couldn't work my phone.

All I hear is Keegan cheering Flash on as if it were an incredible accomplishment to have escaped his viv, bureaus being moved around, toy boxes shifting. THEN "Daddy, did you save the day?!?!" Jeremy found him and Flash went right up his hand as if to say "Hey! What's up dad?" Then Keegan chimes in with "THAT is why I named him Flash!"

Finally had Liz on the phone and I was still crying and freaking out because I wouldn't even know how to begin to check for any injuries :( She totally calmed me down and shared her similar experiences with Vraska and I immediately felt better. I have only felt that way once...when I truly believed I was losing Batman months and months ago. I realllllly don't want to ever go through this again.

Vraska is nothing like that. She's calm and sweet and can not only leave her viv but come into other rooms...thankfully Liz is coming tomorrow. She's going to help us really work with Flash. We dug out Keegan's playpen, cleaned it all up, and we're going to TFS and Beardie proof it.

Hopefully giving Flash more room to get all that energy out will make this a bit less likely to happen again. My heart can't handle it. As much progress as Jeremy has made with Flash, he's just not as handle able as Vraska yet. He's calmed WAY down and he's very healthy, gaining weight and length. I'm so grateful this took place after having him long enough to know he's healthy and gets all his supplements. I'd really like to believe it helped him to avoid injury.

He seemed fine after, he ate, ran around, was still handled and didn't show any visible signs of distress in his breathing or any visible injuries. Liz will take a good look at him for me tomorrow and I know I'll feel better.

Next thing I see? All dubia are gone from Batman's bowl and lights are to go out in 10 minutes and he decides to lounge on his hammock on the cool side. Ughhhhh!! So, I set the timer and force him to bask for proper digestion before calling it a night.

What a night it was...

Sorry for the novel. It was honestly such a traumatic event and other than Liz, this is the ONLY place where anyone could possibly relate to how I felt tonight.

Thank you so much for being here. Getting that all out will help me sleep just a little better tonight.

zandi202 Addict
Glad to have helped and glad everyone is chilling down for the night. I flipped when you texted my Flash escaped. I tried remembering what Keegan's room looked like and kept thinking of the two incidents with Vraska. Was a total drama nightmare. I'm like "How fast can I get to them and help them search?"


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Thank god I got ahold of you! Just knowing that you'd gone through it helped so much and by the end I was actually laughing! Ughhh. They're killing me.

"Hey mom, I finally feel like basking after being a lazy bum all DAY!" He then of course proceeds to chow down 10 minutes before lights go out. Yes, my fault. Forgot to remove the food, I know...


Oh hey!!! It's Flash, RIGHT before his great escape!!


Liz, believe me...I was wondering how long it would take you to get here and wrangle him up too! Haha! At one point I wanted to give up and just get you here to find him. Luckily, Jeremy has come SO far with all these babies. He's our hero tonight...and if he wasn't our hero...he'd probably be sleeping somewhere else right now!!! HAHAHA! :lol:

zandi202 Addict
KristineM":3bhxv0c8 said:
He's our hero tonight...and if he wasn't our hero...he'd probably be sleeping somewhere else right now!!! HAHAHA!

Do you guys even own a dog house for that situation? :lol:

Maybe Batman is...dare I say it? Nocturnal? :lol:

Esther19 Addict
Oh Kristine, how awful! I am so sorry that happened! I don't know which is worse...sick or lost. I'm so glad Jeremy found him and that he was uninjured. I think Keegan has his own superhero in his Daddy! Silly Batman. he didn't know it was that late when he got hungry. extra basking time tonight, and maybe he'll sleep in tomorrow. At least he ate. :) Sending you a big hug, dear!


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Liz, you saw the playpen. It can easily be flipped over and put in the back yard ;)

Esther, thank you! I'm glad Batman ate, just wish it didn't take the entire darn day to get some spunk into him. I'm pretty sure the losing/escaping of Flash was worse. Yes, my reaction was horrible but fortunately I have a wonderful friend that I can call during an all out reptile panic :) Also, very grateful that Jeremy has come so far to the point where he can keep calm in that situation. Where, clearly I fall apart!

If there were ever such a thing as a nocturnal beardie, I think it would be Batman. He's got his own schedule along with his own rules. Yeah, got spined again for placing him back to bask but was more prepared this time. I almost expected it.

Luckily, I've become a master at rigging lights and even though he technically won and got to lounge on his hammock, I still got him to properly digest before bed.

