Possible Heart Disease + yellow fungus + pneumonia

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KarrieRee":7uy9e68t said:
Yes google it or look in your organic sections - any raw unpasteurized honey will work- and yes it's sticky but it's a good antibacterial and will kill infections plus it promotes healing- I would apply it twice a day

How do you get it off of her though? She is super sensitive right now to the lightest touch.


Original Poster
KarrieRee":sxht60qf said:
You dont let it sit on her -- you can add a little water for consistency but you want it on like a antibiotic viewtopic.php?f=6&t=251259
Try using a q tip to apply

Thank you for the info. I’m willing to try anything at this point. She is miserable. My husband wants to wait to hear back from the vet about it just because we have our her through so much already. Hopefully we get a call tomorrow.

I’m just so worried about her eye, it’s like the eyelid is pulling back. Even her soak tonight she seemed defeated. I really don’t know what else to do. It all seems like a guessing game at her expense. It’s just not ok.


BD.org Sicko
Wow, if the vet thought the heart rate was supposed to be so low then he prescribed a powerful heart med mistakenly. Discontinue that for sure. How was the nebulizing done so that it burned her face ? And raw honey is effective even IN the eye. I used it on my own dragon's eye infection.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Please use the honey and stop the meds as AHBD suggested --- I am flagging the post to Tracie our vet tech mod on here -- I am hoping she can help you but please get the things I asked for earlier so she can better help you ---- the baths are not doing her any good and will dry the scales out --- it looks like all the meds were posted -- as for your UVB please get it inside the tank is that a T 5 your using? The screen is blocking 30% of the UVB rays and that is also going to help w/ the healing of her
Please do as AHBD suggested I would get her off all meds. ASAP, especially the injections. That is probably causing stress + weakening her immune system and all the antibiotics may also have wiped out her gut flora which will allow fungal conditions to flourish.
Ok I see that ---


Original Poster
KarrieRee":1ft1s3hc said:
Please use the honey and stop the meds as AHBD suggested --- I am flagging the post to Tracie our vet tech mod on here -- I am hoping she can help you but please get the things I asked for earlier so she can better help you ---- the baths are not doing her any good and will dry the scales out --- it looks like all the meds were posted -- as for your UVB please get it inside the tank is that a T 5 your using? The screen is blocking 30% of the UVB rays and that is also going to help w/ the healing of her
Please do as AHBD suggested I would get her off all meds. ASAP, especially the injections. That is probably causing stress + weakening her immune system and all the antibiotics may also have wiped out her gut flora which will allow fungal conditions to flourish.
Ok I see that ---

We are certainly taking what your saying into account. Her uvb is a t10 because of the mesh we got the stronger bulb.
We can’t just stop all meds, she almost died due to the pneumonia which is why they hit her so hard with meds.

There has to be a better way or a balance if keeping her comfortable but also healing the pneumonia and heart disease.


Original Poster
AHBD":3o4q85mv said:
Wow, if the vet thought the heart rate was supposed to be so low then he prescribed a powerful heart med mistakenly. Discontinue that for sure. How was the nebulizing done so that it burned her face ? And raw honey is effective even IN the eye. I used it on my own dragon's eye infection.

So what is a bearded dragons heart rate supposed to be?
We def are going to try the honey, I just want to find where to find the Manuka as it seems to be the best. There are just so many options from them alone.


BD.org Sicko
B.D heart rate 60-80 is what you also mentioned a few posts ago. If it was 90, that could easily have been accelerated from stress at the vet's, that would not seem to be out of the norm. Is your dragon still having trouble breathing ?


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Google manuka honey-- I have never looked for it where I live- you can call around your organic stores and ask if they carry it


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Oh my, I am so sorry, she is having a terrible time of things!
What caused the blister or burn on her face?
If she is over the pneumonia, I agree, her body has probably had enough medication right
now so try to get her off of it if possible. Are you keeping her warm overnight to help boost
her system?
The manuka honey should be fairly easy to find but if not, I sell it on my online store. Raw,
unpasteurized honey works great too!
When will you have her blood work result back & why does the vet feel she has heart disease?
You could consider getting some CBD oil for her, to help with pain, overall health & disease.
What type of diet are you feeding her?



Original Poster
Drache613":m0v3twdn said:

Oh my, I am so sorry, she is having a terrible time of things!
What caused the blister or burn on her face?
If she is over the pneumonia, I agree, her body has probably had enough medication right
now so try to get her off of it if possible. Are you keeping her warm overnight to help boost
her system?
The manuka honey should be fairly easy to find but if not, I sell it on my online store. Raw,
unpasteurized honey works great too!
When will you have her blood work result back & why does the vet feel she has heart disease?
You could consider getting some CBD oil for her, to help with pain, overall health & disease.
What type of diet are you feeding her?


