

Hey y’all. My beardie is consistently getting parasites and coccidia. I’m doing everything right by keeping his tank clean and giving him good food and his lights are the right ones along with the temperatures. I’m not sure why he would keep getting them. He isn’t in a stressful environment. Please help. He has an appointment on the 30th.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Are you sure its parasites --- NO ENEMAS at the vet please take a sample in they often end up in disasters --- are you feeding crickets? If so switch out to a different staple feeder -- what are you using to clean the tank w/ ? And what kind of substrate are you using?


Original Poster
They say parasites. They never give him enemas. He poops in the bath or I take in sample. I use the zoomed wipe out for cleaning and substrate is paper towels. I don’t feed him crickets. Only worms

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
What kind of worms? He needs a staple feeder like dubias silk or bsfl- I don't know if worms would be giving parasites but crickets can - so we can rule those out- what kind of uvb are you using and your basking temps-- how are you taking those? Your temps need to be high enough to start that digestion going 95-100- that is what helps him keep those parasites under control


Original Poster
I give him super worms and horn worms occasionally. UV I’m using the zoo-med-reptisun-100-uvb-t5 and his basking is always from 96 to 110

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Ok where is the T 5? Top of screen or inside the tank ? If its on top of the screen the screen MUST be a wide hole type -- fine mesh it needs to be inside the tank - directly above the basking decor 12-15 inches --- wide hole 8-10 inches directly above the basking decor


Original Poster
I have it inside the tank so he’s getting all the light. The light was replaced 4 months ago but I purchased another one

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
I am not sure why he keeps getting them - it sounds like your doing everything right- I am going to flag your post to Traci our vet tech mod

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Did they do a fecal exam then? Do you know what the levels or counts of each were, by
They normally have low counts, naturally but if the levels get too high then it can affect their
health. How is he doing, is his appetite good right now?
You can incorporate some parsley, cliantro, mint & oregano for help with naturally decreasing
parasites, etc for him.



Original Poster
They haven’t done it yet I just know that’s usually always the issue. But when he gets it done it’s usually a 1 or 2 count. He’s not really eating right now. Do I just give him those to eat? I just don’t know if there’s something else wrong with him that would consistently be causing him to get parasites.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Yes, you can mix up the herbs in with his greens/salad if he eats that. If not, then you
can blend them up with water or diluted grape or apple juice & make a slurry to give to him.
What other types of foods do you give him, what about fruit?



Original Poster
I give him blueberries for fruit. Also update he had his appointment and the doctor said he’s completely fine. I’m just an over paranoid mom. The weather in California has been really crazy lately with getting hot and cold and it’s a possible reason why it’s throwing my baby off. As well as brumation is coming around. Thank you all for the tips though!!! I just have a stubborn child who made me spend $60 lol!! Also he’s gained 38 grams in the past few months which is awesome! Cuz he was on the thinner side. Still super healthy but now more healthy

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Well, it never hurts though, to be concerned when they are not acting right, or you suspect
worms or parasites. They are hard to figure out sometimes & usually by the time they are
showing signs of illness, it is often too late.
That is great he has actually gained some weight then. It sounds like he is doing pretty
well. So, he did eat some blueberries, they are usually pretty popular.
Is he trying to brumate now? How much does he weigh approximately?



Original Poster
He hasn’t really eaten still. I don’t think he is cuz now he’s starting to be a little bit more active. But now the weather is warming up again. And he’s 438 grams

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

His weight sounds fine. As long as he isn't losing too much weight, then there isn't any reason
why you can't let him slow down a little bit.
They can go through phases though, so hopefully he will start feeling more energetic soon.

Keep us posted on him.


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