REALLY thinking about moving the hammock so he can bask there. It's his favorite place to be...but with MY luck...he will STILL do as he pleases.

In any case, I will have to be sure I'm getting an accurate temp from the hammock if I choose to try the switch.

As for Flash...what a little punk.

Tonight...Vraska is my only "well behaved" baby.

Can't wait to see you tomorrow, Liz!!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
It's normal to panic when a baby gets loose. I've had my share of searching & heart lurching, crying, etc, just like you, but in my case it's always been beardies, except when I didn't lock Bunny's tank one night and she was lost for 4 days, talk about panic mode while still having to go to work...finally found her very cold, under Rubio's tank on the top shelf of the short shelving unit, behind the newspapers. I looked EVERYWHERE! Even had Jake come over to help me, so was so relieved when I found her and believe me, I lock her tank up every night & NEVER forget. So I can sure understand you falling apart when Flash escaped! I'm just glad Jeremy was the hero and found him and go him back in his tank.

And yes, Batman will probably shed in bits and pieces now that he's older and it's totally normal. Rubio has been shedding bits of his beard, now he's got 2" of his tail almost done and a tiny patch on top of his head, of all things. You get used to it after awhile.

The liquid calcium & vit/min is what I've been using for years. The dose I've always used is .01 per 100g of weight the same amount of times that you'd give him the powder. Isn't he a stinker for refusing to eat when his food is dusted? They come up with the weirdest habits, just when you think you have them nailed, they change :lol:

The playpen is a great idea, bet Flash will enjoy a bigger space to run around in safely. And is Vraska tipping over her water dish? What a neat trick to get your attention. And some people think that reptiles aren't smart :mrgreen:


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Well Batman IS basking on a log right now but still thinking I'm switching it up with the hammock today. Just to see...if he likes it he will let me know. Unfortunately same goes the other way!

I'm starting to think many more of us have had an escapee at one time or another. I'm sorry because it really is so scary...but thank you for letting me know we're not horrible for letting Flash escape. I felt like a horrible parent amongst all the fear and anxiety thinking he had escaped for good OR wasn't going to make that fall :(

Now that Batman is older and changing things up... The shedding in patches? Does this also take more time than his previous baby sheds?

They never cease to amaze me as each one of them will randomly at any time change their bahavior/patterns and I'm always on my toes.

Yes, Vraska still tips the water bowl if she wants something. I thought she was telling me she needed more which was the case at first. Now, she's got water but has found that by tipping it or pushing it until it bumps against the glass someone wil come and she gets held again for the day.

They've all got certain tricks, looks, behaviors. They're all so beyond just being "smart" in my opinion. They can figure things out and once they've tried something, got a response they wanted...they remember to repeat the action to receive the response. To me...that's just incredible and certainly not anything I was prepared for.

Sheesh. I'm that woman who barely "allowed" Batman, I "allowed" Flash in the house but out of MY sight. Now, I'm this woman who adopted a second TFS and have a total of 3 reptiles who can get me to my knees in tears.

I kept telling Liz on the phone last night, I don't even know how or when I became THIS person. In my panic I was saying "I don't even like reptiles!" Really?! Then why am I in an all out panic worrying about the safety of the first TFS that I never planned to even LOOK at?!

Oh how they can change who you are through and through. It truly blows my mind.

Thank you for sharing experiences with me. It helps. I read links and articles but there is just nothing better than personal experience.

.01 per 100g of weight. Got it!! Thank you!!!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
You're welcome. When Sweetie was about a year old, that would have been in 2007, she was on the balcony, even then it was beardie proofed. What we didn't know is that beardies can climb stucco. The barrier we'd bought was along the front of the balcony, which was made in wood with little holes in it, but we didn't cover the sides. So I'm looking and looking inside, thinking she'd come back in the house. Something made me look further and I found her, she'd climbed up about 4 feet and gone horizontal around the side of the building & we were 4 floors up, I just about had a heart attack! I was able to grab her down from there & more barriers were bought, 2' high, to cover the side stucco walls. Less learned!

Rubio also used to climb out of his 40 gallon, I even caught him doing it on camera, looking at me as if saying "Hey Mom, look what I can do". The next day he was in a 75 gallon & hasn't escaped since :lol:


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Well...looks like I'm going to be "learning lots of new lessons" throughout our future with these guys huh? Starting to get the feeling that this was just a preview! Haha!

