please critique my enclosure

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please tell me what you think of my set up and what improvements could be made

also the uvb light is a repti uvb 200 26 watt and a 150 watt heat lamp that keeps the temp on his basking rock and repti hammock between 108-116 any advice would be much appreciated

it is also a 55 gallon enclosure with a makeshit divider placed about a little over the middle

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
You will want to make a few changes.

Firstly, the pictures are very small, and it's hard to make out any detail but anyways...

What are you using to measure the temperatures? Wasn't able to see any thermometers in the pictures.
You are going to want to lose your current uvb bulb. Compact coils are dangerous to the health of bearded dragons. Actually, you would be better off turning it off completely until you can get one of the bulbs we recommend here which are: The reptisun 10.0 tube, or the arcadia 12% tube. You will also need to buy a new fluorescent fixture for this. You want the bulb to span about 3/4ths the length of the tank.

150 watts for a heat lamp is very high. I use a 60~ and am able to achieve temperatures in the 100s. Also, your temperature at your basking site shouldn't be fluctuating anymore than 3~ or so degrees. Yours is fluctuating 8. Another reason I believe you are not properly measuring your temperatures. You never want your temperature to go over 110. But, unless you have an ACCURATE means to measure this temperature, you would never actually know.

Curiously, why do you have that corner sectioned off?



Hatchling Member
Please read the care sheets at the top of forum.

Pictures are hard to see even when blown up for my old eyes, but the UVB should really be a ReptiSUN 10.0 tube

The screen blocks 50% of the good UVB rays
The sticks and blocks, hopefully were sterilized in an oven for 2 hrs on low, so that they do not bring in parasites and bacteria.
They also should be wired or glued in place so that they do not fall and injure or kill your buddy.

Good to see you being such a great BD minion, welcome to our world.


Original Poster
Thanks all for the advice I have a exo terra thermometer and hydrometer digital combo I have it blocked off because I read that being so small I would want to move the divider little as he grows so he won't get stressed out in such a big open space I do need a canopy for the uvb tube so I know I need to get both do u have any suggestions on what could be better until I can come up with the 110$ for the hood and tube light as I already looked into getting those two things already and I will watch the temps it's hard to keep an accurate reading as he always lays on the responder to the thermometer or kicks around while walking on it once again thank you all for the feed back I love this little guy he is my first beardie and I'm trying to give him the best life I can


Juvie Member
derekshawn":1l7wpki8 said:
do u have any suggestions on what could be better until I can come up with the 110$ for the hood and tube light

You can get the tube delivered for around $35 - $40 online and the fixture itself for about $12 at Walmart or any hardware store. So, that should help you a lot since it cuts your perceived cost in half. :)
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