Help- Declining Calcium & multivitamin Supplements


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Anyone having issues with their gravid female bearded dragons refusing calcium and multivitamin supplements? Mine has been declining them completely for the last month or so on her insects and her greens. I would give her a normal insect, she will eat it then the next one would be dusted and she will refuse it completely. She would ignore her greens if they are even slightly dusted. She will only eat if they are not covered in the supplement. I use to never have issues with her taking them, but every since she became gravid, she's been flat out refusing them even when she's hungry. Any recommendations?

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Anyone having issues with their gravid female bearded dragons refusing calcium and multivitamin supplements? Mine has been declining them completely for the last month or so on her insects and her greens. I would give her a normal insect, she will eat it then the next one would be dusted and she will refuse it completely. She would ignore her greens if they are even slightly dusted. She will only eat if they are not covered in the supplement. I use to never have issues with her taking them, but every since she became gravid, she's been flat out refusing them even when she's hungry. Any recommendations?
Reach out to Tracie on this website Home
She is the vet tech on this board and has supplements - she can advise on what to give her - my guess is she will recommend liquid calcium -- you can send her a private message here as well her username is Drache613

El heffe

Beardie name(s)
Mine refused everything and anything dusted as well , so I now give Hikari dragon gel 5 -6 squeezes a day and the frankster LOVES IT!. I feel good about it leave it up to the professionals and that brand I like the ingredients no sugar , no faux probiotics . I deliver it on small spoon and eats it up , poop has been amazing since too


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
Actually I've read similar storys a few times on this forum already. Seems like they sometimes get sick of the taste.
Personally I rotate two different brands of calcium but also I keep some sephia shells in the tank. Haven't seen my girl on them but my boy will quite often take a big bite off the shells. They are high in calcium and they give them the ability to choose on their own if they want more of it or not.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Thank you all for your advice. I fed her greens this morning with her usual routine of vitamins sprinkled on top and I would like to say, she finally ate them! Not her full bowl, but she got a few big bites in. I think the main issue is her not having much of an appetite or care due to being gravid. I am going to get some bee pollen to help encourage her a bit more, so if y'all have any recommendations on brand I should get, I would greatly appreciate it. I might also get a different brand of calcium to switch it up for her as well.

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