I suppose as long as we keep learning from what our own are doing and what yours have done (ok, a beardie CAN climb stucco) then we're already a tiny bit ahead of the game.

Boy oh boy. I think I'm in for more surprises than I'd expected?!


Sub-Adult Member
KristineM":1cidu94f said:
Well Batman IS basking on a log right now but still thinking I'm switching it up with the hammock today. Just to see...if he likes it he will let me know. Unfortunately same goes the other way!

I'm starting to think many more of us have had an escapee at one time or another. I'm sorry because it really is so scary...but thank you for letting me know we're not horrible for letting Flash escape. I felt like a horrible parent amongst all the fear and anxiety thinking he had escaped for good OR wasn't going to make that fall :(

Now that Batman is older and changing things up... The shedding in patches? Does this also take more time than his previous baby sheds?

They never cease to amaze me as each one of them will randomly at any time change their bahavior/patterns and I'm always on my toes.

Yes, Vraska still tips the water bowl if she wants something. I thought she was telling me she needed more which was the case at first. Now, she's got water but has found that by tipping it or pushing it until it bumps against the glass someone wil come and she gets held again for the day.

They've all got certain tricks, looks, behaviors. They're all so beyond just being "smart" in my opinion. They can figure things out and once they've tried something, got a response they wanted...they remember to repeat the action to receive the response. To me...that's just incredible and certainly not anything I was prepared for.

Sheesh. I'm that woman who barely "allowed" Batman, I "allowed" Flash in the house but out of MY sight. Now, I'm this woman who adopted a second TFS and have a total of 3 reptiles who can get me to my knees in tears.

I kept telling Liz on the phone last night, I don't even know how or when I became THIS person. In my panic I was saying "I don't even like reptiles!" Really?! Then why am I in an all out panic worrying about the safety of the first TFS that I never planned to even LOOK at?!

Oh how they can change who you are through and through. It truly blows my mind.

Thank you for sharing experiences with me. It helps. I read links and articles but there is just nothing better than personal experience.

.01 per 100g of weight. Got it!! Thank you!!!

i have yet to have one of the lizards escape but my corn snake escaped when she was just a tiny baby. she was seriously about the size of a pencil & i thought i'd never find her. found her under the couch like a week later when i had sworn she was dead. (we have 3 dogs that i thought would find and kill her) she was just curled up asleep in a little ball with a dog hair stuck on her face. :shock: they usually show up somewhere! sorry he gave you such a scare he just wanted to explore. :p


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
A WEEK?! Oh wow. I am so sorry you went through that! I don't know what I would have done. My beardie Batman has yet to escape, just one of our True Fire Skinks, Flash. He didn't get far and even though SO much happened it was honestly over in minutes. It FELT like hours, though.

Liz, Paul, Jace, Zy, and Sorin just left. It was so nice to have them here!! Once I get all the pics uploaded I'll share them! It was lovely to see Liz and Paul have their own time with Vraska. Before we adopted her and were fostering, we were given instructions on feeding...she needs to lose 10g :lol: AND we've made progress!! So we will continue to get her weight under control. I don't have the book with me but I know she lost a couple grams in our care so far. I will do an update soon with all accurate weights and lengths of the babies.

Today it almost seemed as though Flash calmed HIMSELF down a bit. I don't know if the incident last night is still fresh enough to remind him to NOT try to flee or what. Liz was able to hold him outside of his viv and he too has gained weight, just like Batman!

Today we made the switch from the household bulb to a flood light w/dimmer and within MINUTES of the switch he basked, ate 10 dubia, basked, ate 10 more dubia, and continued to bask alllllll day. Wow. Wish I'd made that switch a LONG time ago.

All 3 babies did exactly what they should do today! It's like a miracle! Vraska lost some weight, Flash and Batman gained, Batman BASKED and ATE all day!

Such a relief. Now both kids are in bed reading or being read to or closing out their nights however they choose to relax.

I'm about to go in and fix up Vraska's tank, I don't know what got into her today but EVERYTHING is all over the place. Then I'm assuming she'll come out and watch a little tv with me :)

Batman also passed not 12 but hit 13 hours...happily.

Oh please let things continue to move in this direction!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
They will, I knew Batman would get back to normal & look, he's doing great! And shedding.

Glad Flash didn't get out again today.

So glad the visit went well, it's great to have friends with reptiles, such an instant bond.
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