Thank you. We are not sure how she got the blister. As mentioned this all started with her getting some form of irritation in her face possibly from the meds in the nebulizer but at that point we had to try to come at the pneumonia from every angle. She still is not over it. Her lungs were getting better but we are so not out of the woods which is why I don’t think taking her off meds is an option right now.
The vet thinks heart disease because of her accelerated heart rate, she had an enlarged heart compared to last ultrasound he did and the irritation on her skin. He has been consulting with a hero vet we have been to before, we just like this vet because he knows her full history he knows Ori very well and he knows the intense love we have for her and
Will not give up on her. Twice now he was not sure she would make it home from surgery and our little lady pulled through. She’s is strong but I hate seeing her hurt. I have a call into the vet in staff today to just let them know where she is at and sent the image of the side by side of her eyes. I do want to try the honey for sure anything to clear up that face and eye so we can heal the rest of her comfortably.

Still waiting on blood work but last few blood tests she had were clear. I think that is why it’s been so hard to figure out. Her blood work is not matching everything else going on with her. Her blood work shows healthy levels.

When we went to the Er vet last weekend they said something about possibly suggesting a b12 shot. We didn’t do it just because she’s been through enough and we wanted to check with our vet. He said no but have you heard of that for beardies? Our dog has a low immune system and b12 pills literally cured him along with a healthy diet. I know dogs and lizards are not the same but maybe there is something to that?


Original Poster
Drache613":3a1m9tlt said:

Oh my, I am so sorry, she is having a terrible time of things!
What caused the blister or burn on her face?
If she is over the pneumonia, I agree, her body has probably had enough medication right
now so try to get her off of it if possible. Are you keeping her warm overnight to help boost
her system?
The manuka honey should be fairly easy to find but if not, I sell it on my online store. Raw,
unpasteurized honey works great too!
When will you have her blood work result back & why does the vet feel she has heart disease?
You could consider getting some CBD oil for her, to help with pain, overall health & disease.
What type of diet are you feeding her?


Thank you. We are not sure how she got the blister. As mentioned this all started with her getting some form of irritation in her face possibly from the meds in the nebulizer but at that point we had to try to come at the pneumonia from every angle. She still is not over it. Her lungs were getting better but we are so not out of the woods which is why I don’t think taking her off meds is an option right now.
The vet thinks heart disease because of her accelerated heart rate, she had an enlarged heart compared to last ultrasound he did and the irritation on her skin. He has been consulting with a hero vet we have been to before, we just like this vet because he knows her full history he knows Ori very well and he knows the intense love we have for her and
Will not give up on her. Twice now he was not sure she would make it home from surgery and our little lady pulled through. She’s is strong but I hate seeing her hurt. I have a call into the vet in staff today to just let them know where she is at and sent the image of the side by side of her eyes. I do want to try the honey for sure anything to clear up that face and eye so we can heal the rest of her comfortably.

Still waiting on blood work but last few blood tests she had were clear. I think that is why it’s been so hard to figure out. Her blood work is not matching everything else going on with her. Her blood work shows healthy levels.

When we went to the Er vet last weekend they said something about possibly suggesting a b12 shot. We didn’t do it just because she’s been through enough and we wanted to check with our vet. He said no but have you heard of that for beardies? Our dog has a low immune system and b12 pills literally cured him along with a healthy diet. I know dogs and lizards are not the same but maybe there is something to that?


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Bless her. She has definitely been through a lot. I am happy to hear that you have a
couple of good vets that are caring & really trying to help. That is very hard to find these
days. When do you expect to hear from him?
What medication did you use in the nebulizer? Perhaps it was too concentrated & caused
the skin irritation. Keep trying to get that cleared up on her face so that she feels better.
What is your humidity levels in her tank? Try to keep it a little lower so that any of her
respiratory issues don't get worse. Maybe you could reduce the amount of medications she
is on, to give her body a break. Are you giving a probiotic for her too?

Let us know how she is doing.


Original Poster
Drache613":gds53zea said:

Bless her. She has definitely been through a lot. I am happy to hear that you have a
couple of good vets that are caring & really trying to help. That is very hard to find these
days. When do you expect to hear from him?
What medication did you use in the nebulizer? Perhaps it was too concentrated & caused
the skin irritation. Keep trying to get that cleared up on her face so that she feels better.
What is your humidity levels in her tank? Try to keep it a little lower so that any of her
respiratory issues don't get worse. Maybe you could reduce the amount of medications she
is on, to give her body a break. Are you giving a probiotic for her too?

Let us know how she is doing.

Acetylcysteine I think I spelt that correctly? It was 1cc mixed with 5cc of saline nebulizer for ten minutes.
It was really helping her pneumonia a lot. Since we stopped she’s getting more phlegmy again. Her face looks like it’s healing a little bit but it’s hard to tell. Her eye still looks like it’s healing but pulled the skin so her eye won’t close fully or the lid is rolling up. I’m sure so uncomfortable for her. She sees the vet tomorrow for a follow up. The other vet said to not use honey and stop the eye drops for now.
She let go of a lot of liquid yesterday which is what was expected.

We actually took her 150 bulb out and out a 100 it just in case it’s to much for her. So the tank is now at 102-105 in her basking spot and humidity levels are between 20-30. I do have a water bowl in her tank that I may take out since she doesn’t use. She prefers a smaller little dish for her water.

Hopefully we get some answers tomorrow. She is not in any probiotics. Do you have any suggestions for that? I think we tried her in reptivite and she was just so bad with pneumonia that we stopped thinking it was making her worse. But I’ll def bring it up at the vet tomorrow.
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