Please help, beardie just laid eggs and I don't know what to

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Sorry, I had this all posted in the breeding section but nobody has answered and I don't know what to do now.

So a few months ago I put my dragons together and recently the female bean looking really fat. She dug a hole under a tree in their terrerium and then suddenly looked way thinner and had tons more energy but there were no eggs. About a week later I found a dried up egg just out in the terrerium and she has been digging a ton since. I just got a ton of sand and stuff and put it in another small terrerium I have today and she dug a real deep hole and has been chillin in it for a few hours. How long will she stay in there and when should I try to take her out and check to see if theres egg in there. Also why did she get so skinny and change but not lay eggs before?
Thanks for the help.
She just came out and has burried the eggs. How long do I need to leave her in there before i can return her to her normal habitat and move the eggs?

Thats all from my first post, now I have taken the female out from where she laid her eggs and put her back in her terrerium. She laid one more egg in there and is acting really confused and still kind of digging around and stuff. She is not acting right and i think there are still eggs in her. As far as the eggs go about five of them look pretty good and the rest are kind of shrivled. I don't have an incubator cause i was not exactly prepared for this so what should I do. I'm really worried about her and the eggs.


Original Poster
Here's some pics o the eggs and what i have to store them in. I'm keepin them at about 83 degrees and its 43% humidity in there.

Heres the eggs, you can see the five good looking ones on the bottom and the rest look bad

Here's what i have to keep them in currently and theres a temp/humidity sensor next to them.
Will this wirk till i can get an incubator?


Sub-Adult Member
I'm sorry I can't give a lot of help, but you need to seperate your dragons. This will keep happening over and over and weaken and possibly kill her. Right now, the best thing you can do for her is to up her calcium supplimentation and offer as much food as she'll eat, laying eggs takes a lot out of them. Really, what were you expecting to happen when you decided to house a male and a female together? They don't need company, or "friends". They're territorial and want their own homes.
How old is she?
Are you absolutely sure there were no eggs from the first time she got skinny? Have you removed all substrate looking for them? The only thing I can think is that maybe she reabsorbed them.
They can lay up to 4 times from one breeding, so you'll probably need to be expecting this again soon.
Eggs should be kept on damp pearlite, not sand. I really can't tell you if the setup you have made will work or not, but one of the ways incubators work is that they're completely enclosed so regulating everything is possible... with an open lid, it's going to be hard to keep the humidity levels up.
Spend some time reading the posts and advice in the breeding forum.


Original Poster
I was planning on breeding them I just wasn't expecting them this soon and I thought after she got skinny she may have reabsorbed them. I couldn't feel any eggs in her belly the first time and she wasn't digging so I wasn't quite sure if she was actually pregnant. I just need to know what i can do till i can get an incubator cause it's after midnight right now. I had been suplementing her with calcium prior to her getting pregnant, ever since i put them together. So are you saying that she can lay 4 clutches from getting pregnant once? Like i said I was planning on breeding them so i have read up on it but i wasn't expecting the eggs this soon and I'm just worried about how she is acting after cause this is her first time.


Sub-Adult Member
Yes, 4 clutches for every time she gets pregnant. It's not nessisarily a "this is what will happen", it's a "this is what CAN happen." so she may not lay anymore, but you need to be aware that she can.
Egg laying occurs 4 to 6 weeks after a successful breeding, so if you put them together a few months ago, you should have been prepared. I'm sorry if I'm coming off as harsh, but you need to learn everything before undertaking something as risky and difficult as breeding. It's not an "Oh, I think this would be fun!" decision.
Even for breeding, the dragons should only be kept together for a few hours, to allow them to mate, and then be seperated again. He can hurt and/or kill her (literally "sex her to death", if not just from attacking, not allowing her to eat enough, etc), espesially in her current weak state.


Original Poster
Well, I put the eggs where they will stay hydrated and the right temp so I think thats the best I can do for now. I'll have to go look to see if i can find an incubator tomorrow. when can you candle the eggs to see if they are even good and how should i do it properly. If theres anything else i should do let me know. My female dragon looks exhausted but she seems to be doing alright now. Thanks for the advice Peera

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Can I ask how old she is?
If you really feel that she may still be holding eggs, I highly recommend that you take her in to get some x-rays. If she is retaining eggs, that is very dangerous & if she does lay another clutch, she may have some serious trouble. Egg binding can kill a female dragon by eggs rupturing inside of her & she will hemmorhage to death, & or get an awful infection.
Just for your peace of mind, x-rays would be a great idea just to make sure.
Also, give her extra calcium daily too so she can begin recovering. Fluids & extra food is also recommended, as well.



Original Poster
Thanks, thats very helpful. She's looking much better now, just tired. Is there anything I can look for to see if she may still be holding eggs? If she has laid all her eggs will she totally stop digging and acting like she was before?
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