Both ZooMed and Exo Terra provide raised corners at the bottom for UTH applications. Again, both brands are in the "very nice" terrarium class! All my 40 breeders are Exo Terra. My ball python resides in a 18 x 18 x 12 Exo Terra because it was at a very nice discount.
I love the single glass door ZooMed latching/locking mechanism over the Exo Terra!
I enjoy the ZooMed benefits of much less grid plastic interfering with my chosen heat lamps placed on top of my terrariums. Plastic melts. It has? I spoke with Exo Terra reps at two consecutive Tinley Park Breeder Convention shows in our Chicagoland area! For fire safety and strength ( across the front, top when the double doors are open ) of the Exo Terra I pitched their plastic grid, screen tops in the trash for full screen tops with metal perimeter framing fitting my 40 breeders I bought for 18.00 each thru
I would never and have never put a cheap foam background IN my terrariums with the nails of my huge dragons and the various live feeders I put into my habitats each day??? Roaches, Supers and Crickets easily climb, chew and hide behind the cheap foam??? Supers chew through plastic cups and crickets will bore through aluminum foil?? HOWEVER, I do place the rocky looking background behind the back wall glass providing the benefit of a nice visual background without the actual foam problems IN my terrariums! Placing their foam backgrounds behind the glass offers a much more appealing scene rather than my wall decor behind the tanks!
Lastly,....I use very hot, 310 degree, professional steam vapor for all my terrarium cleaning! The silicone in my Exo Terra has disappeared in areas and required my reapplication with better, more durable silicone?? My ZooMed terrariums have not had one issue with my pressurized, super hot, steam vapor cleanings?? Actually, my silicone replacement work in my large Exo Terra terrariums hold up well now under my steam pressure cleanings!
I do use top access aquariums for various applications like separately housing my superworms and beetles at various stages of growth,......but I cannot go without front opening access for my daily entry into my various reptiles habitats!!
I just rehomed a bearded dragon, Bowser, for a wonderful family who cannot provide for Bowser any longer. They gave me everything! I used their 40 gallon top access aquarium in my home for two weeks just to provide some consistency for Bowser throughout all the beneficial transitional changes of
bathing, diet, vitamins, lighting and people he had to experience while with me now. Once two weeks passed I gladly rehomed his 40 gallon Aquarium to my Red Eared Slider friend's home and placed Bowser in a prepared Exo Terra 40 breeder! I cannot move or remove top mounted lighting every time I need to gain access to my animals or their habitat! More importantly,....front access terrariums allow for less vertical spacing between shelving so I can get more terrariums on my large black powder coated, large, steel shelving systems!!
These are my humble opinions and experiences,....and my chosen remedies!