Ra has stressmarks

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Hatchling Member
My 8 month old bearded dragon Ra has some stressmarks on his belly. But he seems to be acting fine. He eats regularly, poops about every day to other everyday. His temps in his tank are usually 100 during the day and 80s at night. I use a sticky thermometer, which i plan to switch out for a probe soon. he has shelf liner as substrate. i was feeding him kale everymorning but found out that its not to be feed to them often, but as a treat so now im using mustard greens and crickets for dinner. he takes a bath mostly everyday. just started shedding. but i think the stress marks have been there awhile. i cannot read what kind of UVB bulb he has i think it might be a 10.0 reptisun. he has a 10.0 exoterra ceramic heat emitter. he isnt acting odd hes active alert, looks great. Ill try and post some pictures later. im just not sure what could be causing this. sorry for the long post.
would appreciate advice greatly,


Extreme Poster
Hi there,
Stressmarks are to be expected when you're baby is shedding. Its a very uncomfortable time for them. Regular pooping and activity are indicaters that everything is fine with your little one. Id only be concerned if they persist after she has finished shedding.
Warm baths and gentle massaging can help them feel more comfortable and speed up the shedding process.



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
thanks so much, i wasnt extremely concerned. but now i am relieved. I give him a bath about everyday, especially when hes shedding and gently use a toothbrush to help him along. thanks so much,
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